Understanding By Design Unit Plan - Home | GuiaPad

|Stage 1 - Desired Results |

|Unit Summary |

|In this introductory unit, students are introduced to the idea that reading is thinking. They will explore strategies for understanding and |

|decoding new vocabulary words with a focus on homophones, increase their reading comprehension by exploring character traits in fictional |

|texts and learn the art of writing dialogue. |

|Content Standards and Learning Expectations |

|Listening and Speaking |

|L/S.4.1 Listens and responds during a read aloud from a variety of narrative texts to comprehend and identify main character and setting. |

|L/S.4.2 Recognizes simple homophones and figurative language. |

|L/S.4.3 Listens and responds to complex instructions, complete statements, and answers and formulates the 5 W-Questions as well as how |

|questions (who, what, when, where, why, and how) in formal and informal discussions. |

|Reading |

|R.4.3 Uses context clues and resources to build vocabulary, verify meaning, determine the meaning of unfamiliar words, and transfer meaning |

|into a variety of narrative and expository texts. |

|R.4.4 Identifies the main character(s), compares and contrasts character traits, and identifies setting within narrative and expository |

|text. |

|Writing |

|W.4.1 Arranges words in alphabetical order using first, second, and third letter criteria. |

|Expectations that appear in other Curriculum Maps |

|L/S.3.2 Applies phonemic awareness and auditory discrimination and distinguishes between singular/plural forms as well as past/present tense|

|of regular verbs. |

|Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings: |Essential Questions: |

|Reading is thinking (we are always making connections, asking |What do good readers do while they are reading? |

|questions and making inferences as we read). |Who would I be without my family? |

|Making connections to what we read helps us understand who we are. |What parts in a word help me understand it? |

|Readers identify unknown words using context clues and reference |How do I know that I don’t know a word? |

|tools. |What do I do with an unknown word? |

|Writers use words in many different ways. |What words do good writers use? |

|Content (Students will know…) |Skills (Students will be able to…) |

|Simple homophones (see/sea, bee/bee, hi/high, their/they’re/there,|Listen and respond during a read aloud from a variety of narrative texts|

|which/witch, are/our, to/two/too) |to comprehend and identify main character and setting |

|Character traits (i.e. bossy, brave, kind, friendly, curious, |Listen and respond to complex instructions |

|determined) |Complete statements |

|5 W questions (who, what, where, when, why and how) |Answer and formulate the 5 W-Questions as well as how questions (who, |

| |what, when, where, why, and how) in formal and informal discussions |

|Content Vocabulary |Use context clues and resources to build vocabulary, verify meaning, |

|Define |determine the meaning of unfamiliar words, and transfer meaning into a |

|Alphabetical order |variety of narrative and expository texts |

|Homophone |Identify the main character(s) |

|Main character |Compare and contrasts character traits |

|Connection |Arrange words in alphabetical order using first, second, and third |

|Character trait |letter criteria |

|Context clues | |

|Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence |

|Performance Tasks: |Other Evidence: |

|About Me Posters |Homophones picture chart (draw examples of homophones and use in |

|Create an “About Me” poster about yourself that has a paragraph |sentences; can turn these into a class book on homophones and add to it |

|description about yourself that lets your classmates know who you |during the year) |

|are |Alphabetical order chart of vocabulary |

|Discuss “Who would I be without my family?” by filling out the |Inference chart (See Attachment: 4.1 Other Evidence – Vocabulary |

|“About me” organizer (See Attachment: 4.1 Graphic Organizer - About|Inference Chart) |

|Me) |Use a word square (See Attachment: 4.1 Other Evidence – Word Square) for|

|Describe themselves to a partner. Partner can use 5W’s questions to|each vocabulary word from the reading |

|learn more about their classmate |Homophones assessment (See Attachment: 4.1 Other Evidence – Homophones |

|Draft, Peer revise and edit paragraph Peer Edit: Use paragraph |Assessment) |

|check list (See Attachment: 4.1 Writing Tool – Paragraph |Vocabulary assessment (See Attachment: 4.1 Other Evidence – Vocabulary |

|Checklist) |Assessment) |

|Publish with an illustration |Character Map: group poster of character actions, feelings, traits (See |

|Funny Dialogues |Attachment: 4.1 Graphic Organizer – About Me) |

|Write and present a funny dialogue with a partner that will use |5W’s organizer from read aloud |

|three or four pairs of homophones (See Attachment: 4.1 Performance |(See Attachment: 4.1 Graphic Organizer – 5 W’s Chart) |

|Task – Write a Dialogue) |Fluency running records and paired fluency checks (See Attachment: 4.1 |

