St Introduction Quiz - Mrs. Worley's Biology Class

Honors Introduction Test Worley 9/19/11 & 9/20/11

Name: ______________________________ Period: ______

Part I. Basic Lab Safety & Lab procedures

1. _________During a lab that requires goggles

a. It is okay to take a quick break from the goggles in the lab area

b. It is okay to have your goggles on your head in between steps

c. You must have your goggles on most of the time

d. You must always have your goggles on in the lab area

2. _________If you break glass or spill chemicals you should

a. Clean it up

b. Have the equipment manager clean it up

c. Tell the teacher

d. Pretend it didn’t happen so you don’t get into trouble

3. ____________ You must wear goggles

a. At all times during biology

b. During labs involving chemicals or flames

c. During labs or activities

d. When mixing chemicals during a lab

4. _________If a classmate or Mrs. Worley catches on fire you should use which piece of equipment to put out the fire?

a. Eyewash

b. Fire extinguisher

c. Fire blanket

d. Goggles

5. _________Which piece of equipment would you use to measure volume (liquid)

in biology class?

a. Erlenmeyer flask

b. beaker

c. test tube

d. graduated cylinder

e. hot water bath

6-8. Choose the correct name for the following pieces of equipment

a. Erlenmeyer flask b. beaker c. test tube d. graduated cylinder

e. hot water bath

9. ________Typically in science class (with the above piece of equipment) you will be measuring liquid in which units?

a. liquid ounces (oz.)

b. Liters (L)

c. centiliters (cL)

d. milliliters (mL)

e. grams (g)

Part II. Nature of Science

10. ________Which of the following is the correct order of the scientific method?

a. Conclusion, Hypothesis, Data analysis, Observation, Design & Set-up Experiment

b. Observation, Theory, Data analysis, hypothesis, Conclusion

c. Hypothesis, law, inference, data collection

d. Observation, Hypothesis, Design & Set-up Experiment, Collect & Analyze data, Conclusion

e. Observation, Design & Set-up Experiment, hypothesis, analyze data, conclusion

Matching - Choose the best answer .

a. hypothesis

b. conclusion

c. inference

d. theory

e. scientific law

11. B An analysis based on collected data or observations.

12. A An testable explanation concerning a specific problem, written in an if then


13. E An extremely well supported and accepted hypothesis which explains what is

happening during a phenomenon, usually with a mathematical equation. At

the highest level of scientific “truth.”

14. C An explanation or statement based on an observation made with one or more

of the five senses.

15. D An extremely well supported and accepted hypothesis which explains how a

phenomenon occurs. The big ideas behind science.

True and False

16. ________Scientists always use the scientific method when conducting research.

a. True b. False

17. ________The last step in an experiment conducted in our classroom would be to write a scientific theory.

a. True b. False

18. ________A theory becomes a law

a. True b. False

19. ________Scientists usually work alone, but sometimes with other scientists

a. True b. False

20. ________Science should be based solely on observation

a. True b. False

21. ________Sometimes scientists can look at the same set of data and draw two different conclusions.

a. True b. False

22. ________Even well accepted scientific conclusions can change

a. True b. False

23. ________Theories and laws are so well supported that they cannot be refuted.

a. True b. False

24. ________Given a choice, would a scientist choose to collect data qualitatively or quantitatively?

a. qualitatively b. quantitatively

25. State an observation that you made today

It was cold outside

26. State an inference you could make based on that observation.

Fall is about to begin

27. ________The statement "all organisms are composed of cells" has been verified repeatedly over the last hundred years. Such a statement is an example of

a. reasoning. c. an interpretation.

b. a hypothesis. d. a theory.

Part III. Experimental Design:

Use the following information to answer questions 28-34.

Jake, Vicky, Andreas, and Mallory wanted to see if plants would grow faster if they were watered with sugar water rather than plain tap water. They set up 20 containers with the same type of soil and plant, and exposed them to the same amount of sunlight and water for 20 days. 10 plants received tap water and 10 plants received sugar water. Then, they measured the plant growth in centimeters. Their results are below.

| |Tap water |Sugar Water |

|Average Plant Growth |30cm |22cm |

28. C Independent variable

a. Soil type

b. Amount of water

c. Type of water

d. Plant growth

e. Amount of sunlight

29. D Dependent variable

a. Soil type

b. Amount of water

c. Type of water

d. Plant growth

e. Amount of sunlight

30. A Constant

a. Soil type

b. Type of water

c. Plant growth

31. B Control

a. Plants with sugar water

b. Plants with tap water

c. Amount of Sunlight

d. 20 days

32. A Best Hypothesis for this experiment

a. If plants are watered with sugar water then they will grow more than those watered with tap water

b. I predict the plants with water will grow more

c. The plants given more water will grow more

d. If plants are watered with sugar water then they will grow.

33. B Best Conclusion for this experiment

a. The plants that were given sugar water grew more on average.

b. The plants that were given tap water grew more on average.

c. The growth of the plants depended on the type of water.

d. There was no difference between those plants given sugar water and those given tap water.

34. A Did the students collective quantitative or qualitative data?

a. quantitative b. qualitative

35. C If a hypothesis is not supported, a scientist should

a. give up. c. form a new hypothesis.

b. change the data. d. change the results.

