Abraham Lincoln Quiz - BrainPop

[Pages:1]Abraham Lincoln Quiz

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1. What lesson does the involvement of Abe Lincoln's stepmother with the Lincoln family offer?

a. Children are best left to their own devices b. Stepmothers are better suited to raise children than biological mothers c. A concerned adult can make all the difference in a child's life d. It takes a lot of money to properly raise a child


What is the significance of this

state to Lincoln's life?

a. It's where he was born b. It's where he began his political career c. It's where he delivered the Gettysburg Address d. It was the first state to secede after Lincoln was elected President

6. Which of the following places these events in the correct chronological order from left to right?

a. Election of 1860; Secession of Confederate States; Battle of Fort Sumter b. Secession of Confederate States; Election of 1860; Battle of Fort Sumter c. Battle of Fort Sumter; Election of 1860; Secession of Confederate States d. Battle of Fort Sumter; Secession of Confederate States; Election of 1860

7. Before forming the Republican Party, Lincoln belonged to the Whig Party. What can you infer about the Whigs' platform?

a. It appealed mostly to Illinois voters b. It was against the Civil War c. It was similar to the modern Democratic platform d. It was not strongly anti-slavery

3. Which political title did Lincoln never hold?

a. Illinois State Representative b. U.S. Representative c. U.S. Senator d. U.S. President

4. During his term in the U.S. House of Representatives, in which state did Lincoln believe slavery was protected by the Constitution?



8. Confederate states began seceding in December of 1860. The Civil War began in April of 1861, when Confederate troops fired on Fort Sumter. What can you infer from these two facts?

a. When it came to using force, Lincoln was a timid President b. Lincoln did not want to be the one to start a war c. Lincoln tricked the Confederacy into launching hostilities d. Lincoln believed that the Confederacy had a right to secede



9. From which document did Lincoln draw most of his inspiration for the Gettysburg Address?

a. U.S. Bill of Rights b. U.S. Constitution c. U.S. Articles of Confederation d. U.S. Declaration of Independence

5. Lincoln has been described as an eloquent public speaker. Which of these is a synonym for "eloquent?"

a. Controversial b. Tedious c. Articulate d. Incomprehensible

10. What was the biggest motivating factor behind John Wilkes Booth's assassination of Lincoln?

a. Fame b. Self-defense c. Racism d. Religion

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