Nutrition Post 81

Nutrition Post 82"Man does not live by bread alone..." - Matthew 4:4 This may the battle cry of those who insist on dieting. However, without proper planning and a good nutritional guide, a diet is bound to fail and bring down one’s health in the process. Definitely, we should not live to eat, but neither should we live to be a model dress size. There is more to life than how you look and what you eat. When the Bible talks about eating, it is more for nourishment of the body; and studying is nourishment for the mind. It emphasized both equally, and we should take heed. Dieting is not a bad activity to undertake until we start taking it to the extreme. If that happens, then we’re playing around with our health, and possibly our lives and the people who love us. This may sound trite right now, but regrets usually come too late. Are you willing to take that chance?Nutrition Post 83“You better cut the pizza in four pieces, because I'm not hungry enough to eat six”. ~Yogi BerraHow often do we try to fool ourselves by saying we’ll just take small meals, but sneak in junk food in between; or get a small slice of cake - three times in one sitting? The honest truth is, you know what you’re doing, and yet you don’t have self-control. It wouldn’t be so bad if the food you overeat is healthy snacks like carrot and cucumber sticks, but here’s betting it isn’t. One way to deal with this is taking hold of your eye candy, and learning to reel it in. Eye candy happens when we put more on our plate just because “it all looks so good!” The visual effects of food that looks good is what makes us gain weight. Keep this under control, and you control your weight. Nutrition Post 84“The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what?you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not.”-- Mark TwainThis is a tall order, and sounds like torture, so how about if you eat to feed your body, not your mind; drink to help digestion, not to get drunk; and exercise to convert food into energy? During the time of Mark Twain, there was no such thing as double fudge brownies or decadent chocolate cake with a generous drizzle of caramel syrup on top. There were no fast food restaurants or international cuisine around the corner. Food then was a lot more bland than it is today. If Mark Twain were to live today, he would rephrase this. If you want to care for your health, you don’t need a writer to tell you what you need to do. You already know what it is, you just need to find the resolve to do it. Nutrition Post 85“Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb.” - Sir Winston ChurchillSir Winston Churchill was not just known for his diplomatic contributions to the world, but also his healthy appetite and wonderful sense of humor. In most of his quotes, there is a tinge of truth mixed with a bit of that English dry sense of humor. For this reason, they hit you right between the eyes, yet retains a subtle gentleness that does not offend anyone. If you look at this in the context of a good diet, you see how it isn’t something with a beginning and an end. Being healthy is a lifestyle, not a stepping stone to a great figure. You need to see it this way so you don’t get depressed or disappointed with the ups and downs of a fluctuating weight problem. Nutrition Post 86“Fitness - If it came in a bottle, everybody would have a great body.”-- CherCher - a woman made for the stage. She is a wonderful actress, great singer, and beautiful person. Her story inspires others because she knows how to look at herself and find humor. Of course, Cher, with her amazing figure will never need a magic potion, but she does admit that she works out to keep fit. Everyone needs to exercise, not just diet. If you don’t, then your body will not survive through one round in the track and field or a few laps in an Olympic size pool. You know, if there was a fitness bottle, it would not be a diet soda. It would have to be water, so avoid those zero calorie drinks and just stick to good ol’ H20.Nutrition Post 87“Processed foods not only extend the shelf life, but they extend the waistline as well.”- Karen SessionsThe verdict has been out for years - processed foods are not good for you. It’s another term for preserved food. One graphic example that’s often talked about is looking at a jar of fruit that has an expiration date indicated a year from now. Would you eat a fruit that’s been harvest over a year ago if it were not in a bottle? The only reason we have food products that can last long is because they have an ingredient like sulfur dioxide, also identified as E220. This substance has side effects that can trigger allergic reactions and respiratory issues like difficulty in breathing. And yet, so many people still wonder why we are experiencing new diseases and medical conditions. Could it be that by eating processed foods, we are actually killing ourselves slowly?Nutrition Post 88"Exercise is a dirty word. Every time I hear it, I wash my mouth out with chocolate." - Charles M. SchultzThe creator of Snoopy, the most lovable beagle in the world sure sounds like he never worked out in a gym. Maybe this explains why Snoopy’s such a laid back kind of dog. Exercise is only a dirty