|Dialogue uses homophones correctly in their two contexts (example: |Other Evidence – Paired Fluency Check) |

|“I will be there soon, unless I get a bee sting.” |Dialogue Journal entries of connections made during read aloud (See |

|Students can use homophones from readings or self-select four pairs|Attachments: 4.1 Other Evidence – Dialogue Journal and 4.1 Other |

| |Evidence – Dialogue Journal Rubric) |

|Stage 3 - Learning Plan |

|Learning Activities |

|Homophones |

|Have students act out in pairs the difference between homophones |

|Create a homophones list in the classroom as homophones are discovered in reading and class discussion |

|Students create a drawing and write a sentence for each homophone pair or trio to illustrate their different meanings |

|Students will compare and contrast homophones, discuss in a small group: why do words that are spelled differently sound the same? |

|Vocabulary & Word Work |

|Model “What do I do with an unknown word?” using a picture book where the main character has shows that he/she is shaped by his/her family. |

|Use an inference chart (See Attachment: 4.1 Other Evidence – Vocabulary Inference Chart) as a way of modeling your strategy of using context|

|clues to infer an unknown word (See Sample Lessons). |

|Create a word web with the class, or as pairs on all the connections they can make with a vocabulary word using: (See Attachment: 4.1 |

|Graphic Organizer – Word Web). Have students classify words in a vocabulary inventory chart (See Attachment: 4.1 Graphic Organizer – |

|Vocabulary Inventory Chart) (I understand and can use this word, I have heard of this word, I don’t know this word) and then in pairs look |

|up the vocabulary words in a Spanish-English dictionary. |

|Create a word wall of the vocabulary and spelling covered from the readings and use for vocabulary building activities (See Attachment 4.1 |

|Learning Activities – Word Wall Ideas). |

|Practice alphabetizing by organizing students in the room in ABC order by first name and by last name (can also alphabetize other items, |

|places, or people as practice). |

|Practice inferring unknown words using “Grandma Torrelli Makes Soup” by Sharon Creech (See Attachment: 4.1 Text – Grandma Torrelli Makes |

|Soup). |

|Reading |

|Model making connections to text, self, and world using a read loud with a focus on connecting to the character. Students will use a cue |

|card to refer to connections made while reading (See Attachment: 4.1 Reading Tool – Cue Card) and chronicle their connections using a |

|dialogue journal (See Attachment: 4.1 Other Evidence – Dialogue Journal). |

|Create a character map from a character in a read aloud. In a small group, create a poster of the main character (See Attachment: 4.1 |

|Graphic Organizer – About Me). Create a 5W’s chart to summarize a read aloud by using questions. Teacher models examples how to turn a |

|question into a statement: Who is the main character ( the main character is… (See Attachment: 4.1 Graphic Organizer – 5 W’s Chart). |

|Sample Lessons |

|Poetry Lesson on “ To Be a Butterfly” (See Attachment: 4.1 Sample Lesson – To Be A Butterfly) |

|Vocabulary Lesson: Making inferences to understand unknown words |

|Essential Question: What do I do with an unknown word? |

|Good readers treat unknown words like a mystery. They don’t skip over a word but they dig in to the book like a detective and use clues from|

|the text to solve the mystery word. |

|Good readers: |

|Identify words they do not know (See Attachment: 4.1 Graphic Organizer - Vocabulary Inventory Chart) |

|Use clues from the text to make a good guess (to infer) the meaning of the word |

|Use tools to help them such as a dictionary or thesaurus. |

|Read Aloud first half of picture book & model through a think aloud how you: |

|Recognize an unknown word (See Attachment: 4.1 Graphic Organizer - Vocabulary Inventory Chart) |

|Use clues in the text (grammar and context) |

|Infer the meaning of an unknown word (See Attachment: 4.1 Other Evidence - Vocabulary Inference Chart) |

|“Wordstorming:” Building background with words |

|Ask students to write down all the words they can think of related to a given concept, theme or target word. |

|When students have exhausted their contributions, help them add to their individual lists by giving some specific directions: |

|Can you think of words that describe someone without ____________? |

|Can you think of words that would show what someone might see, hear, feel, touch, and smell, in a situation filled with ____________? |

|Ask the students to group and label their words. Introduce any words you think should be included and ask students to put them in the right |

|group. |

|Additional Resources |

|Printable homophones sheet (See Attachment: 4.1 Resource – Printable Homophones Sheet) |

|Literature Connections |

|Going Home by Eve Bunting |

|Grandma’s Records by Eric Velasquez |

|Grandma Torrelli Makes Soup by Sharon Creech |


4.1 Writing Dialogues

4.1 Writing Dialogues


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