Spring 2003 - Lehman College

Resources for SWK 311 – Social Work Practice

Finding Books

1. CUNY + is the online catalog of the entire CUNY library system. It tells you what books, journals, videos & musical scores are available

Search Strategies:

• Go to the Library’s website at

• Click on Find Books & Journal Titles in the Catalog

• Use Title Begins with if you know the exact title of the book

• Use Author if you know the authors’ last name

• Use Subject begins with for a generic subject search

|Leonard Lief Library |

|Call Number Floor Guide |

|A, B, C, D |2nd Floor South |

|E, F |2nd Floor North |

|G, GV , H, J |3rd Floor North |

|K |3rd Floor North East |

|L |3rd Floor South (Education) |

|M1 – M2198 |2nd Floor North (Fine Arts) |

|Ref M2 – Ref M1620 |1st Floor South |

|ML1 – MT1375 |2nd Floor North |

|N |2nd Floor North |

|P |3rd Floor North |

|Q, R, S, T |3rd Floor South East |

|U, V, Z |2nd Floor North |

|Education Periodicals |3rd Floor South West |

|Govt. Docs |1st Floor Ask Reference |

|Music Scores |2nd Floor (Fine Arts) |

|Periodicals |Periodicals Room |

|(Except Education) |(Basement North) |

| |

[pic]Finding Articles

From the library homepage, click on “Electronic Databases” to search a wealth of databases indexing published articles. Below is a selected list of e-resources to use for your research:

Social Work Abstracts; SocIndex; Sociology: Sage Full-Text; PsycInfo; Health Source; Health Reference Center; Academic Search Premier; JSTOR

Note: Some of the databases include the full-text of the articles. If you don’t see an indication of full-text check the “Find Electronic Journals by Title” and/or “Find Books & Journal Titles in the Catalog”. For more detailed directions review the handout “Finding Print & E-Journals at Lehman”

[pic] Accessing Resources at Home

You can access databases off-campus (at home). You must first register your ID card at the Circulation Desk (1st floor). Once you are registered you can access the electronic databases. Select the database you wish to search. You will be prompted to type in your library number located on the front of your ID card (bottom right)

[pic]Useful search terms for finding books and articles

|Social case work |Children |Ethics |AIDS (disease) |

|Social work |Adolescents |Ethical |HIV |

|Social worker |Elderly |Moral |Correctional institutions |

|Social service |Older people |Values |Prison |

|Counselor and client |Terminally ill |Confidentiality | |

| |Mentally ill |Privacy | |

| |Prisoners | | |

| |Mental illness | | |

OR Click on “Find Electronic Journals by Title”:


[pic]Handbooks, Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Directories

Encyclopedia of Social Work

Quick Reference Stacks/Reference Desk - HV35 .S6

Handbook of Social Work Practice with Vulnerable Populations

Reference Desk – HV91 .H265

International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences

Available ONLINE from library web page

Reference Stacks - H41 .I58

Social Work Almanac (2nd Edition)

Reference Desk - HV90 .G53

Social Work Dictionary

Reference Desk – HV12 .B37

Social Work Handbook

Quick Reference Stacks - HV90 .G53 1992

Handbook of Marriage and the Family

Quick Reference Stacks - HQ518 .H154

**CARES Directory/Database

➢ Roll mouse over Finding Help

➢ Click on Agency Search or

➢ Click on Alphabetical List


Use this the Call Number Guide to determine where a book is located in the library.

Library Homepage:

Leonard Lief Library

SWK 311 Resources

Lehman College

Type in Social Work & this will lead you to social work journals

Choose a database in red print, example Academic Search Premier

Click on Search within this publication

Type in search term, example: elder abuse

Limit your results:


Published date

Publication type


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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