
Curriculum/ Course Outline of M. A. Sociology

Two-Year Program (Annual System)

M. A. Sociology (Part-I)

Paper 1 Principles of Sociology 100 Marks

Paper 2 Sociological Theory 100 Marks

Paper 3 Methods of Social Research 100 Marks

Paper 4 Social Statistics and Application of Computer in Sociology 100 Marks

Paper 5 Cultural Anthropology 100 Marks

Paper 6 Social Psychology 100 Marks

M. A. Sociology (Part-II)

Paper 1 Population Dynamics 100 Marks

Paper 2 Sociology of Development 100 Marks

Paper 3 A) Sociology of Social Work (50) 100 Marks

B) NGO Management (50)

Paper 4 Sociology of Social Change 100 Marks

Paper 5 Principles of Gender Studies (Opt-I) 100 Marks

Paper 6 Criminology and Sociology of Deviance (Opt-II) 100 Marks

Paper 7 Social Problems of Pakistan (Opt-I) 100 Marks

Paper 8 Thesis (Opt-II) 100 Marks

Curriculum/ Course Outline of M. A. Sociology

Two-Year Program (Annual System)

Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan

M. A. Sociology (Part-I)


• Introduction

o Nature, scope and subject matter of sociology

o Brief historical development of sociology

o Introduction to quranic sociology

o Society and community

o Relationship with other social sciences

o Social interaction processes

o Exploring the global village

o Sociology as a science

o The sociological imagination

o The development of sociology

o Pioneers of sociology

• Social Groups

o Definition and functions

o Types of social groups

• Social Institutions

o Definition

o Structure and function of social institutions

o Inter-relationships among various social institutions

• Culture and related concepts

o Definition and aspects of culture

o Elements of culture

o Organization of culture

o Other concepts, cultural relativism, sub cultures, ethnocentrism, cultural lag

• Socialization and Personality

o Role and status

o Socialization

o Culture and personality

• Deviance and Social Control

o Definition and types of deviance

o Juvenile delinquency

o Formal and informal methods of social control

• Social Stratification

o Approach to study social stratification

o Caste class and race as basics of social stratification

• Social Movement

o Theories of social movement

o Social and cultural change

o Collective behavior

o Definition

o Characteristics

o Causes

o Types

o Social movements

o Mob and crowd behavior

• Social and Cultural Change

o Definition of social change

o Dynamics of social change

o Impact of globalization on society and culture

o Resistance to change


1. Diana, Kendall. (2001). Sociology in Our Times. 32nd Edition. Wadsworth.

2. Hensline, James. M. (1997). Sociology. USA: Needhan Heigwb, Massachusetts.

3. George J. Brgjar, Michael P. Soroke. (1997). Sociology. USA: Needhan Heigwb, Massachusetts.


• Introduction and Early Social Thought

o Historical Development of Social Philosophy

o Folk Thinking

o Greek

o Egyptian

o Babylonian

o Chinese

• Muslim Social Thought

o Imam Ghazali

o Ibn-E-Khuldun

o Shah Waliullah

• Historical Background of Classical Sociological Theory

o Church – State Controversy

o Social Forces in the Development of Sociological Theory

o Intellectual Forces and the Rise of Sociological Theory

o Church-State Controversy

o The Development of French Sociology

o The Development of German Sociology

o The Origins of British Sociology

• Classical Sociological Theorists

o August Comte

o Emile Durkheim

o Max Weber

o Karl Marx

o C. Wright Mills

o George Simmel

• Neo- structural functionalist:

o Talcoot parsons

o Robert K. Merton.

• Neo- conflict theorists:

o Ralf Dahrendorf

• Critical conflict theory:

o Thorstein veblen

• Frankfurt school of thought:

o Jurgen Habbermas

• Rational choice theory \ Exchange theory:

o Skinner and behaviourism,

o G.C. Homans, Peter M. Blau

• Social behaviourism and Interactionism:

o Phenomenology ( Alferd Schutz),

o Systamatic social behaviouism ( Max weber , George simmel)

o Symbolic Interactionism ( C.H.Cooly, G.H Mead)

• Ethnomethodology:

o Introduction, Contribution of H Garfinkal.

