Biology 3201 Review Sheet - Crescent Collegiate Science Corner

Biology 3201 Review Sheet

Chapter 12

1. What are the major parts of the Central Nervous System?

2. What are the three structures that protect the Central Nervous System? How do they protect the nervous system?

3. Give the basic function of the following and be able to locate them when given a diagram.

a) Cerebellum

b) Cerebrum

c) Medulla Oblongata

d) Thalamus

e) Hypothalamus

f) Midbrain

g) Corpus Callosum

h) Pons

4. What is the name of the nervous system that controls parts of the body without us consciously knowing it?

5. What happens to the various organs of the body, once the sympathetic nervous system is triggered?

6. Explain the pathway of an impulse once a person touches a hot stove using the words receptor, interneuron, and effector.

7. What is the structure of a typical neuron?

8. What is an action potential?

9. Define reflex arc.

10. Which part of the brain controls heart rate and breathing rate?

11. Which part of the brain sorts and interprets information?

12. What is the difference between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system?

13. What is the difference between sensory, inter, and motor neurons?

14. Explain what happens to a neuron at rest, and as an impulse passes.

15. What is meant by the all-or-none principal?

16. What is the significance of oxygen, glucose, ATP, and sodium ions with regards to neuron function?

17. What does each of the neurotransmitters do?


b) Noradrenaline

c) Acetylcholine

d) Glutamate

e) Serotonin

f) Dopamine

18. What causes Meningitis?

19. A Person with low levels of dopamine in their brain may have which nervous system disorder?

20. In order to get a 3-D picture of an organ they would likely order what type of test?

21. What is the treatment given to people who have had a stroke?

22. Explain how the eye maintains homeostasis.

23. Describe the structure and function of the following

a) Lens

b) Iris

c) Retina

d) Cornea

e) Choroid layer

f) Fovea

g) Rods cones

h) Pupil

i) Blind spot

24. Be able to trace the path of light through the eye

25. Describe the following visual disorders.

a) Glaucoma

b) Astigmatism

c) Myopia

d) Hyperopia

26. Describe the various treatments for eye disorders

a) Corneal transplant

b) Laser surgery

27. Describe the structure and function of the following

a) Tymphanic membrane

b) Occicles (malleus, incus, and stapes)

c) Eustachian tubes

d) Semi-circular canals

e) Cochlea

28. Describe the following hearing disorders.

a) Conduction deafness

b) Nerve deafness

29. Describe the various treatments for ear disorders.

a) Eustachian tube implants

b) Hearing aids

30. Read page 416 which covers sense of exclusion of the hearing impaired, and mandatory organ donation.


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