Differences between cricket and rounders:

Differences between Cricket and Rounders:

Compiled by David Bulfin

|Cricket: |Rounders: |

|Two teams of 11 players |Two teams of up to 15 players- max of 9 on the field at a time |

|All of one team on field at one time--and 2 batters from the |All 9 of one team on field at one time- and one batter from the other |

|other team |team |

|Playing area called the pitch |Playing area called the diamond or field |

|The bowler throws the ball and must throw the ball over arm |The pitcher throws the ball and must throw the ball underarm |

|Ball is thrown at speeds of up to 100 mph |The pitcher does not throw the ball quickly—a ball must be thrown to an |

|A batter will have as many balls thrown at him/her until he/she|area between head height and knee height--otherwise it's a ' no-ball'. |

|is bowled out |Each batter has to have at least one good or 'fair' ball thrown at |

|A bowler can only throw one 'over' (6 balls) in a row. Another |him/her |

|bowler then throws the next 'over' |n/a |

|The batter hits the ball from the crease |The batter hits the ball from home plate |

|To score a 'run' the batter has to either hit the ball and run|To score a run the batter must either hit the ball out of the diamond |

|22 yards to swap positions with the other batter, or hit the |and run around the bases back to home base (a 'homerun' = 1 run) or hit |

|ball so that it bounces over the perimeter rope of the pitch = |the ball and attempt to run around the bases but stop at one base before|

|4 runs ,or over the perimeter rope without bouncing = 6 runs |being tagged out (if/when the next batter hits the ball, the runner can |

|Pitch: |continue running and attempt to reach home base and thus score a 'run').|

|[pic] |Pitch: |

|The person who tries to catch the bowler's throws is called the|[pic] |

|wicketkeeper |The person who tries to catch the pitcher's throw is called the catcher |

|Cricket bats are usually made from willow wood |Rounders bats are made from willow but some made from @@@@ |

|The batting team attempts to get as many runs as they can |The batters try to get as many runs as they can in 5 or 7 innings. An |

|before all ten batters are out or they run out of 'overs' (50 |innings ends when the pitching team get 3 of the batters out. The n the |

|in One-Day Cricket or 20 overs in 20/20 Cricket) |batting team becomes the pitching team & vice-versa |

|The Irish Cricket Union (ICU) – the governing body of Irish |GAA Rounders was included in the original GAA charter back in 1884, |

|cricket – was officially founded in 1923, although its |along with Gaelic Football, Hurling and Handball. Until 1958 nothing was|

|predecessor had been active since 1890. |done to promote rounders in Ireland- since then competitions have been |

|Cricket not part of the Community games |arranged throughout Ireland. |

|There are around 90 cricket clubs in Ireland (North+south) |Rounders is played at the Community Games |

|including Limerick Cricket Club who play in the University of |There are 15 rounders clubs in Ireland- none in Limerick |

|Limerick |Well known Irish Rounders players are P,J Kelly |

|Famous Irish Cricketers are – Kevin and Niall O Brien, Trent |Daniel Clerkin, Sean Hughes. |

|Johnson, Ed Joyce and Eoin Morgan(who played for England in the|* Just like Hurling, Football, Ladies football and camogie rounders have|

|World Cup |their own annual All-Stars awards |

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