• Evolving contemporary feminist theory:

o Feminism

o Historical development

o Gender theories.


1. Farganis, J. (1993). Readings in Social Theory. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.

2. Jones, P. (2003). Introducing Social Theory, Cambridge: Polity Press

3. Kinloch, C. G. (1977). Sociological Theory; Its Development and Major paradigms. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company

4. Ritzer, G. (2004). Sociological Theory, New York: McGraw-Hill, INC.


• Introduction

o Characteristics of scientific social research

o Theory and research types of social research qualitative and quantitative approaches in social research

o Quality of good researcher

o Difficulties in social research.

• What is Research problem

o Choosing the problem and its significance

o Review of relevant literature, theoretical framework

o Formulation of research question

o Derivation of research hypothesis

o Measuring the variable, operationalization, validity and reliability,

o The time dimension: 1-cross sectional studies 2- longitudinal studies 3- approximating longitudinal studies

o Unit of analysis: 1- individuals 2- groups 3- organizations

• Research design

o Definition of research design

o Characteristics of research design

o Types of research design

o Components of research design.

• Making a hypothesis

o Meaning and forms of hypothesis

o Functions of hypothesis

o Sources and logic of driving hypothesis

o Characteristics of useable hypothesis

o Statistical testing of hypothesis.

• Sampling

o Sampling techniques

o Preparation of sampling frame

o error and control

o Types and method of data collection

o Instruments of data collection

o Questioner development

o Design and format

o Pre-testing and revision

o Field problem in data collection.

o Reporting and editing

• Processing of data

o Analysis of data by using computer

o Statistical techniques used in data analysis

o Interpretation/description of data using technical language.

o Practical (the students are required to collect data and by using some statistical package analyze data.

• Data collection

o Sources of data

o Methods of data collection

o Survey method

o Experimental method

o Case study method

o Historical method/documentation

o Content analysis method.

• Tools of data collection

o Observation (participants and non-participants)

o Questionnaire

o Interview schedule

o Focus group discussion (FGD)

• Measurement and scaling

o Types of scales

o Paired comparison

o Method of equal appearing interval

o Internal consistency scale

o Thurston scale

o Rating scales.

• Analysis and interaction of data

• Presentation of data and report writing

o Format of report

o Graphic and pictorial presentation

o Report writing, bibliography

o Footnotes and references.


1. Bonface, David R (1995), Experiment Design and Statistical Methods for Behavioral and Social Research, London, Chapman and Hall.

2. Miller D C (1991), Handbook of Research Design and Social Measurement, London, Sage Publications.

3. Eills E (1994), Research Methods in Social Science, Eirgiond: Brown and BenchMark Publishers.

4. Singleton, Royce A, and Straits, Bruce C. (1988). Approaches to Social Research. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press

5. Neuman, W. Lawrence. (2000).Social Research Methods. 4th ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon

6. Babbie, Eearl. (2001).The Practice of Social Research. 9th ed. Australia: Wadsworth



• Introduction

Basic introduction.

• Presentation

Presentation of data numerically and graphically.

• Measures of Central tendency

Introduction, properties and relationship between arithmetic mean, median and mode.

• Measures of dispersion

Introduction, absolute and relative measures of dispersion. Properties of variance and standard deviation.

• Regression and Correlation

Introduction. Simple linear regression and multiple regression. Coefficient of correlation and coefficient of determination. Multiple correlation and partial correlation. Use of Scatter diagram in correlation and regression.

• Sampling

Introduction to sampling and sampling distributions. Sampling distribution for single population mean and proportion. Sampling distribution for difference between two population means and proportion.

• Probability

Basic introduction to probability. Random experiment and its properties. Events and their types. Laws of probability. Discrete probability distributions. Binomial distribution. Continuous probability distributions. Normal probability distribution.

