DAILY TRACKER - Nutrisystem


Most people don't get anywhere in life based on sheer luck? they have a set plan that allows them to determine goals, anticipate difficulties and stay

focused on their purpose.


Your Plan for Success

Losing weight doesn't happen overnight. Healthy, meaningful weight loss occurs when you have a strategy that works--and then you stick with it. That's what this Daily Planner helps you do.

This Planner provides you with a blueprint for keeping control over what you eat, making sure that you're drinking enough water and being more active, and also teaches you how to re-think portion sizes and what "healthy living" really means.

Here's How It Works:

Step 1: Take a sec to look at your

typcial day example.

This page summarizes what you'll be eating (including the grocery items that you'll be eating), and provides an example of what your day of eating could look like--so you get a good idea of how much you'll be eating and what you'll be eating throughout the day.

Step 2: Use the Grocery Guide to help you choose

foods to complete your meals.

The Grocery Guide (starting on p.5) tells you what foods you can choose in the various categories (which we call SmartCarbs, PowerFuels, Vegetables, Extras and Free Foods), and also tells you what the proper portion 1

size is for those foods. Use it to know what fresh foods you can have to complete your meals every day. It's that simple!

Step 3: Follow your meal plan as outlined on the

Daily Tracker pages. Your Daily Tracker tells you when to have a Nutrisystem? food and also when to have any additional grocery foods. In addition, it reminds you to eat at least four vegetables a day, drink at least eight glasses of water a day, and get at least 10 minutes of activity three times a day.

Use the 7 Daily Tracker pages every day to keep tabs on:

? What you eat ? How much water you drink ? Your My Daily 3TM activities

(see p. 25 of your Teen Guide for more details)

Step 4: Fill out your weekly Goal Worksheet.

You'll want to prepare for the week ahead by filling out this sheet with a focus on which specific behavior you want to target. Once you do that, you'll figure out a SMART Goal for that target, what kind of support you'll need to meet it (and from whom), and then anticipate your obstacles before determining how to eliminate them. Consider these worksheets your brainstorming for a successful week!

So turn the page and get started--your road to a healthier, happier life begins today!


Everyday Eating on Nutrisystem for Teens

So, you may be asking yourself, "What do I eat every day on this program?" We've made that easy for you!

?You'll eat 5 times a day, and these eating occasions will include Nutrisystem? food: a Nutrisystem? breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack (color-coded for your convenience).

?With these meals, you'll also eat fresh grocery items (like dairy, fruit and veggies) for optimal nutrition, which we call PowerFuels, SmartCarbs, and Veggies; you can read more about all of these add-ins starting on p.5 of this book.

?Each week, you'll have Flex meals - two breakfast, two lunch, two dinner and two snacks. You can dine out or cook at home for these. You can learn more about Flex meals on p.11

?Keep in mind, though--even though we tell you what type of foods to eat at each meal, it's your choice which foods to eat!

It's that simple!

To help you out, we've included an example of what a typical day of Nutrisystem eating could be like on the next page.


Sample Day


6:30 A.M. You start your day right with a Nutrisystem? Blueberry Muffin and and wash it down with low-fat milk before heading out the door.


Noon You've planned ahead (you're smart, after all), and are set for lunch. Before school, you made a tasty sandwich with some pita bread, a little turkey, a slice of low-fat cheese and a little mayo. After enjoying your sandwich, you treat yourself to a Nutrisystem? Trail Mix Bar. Then finish off your meal with some carrot and celery sticks--and you're ready to take on the afternoon!

Afternoon Snack

2:30 P.M. Time to take a snack break, so you break out a low-fat yogurt to enjoy.


6:00 P.M. Time for the main meal of the day! You've had a full day, so you take a couple of minutes to make your Nutrisystem? Thick Crust Pizza. Add to your pizza your favorite veggies, and complete your meal with a side of corn and a small side salad. Time to eat up!

