IB Questionbank Test

HL Week 6 Revision - Probability and Statistics Questions1a. [3 marks] Two unbiased tetrahedral (four-sided) dice with faces labelled 1, 2, 3, 4 are thrown and the scores recorded. Let the random variable T be the maximum of these two scores.The probability distribution of T is given in the following table.Find the value of a and the value of b. 1b. [2 marks] Find the expected value of T. 2a. [2 marks] The discrete random variable X has the following probability distribution, where p is a constant.Find the value of p. 2b. [2 marks] Find μ, the expected value of X. 2c. [2 marks] Find P(X > μ). 3a. [3 marks] The continuous random variable X has probability density function given byShow that?. 3b. [3 marks] Find?. 3c. [7 marks] Given that ,?and that 0.25 < s < 0.4 , find the value of s. 4a. [2 marks] The age, L, in years, of a wolf can be modelled by the normal distribution L ~ N(8, 5).Find the probability that a wolf selected at random is at least 5 years old. 4b. [3 marks] Eight wolves are independently selected at random and their ages recorded.Find the probability that more than six of these wolves are at least 5 years old. 5. [5 marks] The mean number of squirrels in a certain area is known to be 3.2 squirrels per hectare of woodland. Within this area, there is a 56 hectare woodland nature reserve. It is known that there are currently at least 168 squirrels in this reserve.Assuming the population of squirrels follow a Poisson distribution, calculate the probability that there are more than 190 squirrels in the reserve. 6. [7 marks] Each of the 25 students in a class are asked how many pets they own. Two students own three pets and no students own more than three pets. The mean and standard deviation of the number of pets owned by students in the class are? and??respectively.Find the number of students in the class who do not own a pet. 7a. [2 marks] The random variable X has a normal distribution with mean μ = 50 and variance σ?2 = 16 .Sketch the probability density function for X, and shade the region representing?P(μ ? 2σ < X < μ + σ). 7b. [2 marks] Find the value of P(μ ? 2σ < X < μ + σ). 7c. [2 marks] Find the value of k for which P(μ ? kσ < X < μ + kσ) = 0.5. 8a. [2 marks] The random variable X has a binomial distribution with parameters n and p.It is given that E(X) = 3.5.Find the least possible value of n. 8b. [5 marks] It is further given that P(X ≤ 1) = 0.09478 correct to 4 significant figures.Determine the value of n and the value of p. 9a. [2 marks] The number of taxis arriving at Cardiff Central railway station can be modelled by a Poisson distribution. During busy periods of the day, taxis arrive at a mean rate of 5.3 taxis every 10 minutes. Let T represent a random 10 minute busy period.Find the probability that exactly 4 taxis arrive during T. 9b. [2 marks] Find the most likely number of taxis that would arrive during T. 9c. [3 marks] Given that more than 5 taxis arrive during T, find the probability that exactly?7 taxis arrive during T. 9d. [6 marks] During quiet periods of the day, taxis arrive at a mean rate of 1.3 taxis every 10 minutes.Find the probability that during a period of 15 minutes, of which the first 10 minutes is busy and the next 5 minutes is quiet, that exactly 2 taxis arrive. 10a. [6 marks] Chloe and Selena play a game where each have four cards showing capital letters A, B, C and D.Chloe lays her cards face up on the table in order A, B, C, D as shown in the following diagram.Selena shuffles her cards and lays them face down on the table. She then turns them over one by one to see if her card matches with Chloe’s card directly above.Chloe wins if no matches occur; otherwise Selena wins.Show that the probability that Chloe wins the game is . 10b. [3 marks] Chloe and Selena repeat their game so that they play a total of 50 times.Suppose the discrete random variable X represents the number of times Chloe wins.Determine the mean of X. 10c. [2 marks] Determine the variance of X. 11a. [2 marks] Events and are such that and .Find?. 11b. [2 marks] Find . 11c. [2 marks] Hence show that events and are independent. 12. [6 marks] It is given that one in five cups of coffee contain more than 120 mg of caffeine.It is also known that three in five cups contain more than 110 mg of caffeine.Assume that the caffeine content of coffee is modelled by a normal distribution.Find the mean and standard deviation of the caffeine content of coffee. 13a. [2 marks] The number of bananas that Lucca eats during any particular day follows a Poisson distribution with mean 0.2.Find the probability that Lucca eats at least one banana in a particular day. 13b. [4 marks] Find the expected number of weeks in the year in which Lucca eats no bananas. 