ParaNix: Antiparasitic capsules

ParaNix: Antiparasitic capsules.

120 per capsules container.

The most comprehensive product of its kind. Designed to help eliminate parasites and kill their larva. Contains a proprietary blend of the finest herbal ingredients recognized for their cleansing properties such as Black Walnut hull, Pumpkin seed, food grade Diatomaceous Earth, Wormwood herb, Yellow Dock, Clove bud, Garlic bulb, Gentian Root, Grapefruit seed & many others.


     The ingredients in this potent blend are combined in such a way as to achieve optimal results and speed up the desired effect. Humans can often be infected from pets (both dogs and cats). That's why when getting rid of parasites it's important to address this problem in your pets at the same time to avoid a reinfestation. To stay free of parasites, it's important to cleanse yourself periodically - every 12 months and possibly as frequently as every 6 months, depending on the level of exposure.


INGREDIENTS: (For your convenience, due to the length of the list, the ingredients are listed in alphabetical order).


Black Walnut Hulls (a crucial component in dealing with parasites)

Clove Buds (a key component in dealing with parasites, considered a powerful germicide agent)


Chlorophyll (used for its rejuvenating and antibacterial effects)

Diatomaceous Earth (a key component in dealing with parasites)

Elecampane Plant (Inula Helenium) (very effective in helping to treat the liver fluke)


False Unicorn Root (effective in helping to remove tapeworms)


Fenugreek Seeds (helps with digestion)


Garlic Bulb (used for generations for certain types of parasites)


Gentian Root (helps to deal with parasites throughout the body)


Grapefruit Seed Extract (effective in helping to destroy parasites and harmful bacteria)


Hyssop Leaf (beneficial to the digestive and excretory systems)


Male Fern Root (helps to expel worms from the bowels; assists the body in purifying blood)


Myrrh Gum (it is featured in the Bible; myrrh helps to make intestine lining harder to disrupt which prevents certain types of parasites which disrupt the intestinal protective mucus barrier in order to infect)


Peppermint Leaf (an antiseptic; helps to prevent the formation of gas and expel the gas already formed)

Prickly Ash Bark (helps to expel parasites)

Pumpkin Seeds (a key component in dealing with parasites)


Turmeric Root (has a number of anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties, helps to protect the liver against many toxins)

Wormwood (a key component in dealing with parasites)

Yellow Dock (helps to kill parasite larva, which is very important, in order to prevent reinfestation)



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