Sports Nutrition Assignment IKay is an aspiring 800-meter track athlete who has read various nutrition books with the hope of finding the ideal diet for her sport. From her reading, she has learned that fats yield more calories per gram than carbohydrates. In addition, she knows that dietary proteins are needed to help her muscles recover from training and additionally can be used for energy. She is now convinced that one of the popular high-fat, high-protein, low carbohydrate diets is her best choice. Her coach disagrees with her decision. She recommends Kay speak with a sports nutrition professional prior to changing her current diet, in which the majority of calories come from carbohydrates.What energy system(s) does an athlete running the 800-meter event rely on for energy?An athlete running the 800-meter event would primarily rely on Lactic Acid System and the Oxygen system. The athlete would be sprinting either the first half or the last half of one of the laps. This sprint would require the lactic acid system whereas the rest of the run would be more reliant on the oxygen system.?From a bioenergy standpoint, is Kay on the right track with her thinking? What problems could she encounter by switching to this diet for this type of sport?From a bioenergy standpoint I would disagree with Kay on her thinking. Unless her body is fully in a ketogenic state, the body will need carbohydrates to continue to run at endurance level. Such a combination of sprint and endurance running as the 800- meter event would require upwards of 85% VO2 max. In this stage, nearly 175 cal-kg a minute is burned directly from glycogen stores. Without these stores, the body would not have what it would need for such exercise.?List the current world record holders (male and female) in the 800-m sprint. Provide their times, nationality and year that they achieved the world record.2012 held our most recent Olympics. David Rudisha from Kenya holds the fastest record. His record is 1:41:91 for the 800m. Jarmila Kratochvilova holds the fastest record as a woman at 1:53:28 in 1983 from Czechoslovakia.?Meggan is a 15-year old soccer player. She is very athletic, plays midfielder, and is noted for her speed and endurance. She has been trying to lose a few pounds to achieve a more comfortable playing weight, and therefore has decreased her carbohydrate intake from 65% of her total daily caloric intake to 40%. Lately she has been feeling fatigued in the middle of her 2- to 3-hour practices and weekend games, which is affecting her performance. Meggan’s coach has suggested that she bring a water bottle filled with a sports drink to their next practice. However, Meggan dislikes the taste of sports drinks and decides to find an alternative. She enjoys juices of any kind; therefore, the following Saturday she fills her water bottle with orange juice and drinks diligently throughout practice. Halfway through practice, instead of feeling tired, she is feeling nauseous and has intestinal cramping.What are the possible causes of Meggan’s earlier-than-usual fatigue?The lower amount of carbohydrates than her body is used to having would lower her amount of glycogen stores. So her carbohydrate stores are being depleted. She hasn't increased fat and protein intake in order to account for lower stores which would lead to ketogenesis and supply her with energy.?What dietary suggestions might you give Meggan to get her back to peak sport performance?She should either stick with low carb but increase her fat and protein intake or she should increase her carbohydrate intake to 55-60% in order to provide enough energy throughout her games. If she still desires to lose weight she should focus more on having complex carbohydrates and still increasing her amounts of protein and healthy fats and ensuring that her intakes are not exceeding her energy expenditures ................

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