Examples of each Health Influence:

Examples of each Health Influence:

Heredity: Traits passed down from parents- eye color height etc, as well as predisposition for certain diseases- heart disease, diabetes, cancer


If mom/dad has diabetes, you are predisposed to also having diabetes later in life.

If you have a history of breast cancer in your family- grandmother, mother, sister, aunt, etc., you are also likely to develop breast cancer. You should be aware that it does run in the family, and take precaution to prevent the development- eat better, go in regularly for breast cancer screenings

Environment: sum of surroundings, family, neighborhood, experiences


Mom/ dad are most likely in charge of purchasing foods/ dinner. If they are purchasing fast food, this can affect your physical health because you will be consuming foods that are not healthy for you. If they are purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables, and prepare meals at home, you are likely to consume a better variety of foods. You are also likely to believe that consuming nutritious foods is important.

Physical environment: safe environment, air pollution, pollen, dust, smog, living with a smoker


If you have allergies, your health could be affected if there is an increase in pollen/ dust. You may have sneezing attacks, itchy/watery eyes, and may not feel like yourself.

Living with a smoker- You are inhaling the smoke (2nd hand smoke), which could cause respiratory problems, and difficulty breathing. Your clothes may smell like smoke, some people may not want to hang around you because they think you smoke.

Social environment: family, people in contact with every day. Peers- friends/ classmates


A friend, or someone you think is “cool” may try to get you engage in unhealthy behaviors. You may feel guilty (mental/emotional health) about deciding to do something you don’t want to, or may even cause harm to yourself or others (physical)

If you stood up for what you believe in and turned down unhealthy behaviors, and didn’t give into peer pressure, you could possibly have a positive influence on someone else’s health, by making them realize it is ok to say no.

Culture: Beliefs, customs, religious, foods you enjoy


Against your religion to engage in some unhealthy behaviors, and you stick to those beliefs.

Japanese culture consumes a lot of fish. They get high levels of protein, and Omega 3 fatty acids (good fat) from their diet. This may help lower cholesterol, blood pressure, prevent heart disease.

Vegetarian diet- Get a large variety of vegetables and fruits, but will need to find different methods of obtaining proteins. Decrease in proteins may cause low iron levels.

Attitude: Positive thinking/ attitude more likely to have better health


Math test- attitude of “I don’t know this stuff anyway, so I’m not even going to try. I’m going to fail” will likely result in a failing grade on the test. If you have an attitude of “I’m not as prepared as I should be, I remember some information, I’m going to try my best” may result in you surprising yourself to remember more than you thought, and actually passing the math test. (**Self-fulfilling prophecy**)

Behavior: You control your behavior, don’t have to “follow in the footsteps” of others. You can choose to engage in healthier habits, and not participate in unhealthy habits.


(+) Influence on health- you do not engage in smoking cigarettes when your friends want you to. You join the track team- positive for physical health because you are working out. This is positive for social health because you are encouraged by teammates to do well.

Media: means of communicating information: TV, Radio, Print, Internet, Film, provides info and entertainment. Not always reliable sources, exaggerated claims.


You disagree with the negative messages in a particular song on the radio. In order to not have the message affect your mental/ emotional, social or physical health, you change the station when the song comes on.

You see an article in a magazine that describes the “ideal” body type that is attractive to the opposite sex. You take extreme measures to achieve body image you see in the pictures by deciding not to eat. Your physical health can be affected because you are not eating a healthy diet or consuming enough calories to provide energy to your body. You may become easily fatigued, could faint, or even be hospitalized.

Technology: Medical screenings, Treatment for diseases.


MRI machines- can now determine soft tissue injuries like ligament tears

X-Ray- allow us to determine if there is a fracture in a bone

Cancer screenings- at the dentist, you can have an oral cancer test done in just a few minutes (like a mouth wash rinse and then looked at under a black light)

Video games- new games have replaced physical activity. (-) influence on physical health

Wii Fit/ Kinect- video games that is encouraging players to get moving/ off the couch. (+) influence on physical health.


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