Allegany-Limestone High School

Cardiovascular System Study GuideLatin and Greek RootsGive an example of a word from this chapter that contains each prefix or suffix.Latin/Greek RootMeaningExamplea-WithoutAnemiaAnti-AgainstAntibody, antigenBrady-Slow, delayedBradycardiaErythro-RedErythrocyteHemoBloodHemoglobinLeuko-WhiteLeukocyteLatin/Greek RootMeaningExample-philiaLove, friendshipHemophiliaPoly-ManyPolycythemiaPro-For, in favor ofProthrombinTachy-FastTachycardiaVaso-VesselVasoconstrictQuestionsList the three major proteins found in blood plasma. What is the function of each?Albumin transports lipids. Globulin includes antibodies, which are part of the immune system. Fibrinogen is part of blood clotting.What else is found in plasma besides these proteins? Water, electrolytes, nutrients, and wastes.How does the color of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood differ?Oxygenated blood is a slightly brighter, richer red, but both are red.Why do white blood cells have a nucleus and full set of organelles, while red blood cells do not?White blood cells perform much more complex tasks, including moving independently towards areas of infection (requires ATP from mitochondria), engulfing foreign material (requires lysosomes), and recognition of self and non-self (requires proteins generated by a nucleus and ribosomes).Identify the normal blood smear, iron deficient anemia, polycythemia, leukemia, and sickle cell anemia on this image.8191506286500 Normal Iron-Deficient Anemia Leukemia Polycythemia Sickle cellWhere does hematopoiesis occur? What organ regulates it, and what hormone does it release to do so?Hematopoiesis occurs in bone marrow. It is regulated by the kidneys, which produce erythropoietin. 54102001117600061912501206500Which one of these test tubes shows a positive result for an agglutination test for the type-A antigen? The one on the right.514731025527000What blood type would this person be? AB-Which blood types could this person successfully donate to?AB+ or AB-Which blood types could this person successfully receive?AB-, A-, B-, O-Which blood type is the universal donor? Which is the universal recipient?O-AB+Heart Label each of the numbered structures on the ventral view of the heart.38074607747000Right pulmonary arteryRight pulmonary veinsSuperior vena cavaRight atriumTricuspid valveInferior vena cavaAortaPulmonary trunkPulmonary semilunar valveRight ventricleLeft pulmonary arteryLeft pulmonary veinsLeft atriumBicuspid valveAortic semilunar valveLeft ventricleWhat is the purpose of the coronary arteries in the heart?They deliver blood and oxygen to the heart muscle tissue itself.The heart has the ability to produce its own rhythm through a pacemaker system. List each of the parts of the pacemaker system in order.Sinoatrial nodeAtrioventricular nodePurkinje fibers/BundlesIn normal heart rhythm, which chambers contract first?The right and left atria contract first.47815508064500Given a picture of an ECG readout, be able to label each of the following parts, and explain what is happening in the heart. P wave – Contraction of the atria.QRS complex – Contraction of the ventricles.T wave – Repolarization (relaxation) of the ventricles.A blood pressure of 124/77 is taken from an adult male. Which number is the systolic pressure? Which is the diastolic pressure? What does each measure?Systolic – 124, this measures the maximum pressure experienced by the walls of the arteries as the heart contracts.Diastolic – 77, this measures the low pressure experienced by the walls of the arteries as the heart refills.What is a normal resting heart rate for a typical person?60-100 beats per minute.If their resting heart rate is below this, they may have [ bradycardia | tachycardia ]If their resting heart rate is above this, they may have [ bradycardia | tachycardia ]What happens during a heart attack?One of the coronary blood vessels is blocked, interrupting the flow of blood to one region of the heart. This results in the death of those cells.Explain the difference between the three surgeries to relieve heart blockage:Bypass – A vein is removed from elsewhere in the body (most likely the leg) and grafted onto the heart, allowing blood to bypass the blockage.Angioplasty – A balloon is inserted through a thin wire to the blockage. The balloon is inflated, pushing the blockage to the sides of the vessel and restoring blood flow.Stent – material is left behind to hold the vessel open following an angioplasty.Circle the blood vessel the best fits the description.Smallest; blood cells may only fit through single-file.Artery | Vein | CapillaryHas the largest lining of smooth muscle.Artery | Vein | CapillaryCarries blood towards the heart.Artery | Vein | CapillaryHas valves to ensure blood does not flow backwards.Artery | Vein | CapillaryCarries blood away from the heart.Artery | Vein | CapillaryThe site of oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange.Artery | Vein | CapillaryDescribe the three stages of hemostasis:Vasoconstriction – Blood vessels before the break narrow, decreasing blood flow.Platelet Plug – Platelets begin to adhere to the damaged vessel wall, temporarily stopping bleeding.Clot – A network of protein fibers formed by fibrin combines with the platelets and trapped red blood cells to create a clot, which dries to a scab.Which stage of hemostasis does not occur in an individual with hemophilia?The last stage. Hemophiliacs do not produce fibrin.What is the difference between a thrombus and an embolus?Both are abnormal blood clots that prevent blood flow in a vessel. An embolus breaks away and moves, a thrombus does not.Summarize each of the key differences in fetal circulation:Foramen Ovale – An opening between the right and left atria. Used to bypass the ventricles and pulmonary circulation before birth.Umbilical Artery – Carries deoxygenated blood towards the placenta, away from the fetus.Umbilical Vein – Carries oxygenated blood away from the placenta, towards the fetus.Hemoglobin – Greater affinity for oxygen than maternal hemoglobin. ................

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