• Testing of hypothesis:

Basic concepts about testing of hypothesis. Procedure of testing of hypothesis. Single sample test involving means and proportions. Two sample tests involving means and proportions for independent and dependent samples

• Test for independence and non-parametric test:

Chi- square test. Non- parametric test.

• The analysis of variance:

Concept of Analysis of Variance. One-way analysis of variance. Two-wayanalysis of variance.


1. Cramer Duncan (1994), Introducing Statistics for Social Research, Step by Step Calculations and Computer Techniques Using SPSS, London, Roudledge.

2. Elifson, Kirk W, Richard P Runyon and Audre Herber (1990), Fundamentals of Social Statistics 2nd Edition, Singapore: McGraw Hill Book Company.


• Introduction to Computers, Concepts, Functions, Applications, Hardware.

• Types of Computers.

• Input/ Output Devices.

• Software.

• System Software.

• Application Software.

• Customized Software.

• Word Processing.

• Spreadsheet.

• Tools of Statistical Analyses Using Computer.

• Database Application.

• Internet Browser.

• E-mail: Personal Organizers.

• Multimedia Applications.

• Business Applications.

• Accounts.

• Payroll.

• Production.

• Market Planning.


1. Peter Norton’s (2000), Introduction to Computers.

2. Long and long (1999), Introduction to Computers.


• Introduction

o What is Anthropology

o Branches of Anthropology

▪ Physical Anthropology

▪ Cultural Anthropology

▪ Linguistic Anthropology

▪ Archeology

o Relationship of Anthropology with other Social Sciences

o Relation between Sociology and Anthropology

• Culture

o Nature of Culture

o Evolution and growth of Culture

o Nature vs Nurture

o Culture: Adaptive and Maladaptive

o Ethnocentrism, Cultural Relativism and Human Rights

o Primitive Cultures

o Mechanisms of Cultural Change

o Globalization and Culture

• The Growth of Anthropological Theory

o Social Evolutionism

o Diffusionism and Acculturation

o Historicism

o Functionalism

o Culture & Personality

o American Materialism

o Cultural Materialism

o Cross-Cultural Analysis

o Cognitive Anthropology

o Marxist Anthropology

o Feminist Anthropology

o Structuralism

o Symbolic & Interpretive Anthropologies

o Postmodernism & Its Critics

• Economics

o Economics and Economic Anthropology

o Types of societies based on the Economic mode of production

o Phases of Economic Activity

• Marriage and the Family

o Toward a Definition of Marriage?

▪ Woman Marriage and Ghost Marriage among the Nuer

o Marriage as a Social Process

▪ Patterns of Residence after Marriage

▪ Single and Plural Spouses

▪ Polyandry, Sexuality, and the Reproductive Capacity of Women

o Marriage and Economic Exchange

o Brothers and Sisters in Cross-Cultural Perspective

▪ Brothers and Sisters in a Matrilineal Society

▪ Brothers and Sisters in a Patrilineal Society

o Family Structure

▪ The Nuclear Family

▪ The Polygynous Family

▪ Extended and Joint Families

o Sexual Practices

▪ Ranges of Heterosexual Practices

▪ Other Sexual Practices

o Sexuality and Power

• Political Organization and Social Control

o Types of Political Organization

▪ Band Societies

▪ Tribal Societies

o Chiefdoms

o State Systems

o Social Control

▪ Informal Means of Social Control

▪ Formal Means of Social Control

• Supernatural Beliefs

o Defining Religion

▪ Problems of defining religion

▪ Religion and Magic

▪ Sorcery and Witchcraft

o Myths

o Functions of Religion

o Religion and Social Control

o Religion and Cultural Ecology

▪ Sacred Cattle in India

• Human Race and Ethnicity

o Race is biological or social phenomena

o Social Race and concept of racism in South Asia (a dialogue)

