The Relation of Food and Health - Laredo College

VNSG 1304 Nursing and the Health Care System

|Course Objectives |Content |Learning Experiences |

|Describe Florence Nightingale’s |Historical overview |DeWit, (2009) 3rd Ed. |

|influence on nursing training. |Florence Nightingale |Fundamental Concepts & Skills for Nursing |

| |The Art and Science of Nursing | |

|Discuss the ways in which the desirable attributes of the nurse | |Fundamental Concepts & Skills Learning Guide |

|can be demonstrated. |Nursing Education Pathways | |

| |Practical Nursing |Mosby’s Medical Dictionary |

|Identify the educational ladder that is available to nurses. |Registered Nursing | |

| |Advanced Practice Nursing |Chapter 1 |

|Explain how a Health Maintenance Organization and a Preferred | | |

|Provider Organization differs. |Today’s Health Care System |Activities: |

| |Diagnostic Related Groups |Lecture |

|Relate how the Managed Care System |Health Maintenance Organization |Discussions |

|has affected your own health care. |Preferred Provider Organization |Group Activities |

| |Managed Care Environment |Quizzes |

| | |Exams |

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Concepts of Health, Illness, and Health Promotion

Legal and Ethical Aspects of Nursing

|Course Objectives |Content |Learning Experiences |

|Identify ethical issues affecting staff or client |Laws related to Nursing Practice: |DeWit, (2009) 3rd Ed. |

|Intervene to promote ethical practice |Nurse Practice Act |. |

|Inform client/family/significant other of ethical issues |Scope of Practice |Fundamental Concepts & Skills for Nursing |

|affecting client care |Licensure | |

| | |Fundamental Concepts & Skills Learning Guide |

| |Student Nurses | |

|Explain the legal requirements for the practice of nursing, and | |Mosby’s Medical Dictionary |

|how they relate |Standards of Care | |

|to a student nurse. | |Chapter 3 |

|Review client & staff member knowledge of ethical issues |Legal Documents | |

|affecting client care | |Activities: |

| |Advance Directives |Lecture |

|Identify the consequences of violating | |Discussions |

|The Nurse Practice Act. |Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Orders |Group Activities |

| | |Quizzes |

|Explain the difference between |Ethical Issues in Nursing |Exams |

|negligence and malpractice. | |CAI |

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|Identify legal issues affecting staff & client ( e.g. refusing | | |

|treatment) | | |

|Maintaining client confidentiality | | |

|Advocate for client rights or needs | | |

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|Discuss standards of care of nursing. | | |

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Overview of the Nursing Process and Critical Thinking

|Course Objectives |Content |Learning Experiences |

| |The Nursing Process |DeWit, 2009) 3rd Ed. |

|Identify the components of the nursing process. |Components include: | |

| |Assessment |Fundamental Concepts & Skills for Nursing |

|Identify the steps of the problem solving process. |Nursing Diagnosis (NANDA) | |

| |Planning |Fundamental Concepts & Skills Learning Guide |

|List three steps in making decisions. |Implementation | |

| |Evaluation |Mosby’s Medical Dictionary |

|Discuss the use of critical thinking in nursing & ways to | | |

|improve it. |Critical Thinking |Chapter 4 |

| |Problem Solving and Decision Making | |

|Contribute to development of client plan of care |Skills for Critical Thinking |Activities: |

|Use data from various sources in making clinical decisions | |Lecture |

|Organize & prioritize care for assigned group of patients |Priority Setting |Discussions |

|Use effective time management skills |Work Organization |Group Activities |

| | |Quizzes |

| | |Exams |

| | |CAI |

Assessment, Nursing Diagnosis and Planning

|Course Objectives |Content |Learning Experiences |

|Collect data for initial or admission health history |Assessment |DeWit, (2009) 3rd Ed. |

| |Subjective Data |Fundamental Concepts & Skills for Nursing |

|Differentiate objective data from subjective data. |Objective Data | |

| | |Fundamental Concepts & Skills Learning Guide |

|Discuss the three basic methods used to gather a client |Physical Examination | |

|database. | |Mosby’s Medical Dictionary |

| |Nursing Diagnosis | |

|Collect baseline physical data on admission of client |Etiologic Factors |Chapter 5 |

