Printable supernatural john winchester journal pages


Printable supernatural john winchester journal pages

By Shelley Harper on February 14, 2018. Published in SUPERNATURAL Hey Guys! We are so EXCITED to let you know that the new Sam and Dean Monster Lore 1 pages are now in STOCK! The set of pages is 20 (40 front and back) pages of the magazine with original art, covering approximately seasons 1 - 3. Vampires, yellow-eyed demon, Vanir, Horvatoan and even colt studies included. The boys have been John magazine on the road with them for years and they've seen some things, haven't they? We created pages to reflect their hunt. The pages are hole-hit and 5-1/2 x 8-1/2 to fit perfectly into John Winchester's journal. Here are a few quick shots I took from the first set. We love them and hope you do too! Embrace - Shelley Author Shelley Harper on April 28, 2017. Published in SUPERNATURAL, Uncategorized Before we even got a license from Warner Bros. to produce supernatural magazines and creative goods, we knew that we wanted to make a copy of John Winchester magazine and Winchester Brothers Road Map for many reasons. First, Supernatural fans are the reason our business is still there. When we struggled with our Con'quest Adventure magazine (special binder/smash magazine for comic con photo ops, autographs and con memories), it was the creation of Entertainment and supernatural families that saved us. Literally. When we started Con'quest magazines, it was the creation that first bought a wholesale order from us the 1st project of our magazine. Fast forward to one year later and the upcoming Supernatural Con. We made a very rude Supernatural inspired magazine. It was mostly brown cardboard and brown pages. And we sold more of these magazines to that Supernatural Con in Las Vegas than we had at C2E2, Wondercon and Wizard of Peace Con - COMBINED. It pretty much gave us our way. Secondly, when we found our artist, siren and creative genius (aka Tracy Gurney), we knew we had found someone who loved supernatural. Someone who was even more a fan of the girl than me. But she knows it. So when Tracy and Ted and I wanted to talk about what to do, John Winchester's magazine was always at the top of our list because, as fans, we wanted it too. Finally, when you have the power and made an investment with a license to do one thing that we know every Supernatural fan will love, why the hell would you not do it? Exactly. So after more than a year of blood, sweat, frustration, tears, cries of joy and near guts excruciating struggle, we are so proud to announce the pre-orders replica of John Winchester magazine! It took us 18 months to find the production and sources. Research, design and approval took us more than 8 months. In the middle of this, Tracy said: You know what would be really cool? Map. Map of all the places that the boys were. Oh yes. Of course, it was a 6-month design and approval project too. We did our best to recreate as many of the original records of John's diary and monster pages as we could. We couldn't get on the photos or some of the original news articles, so we drew the images and we wrote articles and drew up funeral notices and laughed. Tracy wanted to make the Turducken Slammer announcement so we did (and that's nice.) We wanted the Mystery Spot brochure, so Tracy and I watched the episode hundreds of times, on the phone together, stopping him while Dean flips it around in his hands. We've watched it 10 seconds so many, many times. Our conversations were like this: Is it an alien with a bottle of soda? Of course we'll go with that. We also like extra lined pages in the back, so it's a live magazine. You can have your own notes and stories on these pages. We launched pre-orders for delivery on June 19 this week. Amy Ratcliffe has written an exclusive and wonderful post for Nerdist. Ted, Tracy and I were on a 3 way call for the first 2 hours of the launch when the story went live. Sometimes we all worked quietly, sometimes we checked comments on a Nerdist Facebook post together, and sometimes we talked about our strategy for the future. I love our team. Team Con-quest magazines We plan to make more page packs with new monster information and drawings, so you can add them to your magazine. Warner Bros. Team: Thank you for believing in us and allowing us to take this opportunity to do something really wonderful and hopefully loved by the fans. Our family and friends Supernatural: we love you and thank you for the support and kindness you have shown us. We hope you love this magazine and map as much as we do. Our attention is clear. We plan to continue to do more ways for fans to be creative with their fandom. Because ultimately, that's what it's all about: the fans. 3 Save Save Save Save Saved written by Shelley Harper on October 13, 2016. Published in SUPERNATURAL, Supernatural Conventions WOOHOOOOOO! We are so excited to finally be able to tell everyone about our new SUPERNATURAL licensed magazines, sticker sheets and tote bags! We have been working for months and our creative director Tracy has done a fantastic job with design! You can pre-order now for delivery starting in the week of October 24th or pick one up for the first time at the Creation Entertainment Supernatural Convention in Atlanta! Here's our video walk through the magazine and more detailed photos below! This magazine is dedicated to our friends and family SUPERNATURAL. That's why we do what we do! 3 Shelley These John Winchester's magazine pages are designed to style pages from the show. There are 42 two-way