word if you refuse to have anything to do with it. However, just by walking or climbing stairs, you’re already exercising. Yawning is a form of stretching, and we do it willingly. The point here is that if you can find some form of exercise that will not appear to be work for you, you might actually stick with it. Charles Schultz died recently, and in spite of what he said, he did exercise. He worked and used his hands to draw, his mind to create, and his spirit to move us all. Nutrition Post 89"Chocolate is cheaper than therapy and you don't need an appointment." ~ AnonymousChocolate does taste good, and it is extremely hard to resist. We can try to convince ourselves that we won’t gain a pound from indulging ourselves with chocolate daily, but the truth is, chocolate has sugar. If you work out daily, you may be able to get away with eating a lot of sweets. Or, you could save the chocolates for special occasions, and then really get to savor this delicate dessert.To avoid using chocolate as an escape from your problem, and then regretting your actions after, you should face the problem head on. Why do feel the urge to comfort yourself with food? Will it solve your problem? Often, the answer is “no.” Practice some disciple, but avoid keeping it arpund the house. Why tempt yourself if you know your resolve is still weak?Nutrition Post 90“One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating. “~Luciano Pavarotti and William Wright, PavarottiWho can argue with the great Luciano Pavarotti? Eating is a necessity, yes, but we don’t have to rush through our meals. There is nothing wrong with enjoying immensely good tasting food, as long as no excesses are indulged.Did you know you can avoid gaining weight by eating slower? Chewing your food properly will also allow your body to digest the food better, and lessens the risk of a bum stomach. On the other hand, lingering at the table without removing the food will increase the chances of gaining weight unnecessarily. It’s very difficult to not reach out for another piece of Southern fried chicken or a slice of decadent chocolate cake, when it’s right in front of you. As soon as everyone is done, why not move to another room for dessert and coffee? Nutrition Post 91“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” - Virginia WoolfFood is the ultimate trip for most adults except maybe a quarter or half of these adults prefer to indulge too much. As a result, we have a major obesity problem in the country today. And we are teaching our young ones how to eat more than needed. Being able to think, love or sleep well cannot be measured by the food we eat. These things are better gauged by the company we keep and people we love. There is the real weight in gold. Let’s enjoy food, but only to feed our bodies, and not rely on it to give us motivation to live. If we do, then we defeat the very purpose of life. Spend time instead doing things that don’t involve always eating. And if eating after is the end result, then the food has to be healthy, nutritious, and not fried fast food. Nutrition Post 92“And I find chopsticks frankly distressing. Am I alone in thinking it odd that a people ingenious enough to invent paper, gunpowder, kites and any number of other useful objects, and who have a noble history extending back 3,000 years haven’t yet worked out that a pair of knitting needles is no way to capture food? “- Bill BrysonUsing chopsticks is not a game, nor is it an ordeal. It is a skill, and one that is easy to learn if you just open your mind to new ways of doing things. If you travel to some countries, they actually use their hands to eat, does this sound even more atrocious? What Bill Bryson finds distressing is not about using chopsticks to eat, but not being able to eat. It is not easy to learn, and this is part of the challenge. So, here’s what you can do. Don’t order fried rice or anything that’s soft like tofu or fish. Instead, get some solids like meat, shrimp, and noodles. Above all, make sure you have a pair of utensils close by - just in case. No sense starving. Then, when you have satisfied your hunger pangs, start practicing. It’s a great way to diet!Nutrition Post 93“The only time to eat diet food is while you’re waiting for the steak to cook.” - Julia ChildNo one can accuse Julia Child of not loving good food and being a homebody. She uses butter, not butter substitute; a good sprinkle of salt when needed; and lots of full cream if she wants to make a delectable dessert. She wouldn’t be Julia Child if she didn’t do this, and so it would hard to imagine her turning her back on traditional cooking ingredients. Except, diet food is not bad food. It can be fully satisfying and yummy. As long as you avoid preserved foods, and prepare your diet food fresh, then you are in an excellent position. If you really want steak, then just cut out the fat, and try not to use too much steak sauce, and get seconds. Nutrition Post 94“Everything I eat has been proved by some doctor or other to be a deadly poison, and everything I don't eat has been proved to be indispensable for life.? But I go marching on.?