Evening Snack

8:00 P.M. Time to unwind before calling it a night, so you break out a Nutrisystem? Fudge Brownie to eat while reading.


grocery guide:


Follow these guidelines when picking PowerFuels:

1 = 80-120 SERVING

CALORIES and has 5 or more grams of protein

? Beef, lean, trimmed, 2 oz.

? Cheese, low sodium, 1 slice

? Chicken Breast, 2 oz.

?Cottage Cheese, 1% fat, no salt added, ? cup

? Crab meat, 3 oz.

?Edamame, cooked, deshelled, ? cup

?Egg, 1 large

?Egg Whites, 3-4 large

?Fish, fatty (e.g., salmon, tuna, mackerel, swordfish, trout), 2 oz.

?Fish, white, baked or broiled, 3 oz.

?Ham, low fat, lower sodium, 2 oz.

?Milk, low-fat or soy, 8 oz. (1 cup)


?Parmesan Cheese, low sodium, grated, ? cup

? Nut butter or tahini, 1 Tbsp. ?Nuts (almonds, cashews,

peanuts, pecans, pistachios, walnut halves), 2 Tbsp. ?Pork, lean, trimmed, 2 oz. ?Protein Powder, (e.g. whey, soy), 2 Tbsp. ?Salmon, canned in water, 2 oz. ? Seitan, ? cup ? Shrimp, 3 oz. ? Tofu, ? cup ? Tuna, water-packed, ? cup ? Turkey Breast, 2 oz. ? Veggie Burger, 3 oz. ? Yogurt, nonfat, plain, 1 cup

grocery guide:


Follow these guidelines when picking SmartCarbs:

= 80-120 1


CALORIES and has 1 or more grams of fiber

? Apple or Orange, 1 medium

? Banana, 1 medium

? Barley, cooked, ? cup

? Grapes, 1 cup

? Hummus, ? cup

? Mandarin Oranges, 2 medium

? Beans, cooked, ? cup

? Berries (blackberries, blueberries, whole strawberries), 1 cup

? Oatmeal, prepared with water, ? cup

? Pasta, whole wheat, cooked al dente, ? cup

? Bread, whole grain,1 slice

? Cantaloupe, cubed, 1 cup

? Corn, ? cup

? Couscous, whole grain, cooked, ? cup

? Crackers, whole grain, ? cup

? Dried Fruit, no added sugar, ? cup

? Fruit Cocktail, canned, in water, 1 cup

? Peach or Pear, fresh, 1 medium

? Peas, green, ? cup

? Pineapple, 1 cup

? Pita Bread, 6-inch whole wheat, 1 pita

? Rice, brown, cooked, ? cup

? Sweet Potato or Yam, cooked, ? cup

? Watermelon, cubed, 1 cup

? Grapefruit, 1 medium


grocery guide:


Non-starchy vegetables are unlimited on your plan, so fill up on your favorites using these guidelines:




? cup cooked or 1 cup raw

? Alfalfa Sprouts ? Artichoke Hearts ? Asparagus ?Beets ? Bell Peppers ?Broccoli ? Brussels Sprouts ?Cabbage ?Carrots ?Cauliflower ?Celery, 2 medium-sized

stalks ?Collard Greens ? Cucumbers ?Green Beans ?Hearts of Palm,

canned, ? cup 7

? Kale

?Leeks ? Lettuce, any kind ? Mixed Greens ? Mushrooms ? Okra ? Onion ? Rhubarb ? Spaghetti Squash ? Spinach ? Tomatillos ? Tomatoes ? Turnips ?Vegetable Juice,

low sodium, 4 oz. (? cup) ?Water Chestnuts,

canned, ? cup ?Zucchini or

Summer Squash

grocery guide:


You can enjoy up to 3 Extras every day. An Extra is a serving of any food that meets the following criteria:

10-35 1 = SERVING


per serving

Limit 3 extras EVERYDAY

? Avocado, pureed, 1 Tbsp. ?Chocolate Syrup, 2 tsp. ?Coffee Creamer,

fat-free, 1 Tbsp. ?Cream Cheese, reduced-fat

or fat-free, 1 Tbsp. ? Honey, 1 tsp. ? Ketchup, 1 Tbsp. ? Maple Syrup, 1 tsp. ? Mayonnaise, 1 tsp. ?Oil (e.g. Canola, Olive,

Peanut, Sunflower), 1 tsp.

