


|Day of the Week |DAILY FOCUS |Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUS |Skill Building Activity |Play focus |

| |(Focuses on the unit’s student | |(Small group centers: |[Planting seeds for play activities (aka |

| |outcomes- lesson) | |Math, Literacy, cutting/ handwriting, Library) |learning centers)] |

|Monday |We have been learning about zoo/farm |Please watch: |MATH- Review numbers 1-5 |Dramatic Play: |

|Date: 5/18/2020 |animals and their babies. Please | |Number of the week: 6 |Using the baby bottle that you made earlier, |

| |review the animals we have learned |Create a baby bottle | |pretend to feed a baby. You can use a doll or |

| |about. |Find a plastic bottle, cover it with paper |Have your child count household items such as: |stuffed animal to be your baby. |

| |This week we are going to be learning |and decorate it. |beans, seeds, cereal, pasta, and toys. | |

| |about human babies and their needs. |As your child is working ask them: | |Blocks: |

| |Explain to your child that they used |What are you making? |Request a number of items and have your child |Build a room your baby. A baby’s room is called|

| |to be a baby not long ago. |A baby milk bottle |count and correspond with the items. |a nursery. Choose a corner in your house where |

| |Babies have a lot of needs and require|Why do babies need bottles? | |you can create a nursery. Pretend to feed the |

| |special care. The most important thing|Because they need to drink milk. |Write out the numbers and have your child choose |baby in the nursery. (As we continue to learn |

| |that babies need is milk and special |Why do babies need to drink milk? |a number, identify it, and count object or draw |about babies needs, things can be added to the |

| |food. |Because it gives them nutrients and vitamins |pictures to correspond with the number. |nursery). |

| |Babies drink milk from a baby bottle. |and helps them grow. | | |

| |Milk provides babies with nutrient and|When finished practice writing the word: Milk|LITERACY- Letter of the week: /B/ (review sound |Read-Aloud: |

| |vitamins that help them grow. | |of the letter) |“My new baby” by Rachel Fuller |

| |Babies eat every few hours. | |Have the children look for the letter in books. | |

| |Babies cry when they are hungry. | |Help your child find items around the house that | |

| |Babies cannot feed themselves. Mommy, | |start with that letter. |Writing: |

| |daddy, brother or sister can feed the | |Have the children cut out pictures from a |Name you baby: create a baby name for your new |

| |baby. | |magazine that start with that letter and create a|baby and write it. You can decorate the name |

| |[pic] | |collage. |and put it in the nursery. |

| | | |If printer is available use the link below to | |

| | | |access worksheets. | |

| | | | |

| | | |racy.pdf | |

| | | |HANDWRITING- | |

| | | |Practice writing the letter /B/ or words that | |

| | | |start with the letter /B/ | |

| | | |[pic] | |

| | | |If you have children’s books available, have your| |

| | | |child pick a book, choose words they see in the | |

| | | |book and practice writing them. | |

| | | |Refer to the link below for worksheets. | |

| | | | |

| | | |writing.pdf | |

| | | | | |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |



| | | | | |

|Tuesday |What do human babies need? |Create a crib for your baby: |MATH-Practice counting, number recognition and |Dramatic Play: |

|Date: 5/19/2020 |Introduce the word Sleep. | |1:1 correspondence with numbers 1-6 |Place the crib you created earlier in your |

| | | | |nursery. After babies drink their milk they |

| | |[pic] |Size Concepts: Review Small/ medium/big using |need to be burped. Show your child how to burp|

| |[pic] | |worksheets below: |a baby (holding him up right and lightly |

| | | |tapping his back). Once the baby burps it’s |

| |Babies sleep in special beds called a |-diy-baby-doll-crib/ | for a nap. Pretend putting the baby to |

| |Crib. | |-concept-size.pdf |sleep. Babies usually fall asleep with the |

| |Why do babies need sleep? |Get creative and have your child assist. | |help of lullabies. |

| |Sleep is healthy for babies. |They can color and decorate the crib. |LITERACY- Letter of the week: /B/ (review sound |Refer to the link below for famous baby |

| |Babies need a set daytime and |Remember it does not have to be exactly like |of the letter) |lullabies and have your child sing along: |

| |nighttime sleep schedule |the picture or perfect. Have fun with it! |Have the children look for the letter in books. |

| |Babies need to nap during the day. | |Help your child find items around the house that |LRcoZj |

