Context and overview

Unfinished GCSE (9-1) Edexcel Religious Studies B 2016

Area of Study 2 Religion, Peace and Conflict ISLAM Section 1: Muslim Beliefs

The intention is that this section of the area of study is taught over the course of 4 schemes:

The Nature of God in Christianity and Islam Complete with resources

Islamic History and Authority Complete with resources

What is death? Incomplete

Sufi Islam Incomplete

The Nature of God in Islam & Christianity

This lesson is taught at the outset of Year 10 within a topic about belief. Students complete a comparative essay on Christian and Muslim belief of God as a result of this topic.

|Lesson title |Learning Objectives |Teaching and learning strategies and pupil activities |Learning Outcomes |Resources |

| | | |Essential: To be able to explain Muslims’ |

|A What is the |To know and understand something of the|Define the meaning of personal and impersonal God. Listen to |belief of Allah using some of the 99 names of |+wharnsby+surrender&&view=detail&mid=3D66|

|nature of Allah: |nature of Allah and understand why |the lyrics and annotate the text finding characterists of |Allah. |EACE3493E8DF3CD03D66EACE3493E8DF3CD0&FORM|

|personal or |these characteristics are important. |Allah (transcendence, immanence, omnipotence and all other | |=VRDGAR |

|impersonal? | |words student decide in their definition) |Extended: To know the characteristics* of | |

| |Specification ref: |Source work. Students work individually or in groups to study|Allah are shown in the Qur’an and why they are|Word document – Sources for Nature of |

| |1.2 |the sources. |important. * Tawhid (inc Surah 16:35-36) |Allah. |

| | |Decide, according to their understanding if Allah is a |Immanence, transcendence, omnipotence, | |

| | |personal or impersonal God. |beneficence, mercy, fairness and justice. |Teacher resources |

| | |Written task to find evidence to outline the belief of the | | |

| | |characteristics of Allah. | |Powerpoint |

| | |Plenary – Rhyme for the lesson | | |

Islamic History and Authority

Directed student study:

Research a prophet of Islam (Adam, Ibrahim, Isma’il, Musa, Dawud, Isa or Muhammad) and prepare a presentation to the class. Show a good understanding of their lives, the risalah and how they inspire a Muslim today.

|Lesson Title |Learning Objectives |Teaching and learning strategies and pupil activities |Learning Outcomes |Resources |

| | | | | |

|B.Who was Muhammad?|To know the significance of the person |Flipped learning – Watch the video and think |Essential: To know that Muhammad and his |Student resources |

| |of Muhammad for Muslims. To personally |about/record/talk about Muhammad. |contemporaries lived in a time of conflict and| |

| |reflect on his life as an exemplar in | |oppression. To understand what Muhammad |Animated faith DVD, also available at: |

| |today’s world. |Write and pass activity using the question: ‘What do we know |offered people as a spiritual and political |

| | |about Muhammad’ encourage students to consider where he |leader, warrior and rebel. To discuss what |qg |

| |Specification ref: |lived, what he taught, how he affected his followers.’ |Muhammad taught about Allah. | |

| | |Guided contemplation. Stilling exercise: Moving to a new | |

| |1.1 |school or Listen to Zain Bikhu’s nasheed ‘Allahu Allahu” and |Extended: |ed+zain+bikhu+allahu+allahu+english+subti|

| |1.2 |describe the Prophet for a Muslim. | |tles&&view=detail&mid=2EEC5968FE3025A58E5|

| |1.4 |Alphabet challenge. Using all the resources available |Challenge: |E2EEC5968FE3025A58E5E&FORM=VRDGAR |

| | |students in groups of 3 find adjectives to describe Muhammad | |Available on itunes also |

| | |for Muslims, they must be ready to defend their reasons why | | |

| | |also. | | |

| | |‘Muhammad is the best role model’ Reasons for and reasons | | |

| | |against in groups of 6 you have to prepare a debate that the | |Teacher resources |

| | |class can watch. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |_say.php |

| | | | | |

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| | | | |34j |

|C. How important is| | | | |

|the role of the |To understand the importance of |Who do you follow? Is it right to say that there is a lack of|Essential: Know who the prophets are and why |Student resources |

|prophet? |prophethood for Muslims. |positive role models for teenagers today? |they are important to Muslims. | |

| | |Worksheet ‘Why has Allah sent prophets?’ | |Worksheet |

| |Specification ref: |Teacher talk the 7 key prophets, introduce homework of |Extended: To talk about specific examples of | |

| |1.4 |research and present on of the 7. |the lives of the prophets |Teacher resources |

| | |Step up to the line task for analysis of notion of | | |

| | |prophethood. |Challenge: Draw on your knowledge from |

| | |Talking chips ‘Assuming God exists, following a prophet is |Christianity and other religions during the |hildren-lack-good-role-models |

| | |the best way to understand God’ |‘Step up to the line’ task. |Power point |

| | |Simile plenary – Prophethood to Islam is like … to … | |Statements |

| | | | |Chalk |

| | | | | |

|D. Sunni or Shia: |To understand the divisions in Islam |Flipped learning - Read through power point ‘Sunni & Shia |Essential: To know some shared and contrasting|Student resources |

|are they really so |and evaluate the degree of difference |flipped learning’ and record some differences between Sunni |beliefs and practices. | |

|different? |between Sunni and Shia Muslims. |and Shia. | | |

| | |Cartoon study: What is the message and is it the same for all|Extended: Be able to discuss the significance | |

| |Specification ref’: |three images |of the differences. | |

| |1.1 |Watch video about the divide in the UK, think pair share 3 | |Teacher resources |

| | |questions to ask the teacher. |Challenge: To identify political landscape | |