14a. [4 marks] The continuous random variable X has a probability density function given by.Find the value of . 14b. [1 mark] By considering the graph of f write down the mean of ; 14c. [1 mark] By considering the graph of f write down the median of ; 14d. [1 mark] By considering the graph of f write down the mode?of . 14e. [4 marks] Show that . 14f. [2 marks] Hence state the interquartile range of . 14g. [2 marks] Calculate . 15a. [3 marks] The random variable has the Poisson distribution . Given that , find the value of in the form where is an integer. 15b. [4 marks] The random variable has the Poisson distribution . Find in the form where and are integers. 16a. [3 marks] Consider two events and such that and .Calculate ; 16b. [3 marks] Find . 17a. [3 marks] When carpet is manufactured, small faults occur at random. The number of faults in Premium carpets can be modelled by a Poisson distribution with mean 0.5 faults per 20m2. Mr Jones chooses Premium carpets to replace the carpets in his office building. The office building has 10 rooms, each with the area of 80m2.Find the probability that the carpet laid in the first room has fewer than three faults. 17b. [3 marks] Find the probability that exactly seven rooms will have fewer than three faults in the carpet. 18a. [2 marks] The times taken for male runners to complete a marathon can be modelled by a normal distribution with a mean 196 minutes and a standard deviation 24 minutes.Find the probability that a runner selected at random will complete the marathon in less than 3 hours. 18b. [2 marks] It is found that 5% of the male runners complete the marathon in less than minutes.Calculate . 18c. [4 marks] The times taken for female runners to complete the marathon can be modelled by a normal distribution with a mean 210 minutes. It is found that 58% of female runners complete the marathon between 185 and 235 minutes.Find the standard deviation of the times taken by female runners. 19a. [2 marks] There are 75 players in a golf club who take part in a golf tournament. The scores obtained on the 18th hole are as shown in the following table.One of the players is chosen at random. Find the probability that this player’s score was 5 or more. 19b. [2 marks] Calculate the mean score. 20a. [5 marks] A continuous random variable has probability density function given byIt is given that .Show that and . 20b. [2 marks] Find . 20c. [2 marks] Find . 20d. [3 marks] Find the median of . 20e. [2 marks] Eight independent observations of are now taken and the random variable is the number of observations such that .Find . 20f. [1 mark] Find . 21a. [2 marks] Packets of biscuits are produced by a machine. The weights , in grams, of packets of biscuits can be modelled by a normal distribution where . A packet of biscuits is considered to be underweight if it weighs less than 250 grams.Given that and find the probability that a randomly chosen packet of biscuits is underweight. 21b. [3 marks] The manufacturer makes the decision that the probability that a packet is underweight should be 0.002. To do this is increased and remains unchanged.Calculate the new value of giving your answer correct to two decimal places. 21c. [2 marks] The manufacturer is happy with the decision that the probability that a packet is underweight should be 0.002, but is unhappy with the way in which this was achieved. The machine is now adjusted to reduce and return to 253.Calculate the new value of . 22a. [3 marks] John likes to go sailing every day in July. To help him make a decision on whether it is safe to go sailing he classifies each day in July as windy or calm. Given that a day in July is calm, the probability that the next day is calm is 0.9. Given that a day in July is windy, the probability that the next day is calm is 0.3. The weather forecast for the 1st July predicts that the probability that it will be calm is 0.8.Draw a tree diagram to represent this information for the first three days of July. 22b. [2 marks] Find the probability that the 3rd July is calm. 22c. [4 marks] Find the probability that the 1st July was calm given that the 3rd July is windy. 23. [5 marks] Find the coordinates of the point of intersection of the planes defined by the equations and . 24a. [3 marks] Consider two events and defined in the same sample space.Show that . 24b. [6 marks] Given that and ,(i) ? ? show that ;(ii) ? ? hence find . 25a. [2 marks] The faces of a fair six-sided die are numbered 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6. Let be the discrete random variable that models the score obtained when this die is plete the probability distribution table for . 