| | | |start with that letter. | |

| | |When finished label you work: Crib. |Have the children cut out pictures from a | |

| | | |magazine that start with that letter and create a|Read-Aloud: |

| | | |collage. |“Baby Bedtime” By Mem Fox and Emma Quay |

| | | |If printer is available use the link below to | |

| | | |access worksheets. | |

| | | | |

| | | |racy.pdf |Art: |

| | | | |Babies need blankets when they go to sleep. |

| | | |HANDWRITING- |Create a blanket for your baby. |

| | | |If you have children’s books available, have your| |

| | | |child pick words in the book that start with the |[pic] |

| | | |letter /B/ and practice writing them. |Have your child cut out different color |

| | | |Or refer to the link below for worksheets. |construction paper squares (or you can use |

| | | | paper and have them color the squares) |

| | | |writing.pdf |then glue those squares together to create your|

| | | | |blanket. You can create a 2-3 color patterns |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- |when making your blanket. |



|Wednesday |What do human babies need? |Create a pretend diaper for your baby. |MATH- Review numbers 1-6. |Science: |

|Date: 5/20/2020 |Show your child the image below and |You can use a plastic bag or any available | |How much water can a diaper hold? |

| |explain: |cloth. Have your child glue cotton balls. |Have your child count household items such as: |If available, provide your child with a diaper.|

| |Babies need to wear diapers and have |Then practice putting the diaper on your |beans, seeds, cereal, pasta, and toys. |Ask your child to predict (guess) how many |

| |it changed throughout the day. |baby. | |drops of water the diaper can absorb (hold) |

| |[pic] |As your child is working, ask them what are |Request a number of items and have your child |before it starts leaking. Record your child’s |

| |[pic] |they making and why are they making diapers. |count and correspond with the items. |answer. Have your child use a measuring spoon |

| |Babies also need baths to stay clean. | | |to pour the water and test their prediction. |

| |[pic] |Repeat the word diaper frequently to help |Write out the numbers and have your child choose | |

| |Questions: |your child learn the vocabulary word. |a number, identify it, and count object or draw |Water Play: |

| |Why do babies wear diapers? | |pictures to correspond with the number. |Using soap, water and a sponge, give your baby |

| |Babies cannot use the bathroom on | | |a bath. Ask your child why do babies need a |

| |their own, so they wear diapers. | |Counting cubes game: |bath? (to stay clean) |

| |Diapers go around the baby’s bottom | | they bathe on their own? (no) |

| |and between the legs. | |10 | |

| |Diapers absorb (hold) babies pee and | | |Read-Aloud: |

| |poop. | |LITERACY- Letter of the week: /S/ (review sound |“The New Baby” by Mercer Mayer  |

| |Why do babies need baths? | |of the letter) | |

| |Babies cannot clean or wash | |Have the children look for the letter in |Writing: |

| |themselves, so they need someone to | |books/magazines. |Practice writing the word diaper. |

| |give them a bath. | |Help your child find items around the house that | |

| |There are special bathtubs for babies.| |start with that letter. | |

| | | |Have the children cut out pictures from a | |

| |We have to check the water temperature| |magazine that start with that letter and create a| |

| |before putting the baby inside. The | |collage. | |

| |water needs to be warm. | |If printer is available use the link below to | |

| |When finished babies are wrapped in a | |access worksheets. | |

| |soft towel. | | |

| | | |racy.pdf | |

| | | | | |

| | | |HANDWRITING- | |

| | | |Practice writing the letter /S/ or words that | |

| | | |start with the letter /S/ | |

| | | |[pic] | |

| | | |If you have children’s books available, have your| |

| | | |child pick a book, choose words they see in the | |

| | | |book and practice writing them. | |

| | | |Or refer to the link below for worksheets. | |

| | | | |

| | | |writing.pdf | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |



|Thursday | What do human babies need? | Explain to your child that baby toys have to|MATH- Practice counting, number recognition and |Game: |

|Date: 5/21/2020 |Babies explore using their sense of |be large and make noise. |1:1 correspondence with numbers 1-6. |Matching baby game |

| |taste, touch, and hearing. They put |Remind your child that babies put everything | |

| |almost everything their mouth. |in their mouth. Giving babies small toys is |Size concept: Review small/medium/large. Show |by-match.pdf |

| | |not safe because they can swallow them. |your child examples of each size. Provide your | |

| |We need to make sure that we give |Babies need large toys. |child with different size toys and have them sort|Art: |

