
Chapter 13 Investments Study Guide- Test:4 ways investments are judged: p.3173 strategies for investing: p. 320When are you ready to invest? 3 ways to tell: p.319How does time influence how you invest? Should you have most of your stock invested in the company you work for?13.2 Retirement planning Can you depend on Social Security for retirement? WHY?currently paying ____% of income while working.Pension Plans:What is difference between Defined Benefit Plans and Defined contribution Plans? Ex:Why is 401K more prevalent now than traditional pension? Why are 401K plans not working for the average employee?2 benefits to 401K: Disadvantages to 401K:recommended contribution amounts ______________% of gross paywhy do you want to be fully vested before changing jobs?Effects of bankruptcy/restructuring on employees vs. executives?Personal investment plans:?IRA-3 big Benefits to the ROTH IRA? review article.Max annual contribution?How long does it have to be open to withdraw $ for home?2 ways retirement accounts protected?It is estimated that Gen Y will need $ _______________________ for retirement.It is attainable if:**2 other major factors in building wealth over your lifetime: ______________________ & ________________________.Why is important for women to learn about investing? 2reasons:13.3 Stock Market p.330shareholder: p/e: recommended amout:Which type of stock has voting rights for shareholder?DJIA consists of __________________ stocks. Riskiest stocks are __________________________.Examples of stock prices go up and down? Examples:Bull vs. bear market:How can you minimize risk in stock market:SEC: 2 ways SEC changed stock/securities market: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??Insider Trading:Other types of investing (collectibles, bonds, real estate, annuities) See chart.How do these types of investing compare to money markets, cd, or savings bonds?Why would someone want annuities in their portfolio?Dollar Cost Averaging- how does it work? (worksheet) Advantages?Mutual Funds- how are they different from purchasing stock in a company? 2 advantagesDisadvantages? ................

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