Kansas State University


The 20 cuts below feature a 3-minute fully-produced piece followed by the scripts and bites that comprise that piece, for your own voicing.


|1 |CORN PLANTING DELAYS (fully produced) (Eric Atkinson) Q…K-State Radio Network. |3:00 |

| | | |

| |CORN PLANTING DELAYS (soundbites) | |

| | | |

| |The corn planting season in the central plains is still weeks away. However, with the cold and wet winter conditions lingering into March, | |

| |some early concerns about planting on time are starting to well up. K-State crop production specialist Ignacio Ciampitti (ig-NAW-see-oh | |

| |SEE-am-PIT-tee) shares producers’ worries about getting those next corn stands seeded in a timely way this spring...although he stresses | |

| |that it’s way too early to push the panic button. | |

| | | |

| |Track 2 (:28) Q…a wet spring. | |

| | | |

| |Corn growers will be looking for every opportunity to plant in field conditions dry enough to handle it. Ciampitti urges producers to be | |

| |mindful of soil temperatures before jumping the gun too early. | |

| | | |

| |Track 3 (:43) Q...that point also. | |

| | | |

| |And right now, growers might want to start lining up a contingency plan, just in case they encounter extended planting delays…looking at, | |

| |for one thing, going with a shorter-season hybrid if necessary. | |

| | | |

| |Track 4 (:38) Q...to short hybrids. | |

| | | |

| |TAG: With those thoughts on adjusting to potential corn seeding delays this spring, that’s K-State crop production specialist Ignacio | |

| |Ciampitti. | |


|5 |CORN YIELD INFORMATION (fully produced) (Eric Atkinson) Q…K-State Radio Network. |3:00 |

| | | |

| |CORN YIELD INFORMATION (soundbites) | |

| | | |

| |Last year, and in collaboration with the Kansas Corn Commission, K-State conducted a statewide corn yield contest. Part of the purpose was | |

| |to recognize the top corn producers in Kansas. But there was another motivation behind this as well. K-State crop production specialist | |

| |Ignacio Ciampitti (ig-NAW-see-oh SEE-am-PIT-tee) says there is a valuable educational component to this contest. | |

| | | |

| |Track 6 (:30) Q…dryland and irrigated. | |

| | | |

| |He cites some of the things that K-State discovered about high-yielding corn production practices that are common around the state, as | |

| |reported by the contestants. | |

| | | |

| |Track 7 (:54) Q...temperature is excellent. | |

| | | |

| |Trends in seeding rates were also telling with respect to maximizing yields, according to the data. | |

| | | |

| |Track 8 (:29) Q...adding more fertilizer. | |

| | | |

| |TAG: K-State crop production specialist Ignacio Ciampitti. The university is now seeking participants for the 2019 Kansas Corn Yield | |

| |Contest. Contact your local Extension office for more information. And see the 2018 results right now at agronomy.ksu.edu. | |


|9 |CROP FERTILIZER COSTS (fully produced) (Brityne Rucker) Q…K-State Radio Network. |2:59 |

| | | |

| |CROP FERTILIZER COSTS (soundbites) | |

| | | |

| |Year by year, the costs that goes into crop production fertilizer is right up there in the top two or three costs on a regular basis on | |

| |your crop production operation. K-State farm management economist Gregg Ibendahl (EYE-ben-doll) offers some thoughts on the fertilizer price| |

| |outlook here in 2019. Ibendahl has put together a method for calculating where fertilizer prices might be headed. | |

| | | |

| |Track 10 (:24) Q…like fertilizer is. | |

| | | |

| |And over time fertilizer prices tend to vary quite a bit not only due to oil prices, but corn prices as well. | |

| | | |

| |Track 11 (:39) Q...price of anhydrous. | |

| | | |

| |Ibendahl has created a method for calculating what fertilizer prices might be coming up in 2019. | |

| | | |

| |Track 12 (:39) Q...couple of months. | |

| | | |

| |TAG: That was Gregg Ibendahl farm management economist from K-State Research and Extension. Budget spreadsheets are available on the | |