| |babies toys that are safe. |Have your child sort their toys into 2 |it by size. When finished encourage them to |Create a rattle for your baby to play with: |

| | |categories: safe for babies and not safe for |label which are small/medium/large. |Materials: |

| |Babies need large toys. It is not safe|babies. | |Paper plate |

| |to give babies small toys because they|Ask your child which toys are safe for |LITERACY- Letter of the week: S (review sound of|Pasta/beans/buttons |

| |can swallow it. |babies? |the letter) |Staple the plate and have your child decorate |

| | |The large ones. |Have the children look for the letter in books. |it. |

| |Babies need special toys. |Is it safe to give babies small toys? |Help your child find items around the house that |[pic] |

| | |No |start with that letter. |Read-Aloud: |

| |Refer to the images below for examples|Frequently repeat the words Small and Large |Have the children cut out pictures from a |“Arthur’s Baby” by Marc Brown |

| |of baby toys: |during the activity. |magazine that start with that letter and create a|

| | | |collage. |ture=youtu.be |

| |Rattles, balls, play keys | |If printer is available use the link below to | |

| |[pic] | |access worksheets. | |

| | | | |

| |[pic] | |racy.pdf | |

| | | | | |

| | | |HANDWRITING | |

| | | |If you have children’s books available, have your| |

| | | |child pick words in the book that start with the | |

| | | |letter /S/ and practice writing them. | |

| | | |Or refer to the link below for worksheets. | |

| | | | |

| | | |writing.pdf | |

| | | | | |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |



|Friday |What do human babies need? |Create a stroller for your baby: |MATH- Review numbers 1-6 by counting household | Blocks: |

|Date: 5/22/2020 | | |items such as: cereal, beans, seed, toys … |Build a stroller using leggos, blocks, or any |

| |Babies cannot walk so they require a |[pic] |practice 1:1 correspondence (Request a number of |other household materials. |

| |stroller when going outside. Please | |items and have your child count and correspond |Dramatic Play: |

| |show your child the image below: |Have your child cut out the paper plate to |with the items) |If you have a stroller in the house, take your |

| | |practice cutting skills. | |baby for a walk. Make sure u cover the baby |

| |[pic] | |Review size concepts using the link to worksheets|with the blanket that you made he does not get |

| | |Have your child decorate the stroller and |below: |cold. |

| |Discuss the different parts of the |personalize it for their baby. Write their |: |

| |stroller with your child: |baby’s name on the stroller. |-concept-size.pdf |LOVE YOU FOREVER by Robert Munsch and Sheila |

| |They have a handle that is used to | | |McGraw |

| |push the stroller | |LITERACY- Review letters B and S (review sound of|

| |They have 4 wheels. | |the letters) |ture=youtu.be |

| |They have a covering to protect the | |Have the children look for the letters in books. | |

| |baby from the sun. | |Help your child find items around the house that |Writing: |

| | | |start with that letters. |Practice writing the word stroller. |

| |Babies also need car seats to ride in | |Have the children cut out pictures from a | |

| |the car. Refer to image below: | |magazine that start with that letters and create | |

| | | |a collage. | |

| |[pic] | |If printer is available use the link below to | |

| | | |access worksheets. | |

| |Car seats keep babies safe when riding| | |

| |in the car. | |racy.pdf | |

| | | | | |

| | | |HANDWRITING- | |

| | | |If you have children’s books available, have your| |

| | | |child pick a book, choose words they see in the | |

| | | |book and practice writing them. | |

| | | |Or refer to the link below for worksheets. | |

| | | | |

| | | |writing.pdf | |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |



Social/ Emotional- Please use the link bellow and refer to page 5 (Week 5)

If you have any question or require additional support please feel free to me email me at: nshamaev@

Common Core:

PK.SEL.1. Regulates responses to needs, feelings and events

b. Appropriately names types of emotions (e.g., happy, excited, sad) and associates them with different words and behaviors

PK.AC.1. Demonstrates motivation to communicate

a. Participates in small or large group activities for story-telling, singing or finger play

PK.AC.4. Demonstrates a growing receptive vocabulary

b. Identifies pictures related to words (e.g., points to the correct picture in book if prompted)

PK.SCI.6. [P-LS3-1.] Develops a model to describe that some young plants and animals are similar to, but not exactly like, their parents.

b. Compares baby and adult animals and recognizes similarities (e.g., matches adult stufed animals with their baby in a play setting)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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