Anatomy Chapter 1 Study Guide

Chapter 1 Study Guide

1. Explain the difference between Anatomy and Physiology.

2. List in order the levels of organization of the human body.

3. Explain where body organs and structures are.

4. Define axial portion of the body?

5. Define appendicular portion of the body.

6. Define sagittal, coronal, and transverse section and plan.

7. What two cavities make up the posterior body cavity?

8. How many membranous layers line the posterior body cavities and what is the name of these membranes?

9. What disease is caused by the infection of the linings mentioned in number 8?

10. The anterior body cavity is composed of what two cavities? Tell the name of each and describe their location relative to each other in anatomical terms.

11. What muscular partition separates the two cavities described in number 10?

12. What major organs are located in the mediastinum?

13. What is the function for the membranes and fluid that fill the cavities of the body? Be specific.

14. Name some of the organs located in the abdominal cavity.

15. The abdominal cavity is divided into how many sections? Name them.

16. The major organ systems of the body are divided into how many groups? What are they?

17. Define Homeostasis.

18. Explain the difference between positive and negative feedback. What body regulations does each involve?


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