DIGESTION- The process by which the body __________________the food you eat.

- also known as the _________________canal the digestive system is about___________ long.

MOUTH – digestion begins in the ______________where food is chewed (mastication) and ________________with saliva.

TONGUE- allows us to: 1. ____________our food 2. helps us swallow 3. helps us chew 4. and helps us to _____________.

TEETH- allow us to 1. _____________or tear our food 2. ________ our food and 3. pronounce certain words.

The Journey of food:

After chewing the ball of food (_______) is swallowed and travels down the

- Esophagus- the tube that connects the _________ and ___________.

- Stomach- the pouch that holds___________mixes it with __________________

- Small Intestine - where most of ______________ takes place

- the food is _________through by _____________ of the smooth muscles of the intestines. (_______________)

Liver- Produces _______ that is stored in the gall bladder to break down ______ we eat

Pancreas- Produces digestive ________ to complete digestion and also releases insulin needed for the breakdown of sugars we eat.

- not enough insulin causes a disorder known as diabetes.

Large Intestine- contractions (_____________) push the food into the large intestine where water and some vitamins are absorbed. What is left is solid waste ___________ and is held in the rectum until it is removed (__________________) through the anus.


In the ________ alcohol, simple sugars, and salts are absorbed.

After the food is broken down inside the Small intestine, there are microscopic projections called _________that absorb the ___________ into the bloodstream.

In the _________________ only water and simple salts are absorbed.(Some Vitamins)

Digestive system –p.2-

Problems of the Digestive system

Indigestion- pain or ___________in the _________caused by food or_____________. Treated with __________or medicine and avoiding __________foods.

______________- a burning in the _______________caused by stomach________. Treated with _______________or medicines to ________________the acids.

Diarrhea- unformed or _____________feces caused by _______________or reaction to something you ate. Treated by ________________and time.

_______________________- not having a bowel movement. Treated by__________________, drinking more ______________and healthy________.(Fiber)

Ulcers- an open _________of the stomach ______________or the intestines. Treated with _________________or other drugs. Avoid __________foods.

Appendicititis- _________________of the ____________________which can burst and cause __________________of the abdominal area. Treated by ________________to remove__________________.

Hemorrhoids- Swollen ___________tissue of the rectum caused by __________and poor diet. Prevented by ________ ________ or treated with surgery.

Stomach and colon cancer- a _________in the stomach, _________ or rectum – related to diet and or______. Treated by ________, chemotherapy, and radiation. Prevented by a healthy ____________.

Excretion- the elimination of waste: Waste is removed from the body 4 main ways.

1. Urinary system removes ___________waste (urine) from the blood.

2. The skin- removes waste (salts) and __________through_________________.

3. Lungs- remove carbon ____________and water vapor when we___________

4. Large intestine- removes _________ _________(feces) from our digestive system.


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