| | |Teacher talk, using images to cover the initial cause of |regarding the religious divide. |Powerpoint |

| | |division (context) the question of leadership and authority, | |Post-it notes |

| | |the shared core beliefs. | | |

| | |Post it notes. Students enter thoughts on post it notes and | |

| | |stick onto the board: three colours, second colour to develop| |n-saudi-arabia/ |

| | |initial ideas, third to ask questions. | | |

| | |Class recording time | | |

| | |Group discussions and 60 second presentations: What kind of | | |

| | |actions could the differences between Sunni and Shia lead to?| |

| | |Do you think there could be a compromise between the two | |about-us/ |

| | |branches in the future or is it too late? What steps could be| | |

| | |taken in order to ensure peace? | | |

| | | | | |

|E Who are the 12 |To be introduced to the 12 Imams. To |Flipped Learning – Use worksheet to create a memory tool for |Essential – Know the meaning of the five |Student resource |

|Imams? |know the five roots of Usul ad-Din in |the 5 principles and match each principles of faith to |principles of faith. | |

|How do the five |Shi’a Islam and why they are important |explanations. | |Five Principles of Faith Worksheet |

|Principles of faith|to Shi’a Muslims today. |Thunk: Can you choose who to love? Can you choose not to love|Extended – Be able to use the stories as | |

|shape the lives of | |someone? |sources to illuminate the principles of faith.|Stories from the Shi’a tradition |

|Shi’a Muslims? |Specification ref: |Iconography of 12 Imams. See? Think? Wonder? | | |

| |1.2 |Organise students into groups to study stories from Shia | |Teacher resource |

| | |tradition – nb the final story is the most challenging. | | |

| | |Exam practice. Part b answers to assess and report on. | |

| | |Takeaway 3 Plenary | |estheirbeliefs.htm |

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| | | | |

| | | | |ries.html |

| | | | | |

|F What is holy |To know the nature and origins of the |Flipped Learning – Watch |Essential: To name some holy books and explain|Student resource |

|writing for a |Qur’an and the four scriptures it | Prepare a |their significance. | |

|Muslim and why is |endorses. |response to the question: How do you know the Qur’an is | |

|it so significant? | |important for Muslims? | |vcw |

| |Specification ref: |This lesson may work best as a talking only lesson using a |Extended: To discuss the different ‘uses’ of | |

| |1.5 |circle time approach. |the scriptures. |Qur’an |

| | |Perceptions Philosophy Starter: How many rainbows? Or The | | |

| | |Duck and Rabbit | | |

| | |Origins card sort exercise looking at the Qur’an and the four|Challenge |Teacher resource |

| | |scriptures it endorses: Torah, Psalms, Gospel and Scrolls. | | |

| | |Find passages – text analysis to know the nature and | |Visual Aids of power point if using |

| | |significance of scripture. | |circle time |

| | |Grade yourself plenary. Knowledge, Understanding and Skill. | | |

| | | | |Power point |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|GUEST | |Guest speaker (Sixth former. Parent. Community leader) NB |Essential | |

|SPEAKER |To understand the attitude presented |Follow school safeguarding policy. | | |

| |from a member of the Ummah. | | | |

| | |Hot seating – why is the Qur’an important to you in your life|Extended | |

| |Specification ref: |today? | | |

| |1.5 | | | |

| | | |Challenge | |

| | | | | |

|G What do Muslim |To be able to use scripture to explain |Two ticks and a question on the prologue to Wadud’s ‘Gender |Essential: To be able to explain an Islamic | |

|feminists have to |why Amina Wadud calls for a Gender |Jihad’ or describe what might be meant by a ‘patriarchal |feminist attitude towards the Qur’an. | |

|say about Holy |Jihad. |bargain’. | | |

|Writing? | |Silent conversation resource. Studesnts move freely around | | |

| |To evaluate a need for a gender jihad |the room with a pen commenting on a range of texts from the |Extended: | |

| |within Islam. |Qur’an, Hadith, Sunna and Wadud’s work. | | |

| | |Group reflection: see power point questions. | | |

| |Specification ref: |Class divide debate – ‘True belief is liberating to all’ |Challenge | |

| |1.5 | | | |

|H Malaikah |To know the nature and importance of |Flipped Learning – Read Surah 19: 16-40 (the angel visits |Essential – To show how Muslims understand the|Student resources |

| |angels for Muslims. |Maryam) Compare this account with the Christian account |nature of angels and the significance of them | |

| | |Match a sketch with an an angel listed in the Qur’an. |in peoples’ lives today. | |

| |Specification ref: |‘Fact Off’ Students study the Fact Off worksheet for a set | |Highlighters, Scissors |

| |1.6 |time and then play against another team to recall facts. |Extended – To evaluate how belief in angels | |

| | |Categorise to consider the nature and importance of angels |may be a challenge or a advantage for Muslims | |

| | |for Muslims today. |today. |Teacher resource |

| | |Role Play with allocated characters to recreate the | | |

| | |importance of angels today for Muslims. |Challenge – To include an analysis of |Powerpoint |

| | | |scripture and a range of Muslim attitudes. | |

What is Death? What can we learn from the Christian and Muslim tradition?

These lessons are taught within the topic named above. The final task of this topic is to create a piece of art work that shows your understanding of death. Your art must include explanatory notes and will be part of an exhibition.

|Lesson title |Learning Objectives |Teaching and learning strategies and pupil activities |Learning Outcomes |Resources |

| | | “Death is the dark backing a mirror needs if we are to see | | |

|1.7 | |anything”. What do you think death is? | | |

|1.8 | | | | |

Section 2:

Battle of Badr – Hussian

Shia Islam in Prison USA


Esther Messinger

Bristol Cathedral School 2017


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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