36. B Gavin and William described the color of microscopic organisms as blue-green. Is this quantitative or qualitative?

a. quantitative b. qualitative

37. D A scientist designed an experiment to test the effect of temperature on bacterial growth. He grew three different cultures of the bacterium E. coli under three heat lamps at different temperatures. What was the independent variable in this experiment? (1 point)

a. Length of the experiment

b. Number of bacteria

c. Reproduction rate

d. Temperature

38. D Two plant species found in a dry region of the western United States exhibit vastly different abilities to survive. Species A has very slow stem growth and few leaves but is very abundant. Species B has rapid stem growth and many leaves but is very rare. Which hypothesis is most likely supported by this information?

a. Flower size and color may give species B an advantage over species A.

b. Reduced root growth may give species A an advantage over species B.

c. Leaf shape may give species B an advantage over species A.

d. Reduced stem growth may give species A an advantage over species B.


39. C People long ago believed that maggots came from meat. In the late 1600s, Francesco Redi made the hypothesis that maggots came from flies rather than from meat. Which of these experimental designs could be used to test Redi’s hypothesis? (A, B, C, or D?)

Part IV: The Scale of Life

40. A Choose the correct order from smallest to largest:

a. Proton, Atom, molecule, cell organelle, cell

b. Proton, Cell, atom, molecule, cell organelle

c. Cell organelle, atom, proton, molecule, cell

d. Molecule, cell organelle, cell, atom, proton

41. D Choose the correct order from smallest to largest:

a. Cell, tissue, organism, organ, molecule

b. Molecule, Organ, organism, tissue, cell

c. Tissue, molecule, organ, organism, cell

d. molecule, Cell, tissue, organ, organism

42-44: Choose the correct kingdom

a. Protista b. Fungi c. Eubacteria

42. B Yeast

43. C E. coli

44. A Paramecium and Amoeba

45. D What is a gamete?

a. The building block of a protein

b. An unicellular Protist

c. A type of chromosome

d. A reproductive cell

46. A What do we call an organism composed of one cell?

a. Unicellular

b. Amino acid

c. Chromosome

d. Protist

Part V. Metric Conversions & Scientific Notation

*Micrometers,or microns, (µm) are 1/1,000,000 of a meter, or 0.000001 meters.

*Nanometers (nm) are 1/1,000,000,000 of a meter, or 0.000000001 meters.

*Angstroms (Å) are 1/10,000,000,000 of a meter, or 0.0000000001 meters.

*Picometers (pm) are 1/1,000,000,000,000 of a meter, or 0.000000000001 meters.

47) 104 = ________________________ 48) 2.35 x 10-4=_______________________

49) 4,2000 mm = _______________m 50) 0.001 km = ______________m

51) 126 cm= ________________m 52) 7 L = ___________________mL

53) 630,000 Å = ______________cm 54) 2.05 x 10-3 m = _________________µm

55) 3 x 106 nm = _____________m 56) 330,000 pm = _________________mm

Part V. The Characteristics of Life

57-64) List the 8 characteristics of Life.

*Genetic code

*Composed of cells



*Growth & Development

*Use Energy & materials

*Adapt & Respond to the environment

*Change over long periods of time as a group (Evolve)

*Maintain homeostasis

65-68) What is the difference between growth and development? Give an example of each.

*Growth is when structures get larger

EX: A flower growing larger

*Development is when structures are changing or differentiating

EX: A tadpole developing into a frog

A caterpillar developing into a butterfly

69-72) What is the difference between adaptation and evolution?

*Adaptation takes place when an individual changes to respond to its environment.

*Evolution is when changes take place in populations (groups of organisms of the same species), over multiple generations. Evolution is genetically based.

73-77)Make a case for whether a computer is living OR NOT using at least 2 characteristics of life.

Short Answer:

78-81) What is the difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell?

*Eukaryotic cells contain nuclei and other membrane bound organelles, while prokaryotic cells do not.

82-85) Choose 2 tenets of the nature of science, and give specific examples of each.

*Science is collaborative( Watson & Crick

*Science is creative( Rutherford’s experimental set-up and analysis

*Science is subject to change( After the structure of DNA was discovered the

field of biology and understanding of inheritance changed dramatically.

*There is no one scientific method( Fleming (by chance)

*Science is affected by perceptual frameworks( Fleming was driven by his

experiences in WWI

*Science is affected by society and vice versa( The change in beliefs about the

origins of living things were slow to change due to religious/cultural


*Science is based on both observation and inference( Redi observed presence or

absence of flies on meat & inferred that flies only come from other flies

(& not spontaneous generation)

Bonus questions:

1) Is a picometer a very small or a very large unit of measurement?

Very small

2) What chromosomes does a human female have?


3) What molecule does DNA code for? (This is how DNA controls the traits of organisms.


4) What is the largest species of beetle found in North America?

Hercules beetle

5) What is sexual dimorphism? Give an example.

When the sexes in a species have different physical features

EX: Crab species have a giant claw

6) Where is DNA in cells? Be specific to prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

Prokaryotic cells—floating in the cytoplasm

Eukaryotic cells—in the nucleus

7) Fleming discovered Penicillin by observing penicillin killing bacteria on a dirty

Petri dish

8) Watson & Crick by building models in 1953

9) Rosalind Franklin took a picture of the DNA with x-ray crystallography which

helped Watson & Crick to make their discovery

10) The cultural and religious beliefs at the time were consistent with spontaneous



6. B

7. A



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