o Ethnic Groups and Ethnicity

o Peaceful Coexistence

o Roots of Ethnic Conflict

• Language and Communication

o Animal Communication

o Nature and Structure of Language

o Language, Thought and Culture

o Socio-linguistics

o Non-verbal Communication

• Cognition

o The Dialectic between Cognition and Culture

o Cognition as an open system

▪ Cognitive Capacities and Intelligence

o Perception

o Conception

o Emotion

o Is Cognitive Development the Same for Everyone

o Cognition and Context


1. Bodily, John H. (1994) Cultural Anthropology, California, Mayfield Publication Co.

2. Ferraro, Gary. (2001). Cultural Anthropology: An Applied Perspective 4th ed. Wadsworth: Australia

3. Harris Marrier (1987), Cultural Anthropology, Newark, Hanper & Co.

4. Kottak, C.P. (2000). Anthropology. 8th ed. Mc Graw Hill: Boston

5. Lavenda, R.H & Schultz, E.A. (1998). Anthropology. 2nd ed. Mayfield: London


• Introduction:

o Definition and scope of social psychology

o Historical development of social psychology

o Methods and framework of social psychology

• Human Behavior & Personality:

o Psychological dynamics

o Socio-cultural dynamics

o Man as a psycho-bio-social unit.

o Personality Development:

o Socialization and personality development

o Theories of personality development

• Theorists

o Sigmund Freud

o C.H. Cooley

o Skinner

o G.H. Mead.

• Cultural and Social Development:

o Universal cultural patterns

o Cultural values and inter-personal adjustment

• Individual in Society:

o Interpersonal behavior

o Attitudes (meaning, formation, and change) perception

o Language (communication and change) motivation

• Group dynamics:

o Group life

o Formation of groups

o Dimensions of group effectiveness

o Dynamics of Leadership:

o Leadership

o Role and status, psycho-social factors underlying roles

o Types of leaderships

o Group morale and leadership

• Stress in Social Behavior:

o Social behavior

o Physically, psychologically, socially stressful situation, tension, frustration, stress, tension reduction.

• Psychological problems of Pakistani Society


1. Worchil, S. (2000), Social Psychology, Australia, Wadsworth.

2. Lindesmith, Alfred R. Straurs Anselm L. Perzin, N.K, (1994), Social Psychology, London, SAGIE.

3. Baron, R. (1998), Exploring Social Psychology, Allyn, Bacon.

M. A. Sociology (Part-II)


• Introduction to the world’s population:

o Demography: the science of population

o Subject matter of demography

o Growth of world population

o Power of doubling

o Population explosion

o Population implosion

• Sources of demographic data:

o Vital statistics

o Sample surveys

o Administrative data

• Who is included in the census?

o De-facto population

o De-jure population

o Usual residence

• Errors in the enumeration process:

o Sampling error

o Non-sampling error(Coverage error and content error)

• Measuring coverage error through

o Demographic analysis (DA)

o Dual system estimation (DSE)

• Demographic perspectives

o Malthus perspective

o Marxist perspective

o Mills perspective

o Dumont perspective

o Durkheim perspective

o Theory of demographic change and response

o Easterline cohort size hypothesis

• Mortality

o Components of mortality (Lifespan and longevity)