?O lives, Black or Green, 6-7 small

?Popcorn, 1 cup ?Pumpkin Seeds, 1 tsp. ?Salad Dressing, light or

reduced-fat, 1 Tbsp. ?Sesame Seeds, 1 tsp. ?Sunflower Seeds, 1 tsp. ?Tomato Paste, 1 Tbsp.


grocery guide:


Free foods are unlimited on your plan, as long as they are:

10 1 = SERVING

CALORIES or less

Free Foods

? Coffee, black ?Garlic ?Ginger ?Lemon Juice ? Lime Juice ? Green Chilies ? Green Onions/Scallions ?Peppers, hot, jalapeno ?Salsa

?Spices, such as Mustard, Oregano, Paprika, Parsely, Red Pepper Flakes, Cumin

?Sweeteners, natural, calorie-free

?Tea, unsweetened

?Vegetable, Chicken and Beef Broth, low sodium


We recommend sticking to water all day long. It's naturally good for you and helps you feel full! Add lemon wedges, cucumber slices or mint leaves for flavor. In addition to water, you can enjoy calorie-free beverages;

? Flavored Waters, unsweetened

? Iced Tea, unsweetened

? Seltzer, plain or flavored

? Tea, black, green, or herbal



64 OZ.

(8 cups)


> WATER or other calorie-free

drinks, each day



Flex Meals

Each week, you'll get to dine out or cook two breakfast, two lunch, two dinner and two snacks - we call these "flex meals".

We recommend that flex meals and snacks not be eaten on the same day; instead, spread them throughout the week. Here's how to replace your Nutrisystem? entree and snacks for flex meals or snacks:

= 2 + 1 FLEX




2 PowerFuels + 1 SmartCarb

3 2 1-2 = FLEX


PF +

SC +

3 PowerFuels + 2 SmartCarbs + 1-2 servings of vegetables

2 2 1-2 = FLEX


PF +

SC +

2 PowerFuels + 2 SmartCarbs + 1-2 servings of vegetables

1 1 = FLEX


PF +


1 PowerFuel + 1 SmartCarb


Daily Meal Plan

The first section of your Daily Planner includes a Goal Worksheet page, followed by 7 days of Daily Tracker days. Every week, you'll use the Goal Worksheet to think about the behavior you want to focus on and improve, and the Tracker pages are where you'll keep track of your eating, drinking and activity for the week.

You have two choices for how to use this section over the next 4 weeks:

1. You can enter your information right on the

document and save it. HOWEVER, if you choose this option, we highly recommend that you save it as a unique file (like "Week 1"), so that you save a different file every week. (In other words, you don't want to lose the information from previous weeks!)


2. You can print it out every week.

If you choose to go the paper route, just keep a folder of your documents.

The goal of these pages is to not only keep track of your weeks, but also to be able to go back and review them--that way, you can see how far you've come!


Goal Worksheet

Target Behavior: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

SMART Goal: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

What support will I need? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

What might get in my way this week? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

What are some possible solutions? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________


1 Date: My weight today is:

WATER (64 oz) MY DAILY 3

BREAKFAST Nutrisystem? Entr?e + PF or FlexTM Meal (2 PF, 1 SC) .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................

LUNCH Nutrisystem? Entr?e + 2 PF + 1 SC or FlexTM Meal (3 PF, 2 SC) .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................

AFTERNOON SNACK 1 PF .................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................

DINNER Nutrisystem? Entr?e + 1 SC or FlexTM Meal (2 PF, 2 SC) .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................

EVENING SNACK Nutrisystem? Snack or FlexTM Snack (1 PF, 1 SC) .................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................

VEGETABLES (4 servings)

........................................... ...........................................

........................................... ...........................................



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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