Honors Anatomy Chapter 1 Portfolio

Honors Anatomy Chapter 1 Portfolio

____/3 Facts, Need to Know, Hypotheses (Day 1- each members)

____/3 New Facts, ER, Learning Issues (each members)

____/3 Initial Group Hypothesis

____/6*Label Digestive System- on back of this sheet

____/7 Integumentary System: Cross-section diagram of skin, with at least 12 structures labeled. Use page 101

____/6 *Skeletal System: Diagram of thorax and abdomen with bones labeled

____/7 *Muscular System: Diagrams of thorax and abdomen with muscles labeled, both dorsal and ventral aspects

____/7 *Urogenital- urinary and reproductive: Diagram of kidneys, ureters, testicles, urethra, spermatic cord, inferior vena cava, renal artery and vein, bladder. Use pages 481, 506, and 513 in textbook

____/6 Respiratory system: Diagram the pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lobes of lungs

____/7 *Circulatory System: Diagram and label the major arteries and veins of the thorax and abdomen (arteries=red, veins=blue)

____/7 Lymphatic System: Diagram the 7 major structures- areas of nodes and 4 main organs

____/6 Endocrine System: Diagram the endocrine organs which are affected in this patient (those in abdominal and thorax, and any others)

____/6 Nervous System: Diagram of the brain (4 lobes, brain stem and cerebellum) and spinal cord (3 sections: cervical, thoracic, lumbar)

Each system should be hand drawn, colored and include a one-sentence summary of the system’s function

*Diagram must include the arrow penetration as depicted in your hypothesis

____/10 Final Group Hypothesis: Typed including each of the following:

At least 6 anatomical/directional terms used correctly

Arrow entrance Cause of urinating blood?

Arrow exit Cause of rectal blood?

What caused the vomiting of blood? Cause of coughing blood?

____/8 Worksheets to be completed:

Directional Terms

Maintaining Life/Study Guide

____/8 Evaluations of other groups Total Grade _______

By signing your name, you are attesting to the fact you contributed a fair share of work for your group.

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Ascending colon



Common bile duct

Descending colon









Parotid gland


Region of cardiac sphincter

Regional ilocecal sphincter

Region of pyloric sphincter



Sublingual gland

Submaxillary gland


Transverse colon


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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