o Social and biological factors of mortality

o Life table

o Social status differentials in mortality

o Age differentials in mortality

• Causes of death

o Infectious and parasitic diseases

o Degeneration from the chronic diseases

o Real causes of death

• Measuring mortality

o Crude death rate

o Age-specific death rate

• Fertility

o Difference between fertility and fecundity

o Biological and social factors affecting fertility

o Explanations of high fertility

o Baby Boom

• Measures of fertility

• Period measures

o Crude birth rate

o General fertility rate

o Child women ratio

o Age-specific fertility rate

o Total fertility rate

o Gross reproductive rate

o Net reproductive rate

• Cohort measures

o Completed fertility

o Fertility inclusions

• Migration

o Migration

o Mobility

o Sojourner

o Mover

o Out-migration

o In-migration

o Immigration

o Emigration

o Refugees

o Asylees

o Push and pull theory of migration

o Migration process

o Consequences of migration

• Forced migration

o Slavery

o Refugees

• Measuring migration

o Gross rate of out-migrations

o Gross rate of in-migration

o Crude net migration rate

o Total migration rate

o Migrations turnover rate

o Migration effectiveness

• Theories of international migration

o Neo-classical economic approach

o Household economics of migration

o Dual labor market theory

o World system theory

o Network theory

o Institutional theory

o Cumulative causation theory

• Mortality

o Constant method

o Cause-delay method

o Targeting method

o Trend extrapolation method

o Synthetic method

• Fertility projections

o Constant method

o Targeting method

o Trend extrapolation method

o Synthetic method

• Cohort component model

o Demographic balancing equation

o Period and cohort data

o Stable and stationary population

• Population structure and characteristics

o Age and sex

o Population, aging and life course

o Family demography and life chances

o Urban transition

o Population and environment


1. Weeks John R (1992), Population: An Introduction to concepts and Issues. Belmert California, Wadsworth Publising company.

2. Petreson, William. (1975), Population, New York, Macmillan.


• Introduction

o Defining Basic concepts

o GDP, GNP and their relation with the socio-economic status

o Key themes and issues in Sociology of Development

• Theoretical Perspectives on Development

(Modernization Theory)

o Introduction of Modernization theory

o The theoretical origins of modernization theory

o Modernization theory

o Summary of modernization theory and its implications

o The critique of modernization theory

o Conclusion

• Theoretical Perspectives on Development

(Underdevelopment Theory)

o Introduction of Underdevelopment theory

o The theoretical origins of Underdevelopment theory

o Underdevelopment theory

o Summary of Underdevelopment theory and its implications

o The critique of Underdevelopment theory

o Conclusion

• Political Development

o Introduction

o Third world politics: the analysis of instability

o Military intervention in the third world

o Conclusion

• Development Planning and Aid

o Introduction

o The failure of development Aid

o Rural Development Programmes

o Conclusion

• Gender and development

o Transitional practices in the third world

o Socialist societies in the global system

o Problems of Development

o Models of Case Studies of Development

o Problems and Prospects of Sociology of Development

o The role of development aid in development

o The role of non-government organizations in development

• Demographic transitional theories related with development

• Development in Pakistan: a case study

• Conclusion


1. Auty, Richard M. 1995. Patterns of Development Resources, Policy and Economic Growth, London: Edward Arnold

2. Booth, David. 1994. Rethinking Social Development. Theory, Research and Practice. England, Longman Scientific and Technical

3. Gardez, Hassan N. (1991), Understanding Pakistan the Colonial Factor in Social Development, Lahore, Maktab-e-Fikr-O-Danish.

4. Webster A. 1990. Introduction to the Sociology of Development. 2nd ed. Hong kong: Macmillan Education Ltd


• Introduction

o Social work and its definition

o Relationship with sociology

o Applications of sociological knowledge in social work

o Historical development of social welfare in South Asia

o Concept of welfare state and social welfare

• Methods of social work

o Case work: Basic concepts, principles of case work practice

o Group work: goals and purposes, principles of group work practice

o Community development: Nature and scope of community development with special reference to Pakistan

