Annotation Directions for Diary of a Young Girl

Annotation Directions for Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

Annotations are notes we write as we are reading a text. Usually they are completed directly in

the text, but for your summer assignment you will type four pages of annotations. Use Times

New Roman, 12-point font and double space your work. Margins should be no more than an


Write the page number, paragraph number, first three words of the passage being annotated, and

the annotation. The annotation should be at least one complete sentence and can include any of

the following:

1. A connection made from the text to anything else such as another book, a life experience,


2. A prediction justified by information from the text.

3. An observation about something that stands out to the reader.

4. A question about anything that is confusing.

An example:

Page #36, Paragraph 3, "One hot day . . ." Why does the author take so much time describing the

effects of the sun on the handlebars? Is this a detail that will be important later, or is this just a

part of a vivid description?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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