“ ~George Bernard ShawPerhaps George Bernard Shaw was really eating unhealthy food because there are so many health food choices to be made. Just drop by a supermarket or restaurant, you can order excellent cuisine without the extra serving of fat or salt. Instead of being pessimistic about changes in the food you eat, you can approach it the other way. Be happy! You are going to feel better, energized and your hair, skin, and eyes will begin to glow. This does not mean deprivation, just being more selective. Try it for a month, and see how it goes from there. Eating habits will not change overnight, and you will experience withdrawals symptoms. Don’t use it as an excuse to stop. It might feel terrible but it won’t be that way for long. And then, you can say a sweet bye-bye to certain medication, diet pills, and a whole lot of “You have to stop eating junk food” comments.Nutrition Post 95“We load up on oat bran in the morning so we'll live forever.? Then we spend the rest of the day living like there's no tomorrow.?“ ~Lee IacoccaHe’s right, you know. Why do we eat right, and then take chances, not just on the road but with relationships and careers? Guys, living is not just about dieting and eating healthy. It is about having a purpose. What is your purpose in life? If it is to fit into a dress size smaller, then you need some serious counseling.Look at your family - siblings, children, parents, nephews, aunts - there is one person, no doubt who could use an ear to listen to their stories or comfort them in their pain. So, while it is right to eat properly and the right food, it is not the be-all and end-all of your existence. In fact, once you start appreciating the people around you, then you learn to really value what goes into your mouth - because now you have meaning. Nutrition Post 96“Condensed milk is wonderful.? I don't see how they can get a cow to sit down on those little cans.”? ~Fred AllenFunny. Quirky and pretty graphic words from Fred Allen. However, there is the underlying message that condensed milk is processed food because it contains more stuff that what comes from the cow. Years ago, condensed milk was a common staple in the kitchen, but not anymore. Perhaps, we have really become more conscious about what we eat, and what the ingredients are in what we eat. You will also note that canned milk is not being encouraged anymore, so this must have been said by Fred Allen some time ago. If you must buy condensed milk, make sure you get the one in little cartons instead of cans. This minimizes risk for exposure to lead contamination, and you know that it is a relatively recently manufactured product. Nutrition Post 97“The inventor of soda crackers has a place in hell.?“ ~Martin H. FischerThere are probably a lot of pregnant women in their first trimester who feel the same way. If you are eating soda crackers, chances are you are not feeling well, or being forced to eat something bland. You need to ride it out either way. Then, if it was an upset stomach, be more conscious of what you eat, and if has been cleaned and cooked properly.The recent horror story about eggs that swept the country has almost everyone turning their backs on eggs., However, eggs are healthy food and as long as they are cooked well, they should not pose any health threat.Going back to the soda cracker hate club, you have to admit that it serves an important role in settling certain stomach issues, while at the same time, satisfying persistent hunger pangs. Nutrition Post 98“You can tell how long a couple has been married by whether they are on their first, second or third bottle of Tabasco.”?~Bruce ByeActually, what would be more accurate would be how many brands they have tried to replace their dependency on Tabasco. You know, so many different brands have come out since Tabasco was introduced, each one promising to be spicier and hotter than Tabasco. Yet, somehow, they fall short.What is with Tabasco? Doesn’t it just makes food taste so much better? And the worst part is having to stop eating - when it’s all so good. So, how does one stop?Here are some suggestions : Hide the TabascoDon’t cook as muchDon’t cookBe a vegetarian. Tabasco doesn’t really work well with most veggies, for some reasonTruly, maybe self control would be the best way to eat with a chili sauce. You could also drink a lot of water with your meal, so you don’t overeat. Nutrition Post 99“The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen It's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. “- Abraham LincolnExactly. And food choice is not what is important, but what drives you to do something with your life. Of course, we should all strive to be healthy and eat properly. Vitamins, supplements, and a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables will make us stronger and more able to resist diseases. But that’s just the foundation of your life. Being healthy should not consume you to the point where you forget about human relations and love. It should just keep you alive as long as possible so you can appreciate the people who love you, and do something to make your mark in your world. You don’t have to be the president of a country. You can be a “Somebody” anywhere, and eating well will help you get there faster. ................

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