32.1 - AP BIOLOGY - Home

AP Biology – Animal Unit Reading Guide32.1List the hierarchical organizational levels of multicellular organisms.What is a tissue? Define organ.Define organ system.32.2 What is a hormone? Why does a hormone elicit a response only with target cells? The body has two long-distance regulating systems. Which involves chemical signals by hormones? What is the other major communication and control system? Describe an example of a negative feedback loop. Clearly identify the set point, the stimulus, and the response. We sometimes say that in negative feedback “more gets you less,” and in positive feedback “more gets you more.” Describe an example of a positive feedback loop. Recall that target cells have receptors for specific hormones. Where are the receptors for lipid soluble hormones found? Where are the receptors for the water-soluble proteins found? Explain this difference for the two types of hormones. Give the functions and gland of origin of the following hormones:HormoneFunctionGland producingInsulinGrowth Hormone (GH)Thyroid HormonesTestosteroneEstrogenEpinephrine and norepinephrineOne hormone can have several different effects. For example, epinephrine can cause the release of glucose from liver cells, dilate blood vessels to skeletal muscles, and constrict intestinal blood vessels. All these effects prepare the body for “fight or flight.” Explain how these multiple effects are possible.32.3Explain the difference between animals that are regulators and those that are conformers. What is interstitial fluid? What is thermoregulation? Describe the difference between endothermy and ectothermy, and give an animal that exhibits each. Endothermy Exothermy 32.4 Define these two terms:osmoregulation: excretion: Why are nitrogenous wastes associated with nucleic acids and proteins, but not with lipids or carbohydrates? Explain the difference between osmoconformers and osmoregulators. Compare osmoregulation in a saltwater and freshwater fish. Animals excrete nitrogenous wastes as __________, __________ or __________. Your knowledge of biology from previous chapters should make understanding how ADH works easy to understand. Describe the 4 steps of ADH function. Indicate whether it operates on positive or negative feedback. 33.2List the 4 stages of food processing.How do food vacuoles function in intracellular digestion?A hydra is an animal with 2 tissue layers that belong to a simpler group of animals. Sea anemones and jellyfish also belong to this group. They have a gastrovascular cavity that is called two-way digestion. Describe how they take in and digest food and get rid of wastes.Higher animals such as worms, insects, birds and humans have one-way digestion. Describe this.33.3What are villi and microvilli? What is their function?33.5Define bioenergetics.What is metabolic rate and what units are used for its measurement?What is BMR?What has a higher metabolic rate, an elephant or a mouse? Explain.Describe how blood glucose concentrations are controlled.What is the medical condition caused by an alteration in the regulation of blood glucose levels?34.1Compare the number of heart chambers in fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.How is the number of heart chambers in birds and mammals an example of convergent evolution?34.3How much fluid is leaked from the capillaries to surrounding tissues daily? How does it get returned to the blood?Describe the human lymphatic system and how it works.34.5There are several requirements for a respiratory surface. The first is that it must be moist. The second is that it must have a large surface area and be thin. What four different organs satisfy these requirements?What is countercurrent exchange?What are alveoli and how do cells of the alveoli increase surface area for O2 and CO2 diffusion in the lungs?35.1How is innate immunity different from adaptive (acquired) immunity? Name the parts of each.Review the steps of phagocytosis by labeling the following diagram.22860062865Use the diagram to explain the inflammatory response.3238507302535.2What animal group is the only one to have adaptive (acquired) immunity?What is the difference between T cells and B cells?What is immunological memory?The following brief questions will serve as a beginning primer for immune system recognition. What is an antigen? What is the relationship between an antigen receptor, an antibody, and an immunoglobin? How is an epitope related to an antigen? (Look at Figure 35.7 in your text.) B cell receptors recognize and bind to antigens whether they are free antigens (like a secreted toxin) or on the surface of a pathogen. Explain the role of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) to T cell receptor binding. One of the early problems in immunology was trying to understand how an organism with a limited number of genes could produce a million different B-cell protein receptors and 10 million different T-cell protein receptors. The answer resulted in a Nobel Prize! Use the figure below to explain the steps involved in producing genetically unique B-cell receptors.Using the diagram, explain the steps of clonal selection.Graphs similar to the one below have been seen on several AP Bio exams. Label this graph and use it to explain the difference between a primary and secondary immune response.35.3Explain the functions of the 2 divisions of acquired immunity and what types of white blood cells function in each.Humoral immune response-Cell-mediated immune response-What activates helper T cells and what is their function?What is the role of cytotoxic T cells?Label the diagram below, explaining the 3 primary steps that occur in B cell activation.What is the difference between plasma cells and memory cells?Describe how vaccines work.We have already learned about ABO blood types, but as a review…Jessica was smuggled into the US from Mexico illegally because she needed a heart and lung transplant. She died after receiving the transplant. Jessica’s blood type was O, while the donor was A. Explain what happened.What are allergies and what is anaphylactic shock?Autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system turns against particular molecules of the body. Describe the cause and symptoms of the following autoimmune diseases.LupusRheumatoid arthritisType 1 diabetes mellitusMultiple sclerosisDescribe how HIV affects the immune system.37.1Neurons can be placed into three groups, based on their location and function.Type of Neuron Function Sensory Neurons Interneurons Motor Neurons This sketch shows two neurons. Label the following elements of this figure: cell body, dendrites, axon, synapse, presynaptic cell, postsynaptic cell, synaptic vesicles, synaptic terminal, and neurotransmitter. 37.2On the diagram of resting potential, label: inside the cell, outside the cell, high concentrations of Na+ and high concentrations of K+37.3What is action potential?Label the following diagram depicting the generalization of an action potential.37.4Describe how a chemical synapse occurs by labeling the following diagram.There is one neurotransmitter we want you to memorize. It is the most common neurotransmitter in both vertebrates and invertebrates, and it is released by the neurons that synapse with muscle cells at the neuromuscular junction. If you look ahead to Chapter 39, Figure 39.7, you will see a synapse between a neuron and a muscle cell, resulting in depolarization of the muscle cell and its contraction. What is this very important neurotransmitter? 39.3What is behavioral ecology?What is migration?Explain what is meant by circadian clock and circadian rhythms. Identify two behaviors, either plant or animal, that demonstrate a circadian rhythm. What are pheromones? Give three specific types of information that can be transmitted through pheromones. 39.4What is the difference between innate and learned behavior? Give an example of each. Making connections: Explain how each of the following interact:Stomach and small intestineKidney and bladderRespiratory and circulatory systemsNervous and muscular systems ................

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