Computer Science 1

CS0004 Visual Basic 2082

Mr. Trentini

Assignment #4 Rubric

Due Date: April 16, 2008

No late papers accepted.


You will create a Visual Basic 2005 project that will read a data file, calculate average GPA, and the difference (+/-) for each student GPA from the average. You are required to use one and two dimentional parallel arrays to store data during execution

Assignment Task List

1. Create a VB project named Assign04-082, project and files will be stored in the folder Assign04-082

2. Your form will be frmGrades. The data file should be saved as D04_In.txt Use the data shown on the sample form (other side). You are free to design your own project form. Remember to follow the guidelines you have learned.

3. When the user clicks on the Average Score menu option, the average score ( Mean ) and Standard Deviation (SD) should be displayed in labels.

4. When the user clicks on the Difference menu option, the difference between the average score and each student score should be calculated and displayed, by name, in a ListBox.

5. When the user clicks on the Grades menu option, the grades will be calculated using the SD and a Bell Curve as follows.

Score >= (Mean >= +2 SD) A

Score >= (Mean >= +1 SD) B

Score >= (Mean ± 1 SD) C

Score >= (Mean ................

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