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The Transformation of Britain, 1918-1997AS Style Questions [all are worth 20 marks]Theme 1- A changing political and economic environmentWas the 1918 Representation of the People Act the main reason for the decline of the Liberals and rise of the Labour Party in the years 1918-1929? Explain your answerHow far did the political landscape change between 1918 and 1979?How accurate is it to say that there was a fundamental changed in the fortunes of Britain’s main political parties in the years 1918-39?Was a failure to modernise the main reason for the decline of traditional industries in the 1920s and 1930s? Explain your answer.How far does the economic effect of the Second World War explain Britain’s relative economic decline 1945-1979?How far was Labour policy the main reason for economic decline in the period 1945-1964?To what extent were Labour and Conservative governments successful in tackling the economic problems faced by Britain in the years 1945-1979?How accurate is it to say that the years 1945 to 1970 were a period of political consensus between the Labour and the Conservative parties?How effectively did Conservative and Labour governments address Britain’s economic problems between 1945 and 1970?Was economic depression the main reason for union unrest in the period, 1918-1939? Explain your answerHow far did the government’s relationship with the unions change in the period, 1964-79?How far did British governments manage and resolve the country’s economic problems, 1945-79?Theme 2 – Creating a welfare stateHow extensive was welfare provision by 1939?Was the poverty of the interwar years the main reason for the introduction of the welfare state in the years following the Second World War? Explain your answerWas the Second World War the main reason for changes in social welfare provision between 1918 and 1979? Explain your answerTo what extent were the provisions of a welfare state already in place before 1945?How accurate is it to say that there were radical improvements in healthcare in the period, 1918-1939?To what extent was the National Health Service a complete success in the years 1946-1979?How far did educational opportunities widen in the years 1918–45?Was the Crosland Circular the most important development in education policy in the years 1945-79?How far did the development of comprehensive education widen equality of opportunity in education in the period, 1954-79?Theme 3 – Society in transitionTo what extent was the impact of the Second World War the main reason for the changing class system between 1918 and 1979?Was the experience of the Second World War the main reason why society became less deferential in the 1960s? Explain your answerTo what extent did a ‘liberal society’ emerge in the years 1951-70?Was liberal legislation the main reason for the rise of more permissive values in British society between 1951 and 1979? Explain your answer?To what extent did attitudes towards sexual behaviour change in the period 1945-70?How accurate is it to say that government policy led to major advances in women’s equality in the years 1945-79?How far did British governments fight racial discrimination in the period 1918-79?How far was government legislation effective in improving race relations in the years 1945-79?To what extent did government policies on immigration change in the years 1945–79?How far was racism a dominant feature of British society from 1958 to 1979?Theme 4 – The changing quality of lifeHow far did living standards improve between 1918 and 1979?Was the creation of the welfare state the main reason for improved standards of living in the period 1945-79? Explain your answerTo what extent did living standards improve in the years 1918-1939?To what extent did the living standards of the working class improve significantly in the years 1945-1979?How far did housing and welfare improve during the years 1919-1939?To what extent did popular culture change British society in the years 1945-79? To what extent was popular culture a major influence on social change in the 1960s and 1970s?Was higher real income the main reason for the growth of a ‘consumer society’ in Britain between 1951 and 1979? Explain your answerHow accurate is it to say that the development of youth culture in the period 1945-1979 was primarily due to social change?In the 1950s and 1960s, was the main consequence of the increase in car ownership a growth in leisure and entertainment activities? Explain your answer.Was the increase in car ownership the main reason for changing leisure pursuits in the years 1945-79? Explain your answerTo what extent did Britain become a truly affluent society in the years 1945-1979? ................

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