| | website for you producers to walk your own fertilizer cost numbers through them. | |


|13 |QUALITY GRADING CHANGES (fully produced) (Brityne Rucker) Q…K-State Radio Network. |2:59 |

| | | |

| |QUALITY GRADING CHANGES (soundbites) | |

| | | |

| |Quality grading is one of the major economic drivers for profitability in the beef packing business. The USDA has recently approved a new | |

| |method of determining age, in turn effecting quality grades to many of you cattle producers. K-State meat scientist Terry Houser discusses | |

| |how the USDA determines meat quality grades and the changes the USDA made in 2018 in relation to quality grading standards. | |

| | | |

| |Track 14 (:45) Q…months of age. | |

| | | |

| |And there is an important reason to allow dentition as a means of age verification. | |

| | | |

| |Track 15 (:33) Q...determining quality grade. | |

| | | |

| |Houser explains the impact this change of using dentition vs. strictly ossification has to cattle producers. | |

| | | |

| |Track 16 (1:07) Q...downgraded in value. | |

| | | |

| |TAG: That was meat scientist Terry Houser of Kansas State University discussing important new changes to beef quality grading. | |


|17 |DICAMBA APPLICATION RULES (fully produced) (Eric Atkinson) Q…K-State Radio Network. |3:00 |

| | | |


| | | |

| |Conventional soybean varieties are very susceptible to dicamba herbicides. So when the new dicamba-resistant soybean types came out, many | |

| |producers opted to plant them. And in turn, off-target dicamba drift onto nearby non-resistant fields became a problem, leading to | |

| |regulations that have been tightened even further for this year. K-State weed management specialist Dallas Peterson reports on the changes | |

| |to the dicamba rules for soybean applications. | |

| | | |

| |Track 18 (:40) Q…and have annual training. | |

| | | |

| |The certification training is being conducted strictly by the companies that market the dicamba products used in this soybean production | |

| |system. | |

| | | |

| |Track 19 (:53) Q...of their web sites. | |

| | | |

| |The importance of closely following the guidelines covered in the training can’t be overstated, according to Peterson. He says that if | |

| |soybean producers want to continue having access to dicamba-resistant soybeans, adhering to those is essential. | |

| | | |

| |Track 20 (:14) Q...and move forward. | |

| | | |

| |TAG: K-State weed management specialist Dallas Peterson on the modified dicamba-resistant soybean regulations. | |

The 5 features below are soundbites only


| |REDUCING FOOD WASTE – Walk Kansas is probably best known for encouraging people to be more physically active – active enough to walk | |

|21 |across the state and beyond. However, the eight week challenge also provides participants with includes information on nutrition, |:26 |

| |recipes, eating in season, food safety and food waste. K-State Research and Extension northeast area family and consumer sciences | |

| |specialist and state coordinator for Walk Kansas, Sharolyn Jackson, says food waste is a major problem. | |

| |Q...reduce that amount. | |

| |Tag: This year’s Walk Kansas begins March 17th and runs through May 11th. Registration is currently underway at county and district | |

| |Extension offices and online at . | |

|22 |BEING A SMART SHOPPER – Shopping smart is one of the best ways to save money and reduce food waste. K-State Research and Extension | |

| |nutrition specialist Sandy Procter says shopping smart begins with making a list and then sticking to it. |:19 |

| |Q...prevent food waste. | |

|23 |PROPERLY STORING FOOD – In addition to shopping smart, we need to be smart with how we store the food we buy. Procter says some | |

| |perishable food should be stored in the refrigerator and others should be left out. |:39 |

| |Q...their lives, that way. | |

|24 |PLANNING FOR LEFTOVERS – Procter says planning for leftovers is another way to stretch your food budget and reduce food waste. | |

| |Q...reduce food waste. |:27 |

|25 |DON’T HIDE THE LEFTOVERS – In addition to planning for leftovers, Procter recommends keeping those foods where they can easily be found | |

| |in the refrigerator. |:30 |

| |Q...and gets used well. | |

| |Tag: More information and tips for reducing food waste is available at county and district Extension offices and online at: | |