• Social work services

o Psychiatric social work

o Medical social work

o Social work in schools

o Child welfare

o Services for the aged

o Services for women

o Services for the disabled

o Poverty reduction and other services

Social work in Pakistan

o Role of government agencies-historical perspective

o Role of international agencies

o Role of NGOs


1. Ferguson, Etizabath A (1963). Social Work: An Introduction, New York, J.B. L. Pincott Company.

2. Fink, Arthur E. The field of Social Work, New York, Holt R. Nehart and Winston.

3. Fried: Amder. Watter A. (Ed) Concepts and Methods of Social Work. Englewood CL. Ffs. NJ Practice Hall Inc. 1958.

4. Martin, Davis (1991) The Sociology of Social Work, London, Routledge.

5. Skidmore Rex A, Miltong Thackery. (1994), Introduction to Social Work. New Jercy. Prentice Hall International Inc.


• Introduction

o Introduction to Management and Organizations

o Management Perspectives

o Management as a Decision Making Process

• Introduction to Non-Profit Organisation/ NGO

o Mission, Vision, Value and Principles

o Strategic Management of NGO

o NGO and Civil Society

o NGO as an agent of Development

o Advocacy and Services Delivery: Main NGO Activities

o NGO and Management of Relationships

• Organisational structure, leadership and setting up a board of directors

o Project management 1: assessment and planning

o Project management 2 - project development and implementation

o Business plans and grant proposals

o Staff and Volunteer management

o Fundraising

o Financial management

• NGOs and democracy

o Regulations to corporations

o Government NGO co-operation

o NGOs in planning and development

• NGOs and Globalization

o Economic surveillance through Global Village

o Role of NGOs in sustainable development


1. Goel, O.P. (2004) Strategic Management and policy issues of NGOs

2. Blank. 2000. The natural laws of leadership. Royal book company, Karachi

3. Khan, Imdad. A. 1998. Changing pattern of rural leadership and their characteristics. Pakistan academy for rural development, Peshawar, Pakistan


• The Study of Change

o The Social Scientific Perspective

o Social and Cultural Evolution

• The Components of Change

o Population Growth and Demographic Transition

o The Heritage and Dynamics of Culture

o Social Structures, Systems and Processes

• The Engines of Change

o Social Movements: Concepts and Principles

o Movements and Revolutions in Context

o The Process of Technological Innovation

• Change at the Macro Level

o From Gemeinschaft to Gessellschaft: The Urbanization of the Human Population

o A World Divided

o The Market, Capitalism, and Socialism

o Representative Government and the Modern Nation-state

• Planned Change: Making tomorrow’s Society

o Development and Democratic Planning

o Modernization and Postmodernism

o The Political Economy of Globalization


1. Swansen, G.E. Social Change, Glenview, III, Scott, Foresman and Co. 1971.

2. Lapiere, R.T. Social Change, New York: McGraw Hill Book Co., 1965.

3. Elzioni, A, and E. Elzioni, (eds), Social Change, New York: Basic Book Inc, 1964.

4. Moore, W.E, Social Change, Englawood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice Hall Inc, 1974.

5. Smith, A.D, The Concept of Social Change: A Critique of the Functionalist Theory of Social Change, London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1973.


• Introduction to the Course

o Conceptualization of basic terms and definitions

o Relation of Gender studies with Feminism

o Feminism and the Sociological Feminism

o Feminism and Social Institutions

• Major Feminist Waves

o First wave Feminists

o Second wave Feminists

o Third Wave Feminists

• Major Feminist Perspectives

o Liberal Feminism

o Radical Feminism

o Marxist Feminism

o Socialist Feminism

o Psychoanalytic Feminism

o Theological Feminism

• Gender Discrimination in Pakistani Social Institutions

o Family

o Education

o Politics

o Religion

o Economy

• Gender and Legislation

o Constitution of Pakistan

o Misogynistic constitutional clauses and acts

o Women sexual harassment act at workplace

o Legal pluralism, legal polycentricity, legal culture-their relevance for women’s lives and law

o “Mysoginistic Trends in Islamic Jurisprudence”

• Gender and Development.

o Transitional practices in the third world

o Socialist societies in the global system

o Problems of Development

o The role of non-government organizations in gender development

o Practical and Strategic Gender Needs and the Role of the State.

o Problems in Gender Development

o The role of non-government organizations in gender development


• Contemporary Gender Issues in Pakistan

o Gender, Politics and Government (Reference to Pakistani Society).

o Gender Roles, the family and the Household

o Gender and Administrative Post.

o Gender, Employment and Economy.

o Gender, Crime and Justice.


1. Abbott, Pamela and Wallace, Claire et. All. (2005). An Introduction to Sociology: Feminist Perspectives Routledge: London

2. Donovan, Josephine. (1995). Feminist Theory. Frederick Ungar Book: New York

3. Moghissi, Haideh. (1999). Feminism and Islamic Fundamentalism: The limits of Postmodern analysis. Oxford University Press: New York.


