| | | | | | |

|Main page |

|BBC |[pic] | | |RADIO | | |

|BBC |[pic] | | |RADIO LIVE |LISTEN LIVE | |


|SPEAKING in TONGUES |[pic] | | |RADIO |Speaking in Tongues, a 25-part radio series | |

| | | | | |about language from International House | |

| | | | | |Barcelona. | |

|ABOUT |[pic] | |ENGLISH |English listening comprehension quizzes and | |

| | |tm | |LISTENING |tests for beginning, intermediate, upper and | |

| | | | |QUIZZES |advanced level ESL EFL English classes and | |

| | | | | |learners. | |

| | | | |More activities for effective listening | |

| | |istening_Skills_and_ActivitiesEffective_Listening_| | |practise | |

| | |Practice.htm | | | | |

| | | |Tongue Twisters |Tongue Twisters are lots of fun (and | |

| | |r_master.htm | | |difficult). They often don't make much sense,| |

| | | | | |but they certainly exercise your | |

| | | | | |pronunciation muscles. | |

|RANDALL’S |[pic] | | | |Listen to Everyday Conversations with Adult | |

|ESL Cyber Listening | | | | |and Children's Voices | |

|Lab | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |


|TELEGRAPH |[pic] | | |Newspapers |Audio and video section on the right frame of|If you want to introduce newspaper reading in the |

| | | | | |the screen |class, after choosing the newspaper, you may look for |

| | | | | | |the section your students can be interested in and |

| | | | | | |encourage them to read the article that is close to |

| | | | | | |them by topic to facilitate them to get the gist of |

| | | | | | |the message. |

| | | | | | |After the first reading, they may focus on the words |

| | | | | | |they do not understand and look them up in a |

| | | | | | |dictionary |

|DAILY EXPRESS |[pic] | | | | | |

|THE GUARDIAN |[pic] | | | |breaking news appearing under the red line | |

|THE HERALD |[pic] | | | |video reports available, too | |

|THE TIMES online |[pic] | | | |special section with the most read, commented| |

| | | | | |and curious articles | |

|TIME FOR KIDS |[pic] | | |Children’s news |American newspaper with news for children. | |

|KIND NEWS |[pic] | | |ANIMALS | |Is an award-winning classroom newspaper for children |

| | | | | | |in grades K through 6. Encourages good character in |

| | | | | | |children with an emphasis on kindness to animals, |

| | | | | | |respect for natural habitats, good citizenship, and |

| | | | | | |peaceful conflict resolution. |

|NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC |[pic][pic] | | |ANIMALS | | |

|KIDS | | | | | | |

|SCHOLASTIC NEWS |[pic] | |NEWS |All kind of news. |You might be using one of their magazines as a class |

| | |sp?FromBrowseMod=true&Ns=Pub_Date_Sort|1&CurrPage=| | | |reading resource |

| | |scholasticNews.jsp&TopicValue=Scholastic%20News | | | | |

|Weekly Reader |[pic] | | |NEWS, GAMES, |Educational magazine for children in the | |

| | | | |Activities |elementary grades. Features news articles, | |

| | | | | |trivia, and games. | |

|WORLD’S NEWSPAPERS |[pic] | |To search more magazines and newspaper. Really useful. |

|Online interactives to write |

|ENGLISH EXERCISES |[pic] | | |WRITING | |If you want to test your spelling and do a dictation |

|ONLINE | | | | | |in real audio you cannot miss this page |

|ONLINE WRITING LAB |[pic] | | |WRITING |Handsouts and materials for students and teachers on general writing concerns (planning, starting to|

| | | | | |write, pre-writing, revising, and genres of writing), grammar, punctuation and spelling or |

| | | | | |professional writing, are available |

| | | | | | | |

|Grammar exercises to do online |

|ENGLISH EXERCISES |[pic] | | |GRAMMAR |On this page you will find a selection of |the most important thing is to practise as often as |

|ONLINE | | | | |grammar quizzes that can be done online. |possible and to find resources to bring grammar up to |

| | | | | | |date |

|University of Victoria|[pic] | | |GRAMMAR |The English Language Centre of the University of Victoria has a useful study zone |

|British Columbia, | | | | |() where grammar materials are available according to a level|

|Canada | | | | |you have to select previously. Once the level is selected, you have to click on the grammar icon |

| |[pic] | |exercises |The Englisch-hilfen page () contains|

| | |le_grammar.htm | | |useful grammar exercises as well as grammar explanations classified by categories. |

| | | | | | | |

|Dictionaries and translators |

|FONETIKS |[pic] | | |Phonetics |Pronunciation dictionary. |How to pronounce a new word. |

|wordreference | | |Dictionary |English-Spanish Dictionary | |

| | |anword=&dict=enes&B10=Search | | | | |

|MERRIAM-WEBSTER |[pic] | | |Dictionary |It is a good English-English dictionary and |You can hear the word by clicking on the speaker icon |

| | | | | |Thesaurus as well as a Spanish-English |and it is available the definition of the word as well|

| | | | | |translator. |as its pronunciation and function |

| |[pic] | | |Dictionary |It offers your students in cicle mitjà and |Have a look at the Cafeteria (buzzword section where |

| | | | | |cicle superior the possibility of playing |you can listen to the word, know its definition and |

| | | | | |with words |use and make a quiz). |

|DICTIONARY.REFERENCE |[pic] | | |Dictionary |It is a good Spanish-English translator |note that the translators may not produce a perfect |

| | | | | | |translation. In most cases it should adequately convey|

| | | | | | |the general sense of the original; however, it is not |

| | | | | | |a substitute for a competent human translator |

|CAMBRIDGE |[pic] | | |Dictionary |Dictionaries for people learning English all | |

| | | | | |over the world. | |

|ONE LOOK |[pic] | | |Dictionary |Enter a word to search for dictionary web | |

| | | | | |sites that include that word | |

| | | | | | | |


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