| |. | |

The features below are self-contained and fully-produced


|26 |ALAN VANCE – BROCE BROOM – There are many steps in the process of paving a new road. Ron Wilson, director of the Huck Boyd National |4:16 |

| |Institute for Rural Development, introduces us to the Kansas company that revolutionized one of those steps. | |

| |Q...with Kansas Profile. | |


|27 |AIR VENTILATION FOR CALVES – While it’s important to protect calves from harsh winter conditions, it’s also important to take steps to |2:00 |

| |reduce the risk of respiratory issues caused by being confined in tight spaces. K-State dairy specialist Mike Brouk (brook) says providing | |

| |clean bedding, a high plain of nutrition and fresh air will keep calves healthier this winter. | |

| |Q...(theme music) | |


| |PILEATED WOODPECKER RANGE – Perhaps the largest of the species in North America, the pileated woodpecker can be found in the wooded areas of|5:00 |

|28 |southeast Kansas. And as woodlands continue to expand in the state, so has the range of this bird…along with its damage to trees, and | |

| |sometimes, homes. This week, K-State wildlife specialist Charlie Lee talks about the nature and habits of the pileated woodpecker. | |

| |Q...(theme music) | |


| |GARDEN SOIL TESTING – It’s not needed every year, but if it hasn’t been done for a while, home gardeners would be wise to sample the |5:00 |

|29 |nutrient content of their garden soils. The steps to conducting a soil test are fairly simple, and can tell the gardener a lot about soil | |

| |fertility management for the growing season ahead. Johnson County Extension horticultural agent Dennis Patton talk about the value of soil | |

| |testing. | |

| |Q...(theme music) | |


|30 |REDUCING FOOD WASTE – Walk Kansas, which begins March 17th and runs through May 11th, is not just about being physically active. It |14:50 |

| |also includes information on nutrition, recipes, eating in season, food safety and food waste. K-State Research and Extension | |

| |northeast area family and consumer sciences specialist and state coordinator for Walk Kansas, Sharolyn Jackson, along with Extension | |

| |nutrition specialist Sandy Procter, discuss one of this year’s educational components: reducing food waste. | |

| |Q…K-State Radio Network. | |

| |TREE TALES from the Kansas Forest Service | |

| |cut 32 contains music; cut 33 does not | |

|31 |A RICH FORESTRY HISTORY – Kansas is probably not the first state people think of when it comes to forestry. However, an 1880 forestry report|2:00 |

| |sheds some light on the efforts made to improve the quality of life for Kansas settlers through the planting and maintenance of trees. | |

| |K-State forester Jarran Tindle explains. | |

| |Q…(theme music) | |

|32 |(same as above, but without music bed) Q...K-State Radio Network. |2:00 |

| |WEATHER WONDERS (Featuring Mary Knapp, Weather Data Library, KSU) | |

|33 |WIND – The wind features prominently in the legend and lore of Kansas. Kansas State University climatologist Mary Knapp (nap) considers |:53 |

| |what the weather records say about this. | |

| |Q...Research and Extension. | |

|34 |WIND SPEED – When measuring wind speed, Kansas State University climatologist Mary Knapp says even minor differences in altitude can make| |

| |a difference. |:54 |

| |Q...Research and Extension. | |

|35 |LAST FREEZE – How late can the last spring freeze occur? Kansas State University climatologist Mary Knapp offers a survey of | |

| |possibilities. |:56 |

| |Q...Research and Extension. | |

| |WHEAT SCOOP from the Kansas Wheat Commission | |

|36 |CLUTTER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP – College-bound students with an interest in the wheat industry still have time to apply for a |2:51 |

| |highly-prestigious scholarship, sponsored by Kansas Wheat. It is named for one of the early leaders in the state’s wheat producer | |

| |organization. Mary Marsh has the details on this week’s Kansas Wheat Scoop. | |

| |Q...this is Mary Marsh. | |


March 1, 2019

These features and scripts are also available for download at:

K-State Radio Network

126 Dole Hall Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66506

785-532-5851 voice/fax 785-532-7355



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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