(Part 1 Deviance)

• Introduction

o Definitions

o Nature

o Relative phenomenon

o Difference between deviance and crime

• Deviance and Types of Deviance

o Social stigma

o Mental illness

• Social Factors and Deviance

• Function of Deviance

• Theories of Deviance

o Biological explanation

o Psychological explanation

• Sociological explanation

o Functionalist theories of deviance

o Conflict theories of deviance

o Symbolic integrationist theories of deviance

• Controlling Deviance

o Deviance in global perspective

o Debating social policy

o Some Important Case Studies.

(Part 2 Criminology)

• Introduction

o Criminology and its scope

o Criminology and its law

• Related Concepts

o Deviancy

o Sin

o Vice

o Crime as a social and cultural phenomenon

o Crime and social organization

o Crime as a social problem

o Crime and social structure

• Theories and Approaches to Criminal Behavior

o Biological and environmental factors

o Psychological and psychiatric determinants

o Sociological and economic approaches

o Islamic point of view

• Crime and Criminals

o The occasional criminals

o The habitual criminals

o The professional criminals

o The white-collar crimes

o The organized crimes

o Corporate crimes

o Custom based deviance and crimes

• Juvenile delinquency

o Juvenile delinquency and crime

o Delinquency prevention at juvenile level

o Juvenile reformatories

o Probation

o Other preventive measures/ programes with reference to Pakistan

• Crime Statistics

o Sources, difficulties and need

o National crime statistics and its sociological interpretation

o International crime statistics and its sociological interpretation

o Problems of reliability and validity

• Detection of Crimes

o Agencies of detection formal-informal

o Techniques of detection

o Problems of detection

• Trail and conviction of offenders

o Agencies: formal/informal criminal court

o Types, problems and procedures

• Punitive and reformative treatments of criminals

o Corporal punishments

o Capital punishment

o Imprisonment

o Prison and related problems

o Probation

o Parole

o Rehabilitation of criminals

o Specific study of Islamic laws with special emphases on Hadood, Qisas and Tazir

• Prevention of Crime

o Long term measures

o Short term measures


1. Aulak, An Mafid. Criminal Justice, Martin, Ramdy, 1991. Criminological Thnought- Pioneers, Past and Present. Macmillan and Co.

2. Jupp. Victor (1989), Methods of Criminological Research, London, Macmillan and Co.

3. Hagon, John Modern (1987), Criminology , New York, McGraw Hill.

4. Resen Berg M.M.: An Introduction to Sociology, Methven, New York, 1983.

5. Curra, John, Understanding Social Deviance: From the Near Side to the outer limits, NewYork, Harper Collins, 1994.


• Introduction

o Definition and Nature of Social Problem

o Approaches to Social Problems

o Characteristics of Social Problems

o Classification of Social Problems

o Role of Sociologists in solving Social Problems

• Population Problems

o High Population growth: causes and consequences

o Over population

• Economic and Agricultural Problems

o Industrialization

o Agricultural credit

o Unemployment and underemployment

• Drug and narcotic addiction

o Drug addiction-factors causing its spread, socio-economic psychological and other effects on individual and the family, remedial measures

o Narcotics measures of control in Pakistani society

• Problems of health and environment

o Mental health

o Physical health and sanitation

o environmental problems

• Orientation to culture of Pakistan

o Value conflict in a changing society

o National unity and integration

o Problems of national character

• Major Social Problems in Pakistan

o Beggary

o Child labor/ abuse

o Bonded labor

o Bad governance

o Gender discrimination

o Illiteracy

o Family violence


1. Ahmed, Akber S. (1990). Pakistan: The Social Sciernces Perspective. Karachi: Oxford University Press

2. Birkhead, Guthrie S. (1966). Administrative Problems in Pakistan. New York: Syracuse University Press.

3. Joshi, S. C. (2005). Social Problems: Genesis, Causes and Magnitude. India: Akansha Publishing House

4. Korson, J. henry (1974). Contemporary Problems in Pakistan

Paper 8 Thesis (Opt-II)


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