| |Defining Characteristics | |

|Gather data on client health history & risk for disease |Prioritization of Problems |Activities: |

| | |Lecture |

|Select appropriate nursing diagnosis from the NANDA list. |Planning |Discussions |

| |Goals |Group Activities |

|Prioritize the nursing diagnosis. |Expected Outcomes |Quizzes |

| | |Exams |

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Complementation and Evaluation

|Course Objectives |Content |Learning Experiences |

|Identify factors to consider in implementing the plan of care. |Implementation |DeWit, (2009) 3rd Ed. |

| |Independent Nursing Action |Fundamental Concepts & Skills for Nursing |

|List the standard steps commonly carried out for all nursing |Dependent Nursing Action | |

|procedures. |Interdependent Action |Fundamental Concepts & Skills Learning Guide |

| | | |

|Monitor client actions to maintain health & prevent disease |Documentation of the Nursing Process |Mosby’s Medical Dictionary |

|process | | |

| |Evaluation |Chapter 6 |

| |Actual Outcomes | |

|Discuss the evaluation process and how it correlates with |Expected Outcomes |Activities: |

|expected outcomes. |Revision of the Nursing Care Plan |Lecture |

| | |Discussions |

|Implement and evaluate a Nursing Care Plan. |Sample Care Plan |Group Activities |

| |Assessment |Quizzes |

|Revise the Nursing Care Plan as needed. |Nursing Diagnosis |Exams |

| |Planning |CAI Software Program |

| |Implementation | |

| |Evaluation | |

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Documentation of Nursing Care

|Course Objectives |Content |Learning Experiences |

|Document Client care: enter computer documentation accurately, |Purposes of Documentation |DeWit, (2009) 3rd Ed. |

|completely & in a timely manner | | |

| |Methods of Charting |Fundamental Concepts & Skills for Nursing |

|Identify three purposes of documentation. |Narrative Style | |

| |Problem-Oriented Medical Record |Fundamental Concepts & Skills Learning Guide |

|List the guidelines for recording on medical records. |PIE Charting | |

| |SOAP Charting |Mosby’s Medical Dictionary |

|Apply knowledge of facility regulations when accessing client |Computer-Assisted Charting | |

|records | |Chapter 7 |

| |The Charting Process | |

|Compare and contrast the five main methods of written |Accuracy |Activities: |

|documentation. |Brevity |Lecture |

| |Completeness |Discussions |

|Relate the approved way to correct entries in medical records | |Group Activities |

|that were made in error. | |Quizzes |

| | |Exams |

| | |CAI Software Program |

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Communication and the Nurse-Patient Relationship

|Course Objectives |Content |Learning Experiences |

|Establish a trusting nurse- client relationship |The Communication Process |DeWit, (2009) 3rd Ed. |

|Encourage client appropriate use of verbal & non-verbal |Verbal |Fundamental Concepts & Skills for Nursing |

|communication |Nonverbal | |

|Provide emotional support to client/family | |Fundamental Concepts & Skills Learning Guide |

|Describe the components of the communication process. |Factors Affecting Communication | |

| |Past Experiences |Mosby’s Medical Dictionary |

|Compare effective communication techniques that block |Emotions and Moods | |

|communication. |Attitude |Chapter 8 |

| | | |

|Discuss the importance of communication in the collaborative |Communication Skills |Activities: |

|process. |Active Listening |Lecture |

|Develop & maintain therapeutic relationships with |Nonverbal Messages |Discussions |

|client/family/significant others |Obtaining Feedback |Group Activities |

|Respect client personal values & beliefs | |Quizzes |

| |Therapeutic Communication Techniques |Exams |

| | |CAI Software Program |

| |Interviewing Skills | |

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| |Communication within the Health Care Team | |