pages with information about each monster, creature, supernatural phenomenon, and how to protect yourself (up to season 10). Also contained newspaper clippings of mysterious or unusual deaths. Pages include:- 42 two-way pages-Latin exorcism-lock-pick supplies (aka - business cards for hunter-friendly businesses-lots of surprises for for Discover! (Please note that this is only for pages, and does not come with a binder) Pages are available in a standard kit, without stamping holes, so you can place them in any magazine, or with 3 holes that will fit the official replica of the magazine. Pages are the standard-sized UK A5, which is 148 x 210mm, or about 5.8 inches x 8.3 inches. Standard delivery IS FREE. It's a non-uh service, so you won't get a tracking number. Upgrade to tracked delivery to ensure safe and secure delivery that is fully tracked. If you have any comments, or just want to say hello, please send me a message :) Find out more about this item Selling Price EUR 5.44 EUR 5.44 EUR 6.05 The original price EUR EUR 6.05 (10% discount) Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, as well as provide you with appropriate advertising. If you continue to browse the site, you agree to use cookies on this site. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, as well as to provide you with appropriate advertising. If you continue to browse the site, you agree to use cookies on this site. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for more details. For any of my fellow magazine geeks, here's an example from my SPN collection, about what I believe the original magazine was pretty much based on. This is Write Track by EM International magazine in the late 1980s. It's not exactly, of course (the show magazine has three rings), but it looks at me as many features and of course some of the pages and dividers made it into a show magazine. For all the magazine geeks out there, the magazine from the pilot episode has two differences in military pins and ribbons. The pin is a Tet Offensive Survivor pin (upside down in the magazine). Also required for the pilot version of the magazine is the Combat Action Tape (CAR). The page at the top of the photo is my own copy. The second of Season 7, Episode 11, Adventures in Nanny. If you make a Vetala page for your own magazine, you can find what I believe is an original work of art here: . (I asked permission from the artist to use the image in my diary). I've been working with Edwin Blyde Pewter for the past few weeks on a project to create copies of the flasks that appear on Supernatural. They created beautiful replicas using original shapes and retro hats. They can now be purchased through their website. I've been looking for this envelope since 2013, when I started working on the magazine. This is seen in episode 6.01 of Exile on the high street when Dean takes the magazine out of the trunk he kept in and through it. It's been years of searching for eBay, but it finally arrived in the mail a few days ago from England. It took patience and a few dollars to find this bit of magazine ephemeral, now I'm a little nervous to punch a hole in it to fit it into the magazine... This is a photo print from Jerome LLC, circa 1920-1930s. You can read about it here: . Finally finished my S13E09 Bad Page Place. It's been a long time since the new two-page magazine appeared on the show, and it was great to see the boys reading from the magazine again. For those who want to make S13E09 Bad Place Dreamwalker pages, here's my transcription of the text. Most of the text is clear in the screen cover I have, but there are some blurry areas, so for those I just made my best guess. Left:(NEAR WYOMING)? THE GIRLS WENT MISSING WHILE PLAYING IN THE YARD A COUPLE OF DAYS AGO. THE ONLY THING I HAD TO GO FOR AFTER WAS A TRAMP WITH TAT-TER, A POT AROUND THE TEREA IN THE DAYS LEADING UP TO THE TEABDUCTION. THE OBVIOUS IS UNCONVINCING. BUT I DECIDED TO CHECK IT OUT. TURNS OUT MY INSTINCTS WERE SPOTON. THE GENIE GOT HIS INK PAWS ONTHOSE THE GIRLS AND SUCKED THEIR DRY BLOOD. I TALKED TO THEIR PEOPLE LIKE CHATTER. AND THEY POINTED ME OUT WHERE THE GIRLS WERE PLAYING. IT SEEMS THEY GOT TOO CLOSE TO THE ABANDONED FARM THEDJINN TURNED INTO THEIR HOLIDAY HOME. WAITING FOR DARKNESS, HE ENTERED THE CASTLE. WHEN I GOT THERE, I EXPECTED TO FIND THE GIRLS, BUT THE PLACE WAS EMPTY. AS I WENT TO LEAVE DJINN GOT A DROP ONME. WE HAD A FIGHT, AND I ASKED HIM WHAT HE DID TO THE GIRLS. JINNNED SAID THEY WERE ALIVE, BUT HE. THEINGIGHTOCKINGFORHEIEUTATIVEDREAMANUSINGTHEU WALKHEIRID. HEDIF-UERATHERS BRAINO HISI HAD TO FIND THE WHEREABOUTS OF THESE GIRLS WITH THE HELP OF THE AFRICAN DREAM ROOT. I DON'T KNOW HOW LONG I'VE BEEN, BUT IT WAS LIKE AN ETERNITY IN MY SLEEP. IT WAS THE HARD CLIMECOMING OF IT. BUT I HAVE WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR. HE BOMBED THE GIRLS AT A GAS STATION A COUPLE OF MILES SOUTH OF HIS LAIR. IGOT GIRLS SAFE AND SOUND TOTHEIR MOTHERS AND GOT A HOME-COOKEDMEAL FOR MY EFFORTS. I try to make my paper props as accurate as possible, so when faced with reference material that is blurred or missing parts, I will dig in to find supporting evidence for names, addresses, etc. Letters that are used as a log filling are a good example. They are mostly about business relationships in Augusta, Georgia in 1905 (6) and 1927, so checking the city directories for Augusta for those periods of time was useful in confirming the names and addresses in the letters. Here are two examples: examples:

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