25b. [2 marks] Find the expected value of . 26a. [2 marks] A random variable has a probability distribution given in the following table.Determine the value of . 26b. [3 marks] Find the value of . 27a. [3 marks] A Chocolate Shop advertises free gifts to customers that collect three vouchers. The vouchers are placed at random into 10% of all chocolate bars sold at this shop. Kati buys some of these bars and she opens them one at a time to see if they contain a voucher. Let be the probability that Kati obtains her third voucher on the bar opened.(It is assumed that the probability that a chocolate bar contains a voucher stays at 10% throughout the question.)Show that and . 27b. [5 marks] It is given that for .Find the values of the constants and . 27c. [4 marks] Deduce that for . 27d. [5 marks] (i) ? ? Hence show that has two modes and .(ii) ? ? State the values of and . 27e. [3 marks] Kati’s mother goes to the shop and buys chocolate bars. She takes the bars home for Kati to open.Determine the minimum value of such that the probability Kati receives at least one free gift is greater than 0.5. 28a. [3 marks] A discrete random variable follows a Poisson distribution .Show that . 28b. [3 marks] Given that ?and , use part (a) to find the value of . 29a. [6 marks] A random variable is normally distributed with mean and standard deviation , such that and .Find and . 29b. [2 marks] Find . 30. [4 marks] At a skiing competition the mean time of the first three skiers is 34.1 seconds. The time for the fourth skier is then recorded and the mean time of the first four skiers is 35.0 seconds. Find the time achieved by the fourth skier. 31a. [1 mark] On the Venn diagram shade the region . 31b. [4 marks] Two events and are such that and .Find . 32a. [2 marks] A biased coin is tossed five times. The probability of obtaining a head in any one throw is .Let be the number of heads obtained.Find, in terms of , an expression for . 32b. [6 marks] (i) ? ? Determine the value of ?for which ?is a maximum.(ii) ? ? For this value of , determine the expected number of heads. 33a. [2 marks] and are independent events such that .Show that . 33b. [4 marks] Find ?in simplest form. 34. [8 marks] Students sign up at a desk for an activity during the course of an afternoon. The arrival of each student is independent of the arrival of any other student and the number of students arriving per hour can be modelled as a Poisson distribution with a mean of .The desk is open for 4 hours. If exactly 5 people arrive to sign up for the activity during that time find the probability that exactly 3 of them arrived during the first hour. 35a. [2 marks] Six balls numbered 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3 are placed in a bag. Balls are taken one at a time from the bag at random and the number noted. Throughout the question a ball is always replaced before the next ball is taken.A single ball is taken from the bag. Let denote the value shown on the ball.Find . 35b. [3 marks] Three balls are taken from the bag. Find the probability thatthe total of the three numbers is 5; 35c. [3 marks] the median of the three numbers is 1. 35d. [3 marks] Ten balls are taken from the bag. Find the probability that less than four of the balls are numbered 2. 35e. [3 marks] Find the least number of balls that must be taken from the bag for the probability of taking out at least one ball numbered 2 to be greater than 0.95. 35f. [8 marks] Another bag also contains balls numbered 1 , 2 or 3.Eight balls are to be taken from this bag at random. It is calculated that the expected number of balls numbered 1 is 4.8 , and the variance of the number of balls numbered 2 is 1.5.Find the least possible number of balls numbered 3 in this bag. 36. [6 marks] The heights of students in a single year group in a large school can be modelled by a normal distribution.It is given that 40% of the students are shorter than 1.62 m and 25% are taller than 1.79 m.Find the mean and standard deviation of the heights of the students. 37a. [2 marks] A continuous random variable has probability density function defined bySketch the graph of . 37b. [1 mark] Use your sketch to find the mode of . 37c. [2 marks] Find the mean of . 37d. [3 marks] Find the variance of . 37e. [2 marks] Find the probability that ?lies between the mean and the mode. 37f. [5 marks] (i) ? ? Find ?where .(ii) ? ? Hence verify that the lower quartile of is .Printed for International School of Monza ? International Baccalaureate Organization 2019 International Baccalaureate? - Baccalauréat International? - Bachillerato Internacional? ................

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