Patient Teaching for Health Promotion

|Course Objectives |Content |Learning Experiences |

|Discuss the purposes of client teaching. |Purpose of Client Teaching |DeWit, (2009) 3rd Ed. |

| | |Fundamental Concepts & Skills for Nursing |

|Describe three ways in which people |Modes of Learning | |

|learn and their importance to teaching. |Visual |Fundamental Concepts & Skills Learning Guide |

| |Auditory | |

|Identify adjustments to the teaching plan needed for teaching |Kinesthetic |Mosby’s Medical Dictionary |

|the very young client or the elderly client. | | |

| |Factors Affecting Learning |Chapter 9 |

|Use client teaching to promote goals of health promotion and |Age | |

|disease prevention. |Pain |Activities: |

| |Vision |Lecture |

|Recognize barriers & impairments to |Fatigue |Discussions |

|communication or learning |Poor Hearing |Group Activities |

| |Cognition |Quizzes |

|Reinforce teaching with client about health risks & health | |Exams |

|promotion |Cultural Values and Expectations |CAI Software Program |

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| |The Teaching Plan | |

| |Implementation | |

| |Evaluation | |

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Promoting Healthy Adaptations to Aging

|Course |Content |Learning Experience |

|Identify client knowledge on aging process & assist in |Gerontologists |DeWit, (2009) 3rd Ed. |

|reinforcing teaching on expected changes related to aging |Biologic theories |Fundamental Concepts & Skills for Nursing |

|Assist client with expected life transition (aging, retirement, |Psychological theories | |

|end of life) | |Fundamental Concepts & Skills Learning Guide |

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| | |Mosby’s Medical Dictionary |

|Provide resources for end of life issues & choices | | |

| |Hygiene |Chapter 9 |

|Consider client care needs contributing to changes in plan of |Health care | |

|care |Lifestyle |Activities: |

| |Education |Lecture |

| |Personality |Discussions |

|Identify client support systems/ resources | |Group Activities |

| | |Quizzes |

| |Ego Integrity |Exams |

| | |CAI Software Program |

Cultural and Spiritual Aspects of Patient Care

|Course Objectives |Content |Learning Experiences |

|Correctly use the key terms listed in this chapter. |Key Terms |DeWit, (2009) 3rd Ed. |

| |Atheist | |

|Recognize cultural issues that may impact |Bias |Fundamental Concepts & Skills for Nursing |

|client/family/significant other’s understanding/acceptance of |Ethnic | |

|diagnosis |Cultural Competence |Fundamental Concepts & Skills Learning Guide |

| |Egalitarian | |

|Identify cultural beliefs or values affecting health care |Kosher |Mosby’s Medical Dictionary |

|among: |Holistic | |

|Hispanic American |Stereotyping |Chapter 14 |

|Asian American |Yin & Yang | |

|Native American | |Activities: |

|African American |Common cultural values, practices, and beliefs |Lecture |

|European American | |Discussions |

| |Culturally sensitive nursing interventions |Group Activities |

|Identify importance of client culture/ethnicity when | |Quizzes |

|planning/providing/monitoring care |Catholic and Eastern Orthodox beliefs and health care |Exams |

| | |CAI Software Program |

|Make adjustments to care with consideration of client spiritual |Protestant beliefs affecting health care | |

|or cultural beliefs | | |

| |Muslim beliefs and health care | |

|Reinforce client teaching on special diets based on client | | |

|diagnosis/nutritional needs & cultural considerations |Jewish beliefs and health care | |

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| |Cultural aspects to consider | |

Loss, Grief, and the Dying Patient

| |Content |Learning Experiences |

|Course Objectives | | |

|Assist with coping related to grief & loss |Stages of Grief |DeWit, (2009) 3rd Ed. |

| |Shock | |

|Identify client/family/ significant others ability to cope with |Disbelief |Fundamental Concepts & Skills for Nursing |

|end of life interventions |Protest | |

| |Disorganization |Fundamental Concepts & Skills Learning Guide |

|Reinforce client teaching on expected client reactions to grief |Reorganization | |

|& loss | |Mosby’s Medical Dictionary |

|Provide client/ family/significant others with resources to |Standards of care for the terminally ill | |

|adjust to loss/bereavement | |Chapter 15 |

| |Rights of the Dying Patient | |

|Describe the stages of grief and dying. | |Activities: |

| |Kubler-Ross’s Stages of coping with Death |Lecture |

|Discuss three common fears a patient is likely to experience |Denial |Discussions |

|when dying. |Anger |Group Activities |

| |Bargaining |Quizzes |

|List the common signs of impending |Depression |Exams |

|death. |Acceptance |CAI Software Program |

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| |Nursing diagnoses for the patient who is dying | |

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