“Did You Know…?” Fun Facts for Social Media Sharing

"Did You Know...?" Fun Facts for Social Media Sharing

TerpAlumni | @Maryland_Alumni |#TerpsDoGood

Did you know 1 in 4 people volunteer across the U.S., enhancing opportunities for their neighbors and communities?


Did you know volunteering has trended upward among Generation Xers (born between 1965 and 1981) over the past 11 years?


Did you know volunteers are nearly twice as likely to donate as nonvolunteers?


Did you know volunteering can be the pathway to employment by developing new skills and expanding personal networks?


Did you know Americans are increasing their commitment to volunteering and civic engagement?


Did you know 26.5% or 64.5 million people in America volunteer?


Did you know 32.4 volunteer hours were clocked by U.S. residents contributing to 7.9 billion hours of service in total?


Did you know $175 billion of service was contributed?


Did you know research demonstrates that volunteering leads to better health and that older volunteers are the most likely to receive physical and mental health benefits from their volunteer activities?


Did you know citizens who participate in one area of civic engagement, like volunteering, are more likely to get involved in groups, contact public officials, or work with neighbors?


Did you know non-volunteers say that they are more likely to serve if a trusted friend asks them to serve?


Did you know volunteers have a better chance of finding a job after being out of work than non-volunteers?



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