Social Studies 30-1

Social Studies 30-1 Name: _____________

Perspectives on Ideology

Key Issue: To what extent should we embrace an ideology?

Related Issue #2: To what extent is resistance to liberalism


Chapter 4: Responding to Classical Liberalism

Chapter Issue: To what extent did classical liberalism meet the needs of society?

Chapter Overview:

During the study of Chapter 4, you will come to realize that ideologies are evolutionary; they adapt and change in response to the political, economic, and social conditions and pressures of society. Various ideologies that developed in opposition to classical liberalism are examined.

The Chapter Issue will have you consider some of the ways in which people responded to liberal ideologies. You will discover opponents of liberalism and new ideologies that opposed classical liberalism.

Three questions for inquiry will guide your investigations. They include:

• Why did ideologies develop in opposition to classical liberalism?

• How did classical liberalism respond to competing ideologies?

• How did concepts of equality rights expand?

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|Key Terms |chartism, classical conservatism, Great Depression, humanitarians, Luddism, Marxism/scientific |

| |socialism/communism, moderate socialism, Utopians, welfare capitalism, welfare state, command economy, |

| |progressivism, universal suffrage |

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|Key Concepts |consumer demand, deficit spending, distribution of wealth, equality rights, inflationary rights, means |

| |of production, private property, social injustice, supply and demand, feminism, human rights, labour |

| |standards, labour unions, |

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|Key People |Robert Owen, Karl Marx, Fabian Society, Co-operative Commonwealth Federation, Edmund Burke, Theodore |

| |Roosevelt, John Maynard Keynes |


1. View the images found in Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-2 on page 128.

Is child labor such as shown in the images still present today?

Part One: Opposition to Liberalism (Pages 131-141)

In this part of Chapter 4, you will consider some of the ways people responded to the promotion of liberal ideologies. You will study some of the opponents of liberalism: Edmund Burke, Robert Owen, Frederich Engels and Karl Marx, and for new ideologies that arose in opposition classical liberalism: Luddism, Chartism, Socialism (Utopian and moderate or democratic), Marxism, classical conservatism, welfare capitalism, the welfare state, and Keynesianism.

1. What causes ideologies to evolve or change?

2. Briefly describe how classical liberalism changed British society?

3. What characteristics of laissez-faire capitalism were evident during the era of classical liberalism?

4. List 8 ideologies that evolved in opposition to classical liberalism.

5. a) Why do you think the Luddites chose to attack the machines being invented

during this time? What did the machines represent?

b) What action did the British government take in response to Luddism?

c) In its actions against the Luddites, what main principle of classical liberalism was the British government protecting through the use of force and the law?

6 a) Chartism was a working class movement in Britain that focused on political and social reform. Chartism got its name from the People’s Charter of 1838 which outlined six essential goals of the movement. These goals were:

b) Would you consider the Chartist movement to have been successful? Why or why not?

c) For what main principle of liberalism were the chartists fighting to have recognized?

7. From your glossary, define the term socialism.

8. a) What is Utopian Socialism?

b) Describe how Robert Owen demonstrated his belief in utopian principles when he opened his spinning mill in New Lanark, Scotland.

9. What are three common beliefs held by all socialists?

10. Socialist thought ranges from moderate and democratic reform to radical revolutionary Marxism.

Describe the similarities and differences between Democratic Socialism (as reflected by the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation in the Regina Manifesto p.138) and Marxist Socialism by completing the retrieval chart below.

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11. a) According to Karl Marx, what would be the evolution of society?

b) Describe Marx’s belief about economics.

12. Study the 10 beliefs of scientific socialism as indicated by Karl Marx in his book The Communist Manifesto listed on pages 136 and 137.

Which 5 beliefs statements do you agree/identify with the most and give support for your choice. Once you have selected the five statements, rank them in order of importance to you.

13. a) Who is identified with the development of the ideology of classical conservatism?

b) What are four characteristics of classical conservatism?

c) Why did Edmund Burke support the American Revolution but not the French


Part Two: The Liberal Response (Pages 142-153)

How did classical liberalism respond to competing ideologies? This question will help guide you through part two of Chapter 4. This part will explore the meaningful role ordinary citizens had in the political, social, and economic life of nations as classical liberalism evolved into modern liberalism.

1. Why did classical liberalism begin to change in the 19th century?

2. Describe how government legislation “modernized” liberalism and made it more responsive to the needs of all members of society in each country listed below.

a) Britain:

b) Germany:

3. a) American president Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) was a reformer who showed his desire to curb the excesses of laissez-faire. How did the United

Mine Workers Strike of 1902 reinforce this desire?

b) In 1912, Roosevelt formed a new political party—the National Progressive Party—whose platform contained a new kind of liberalism, sometimes referred to as progressivism.

Find evidence, that the National Progressive Party hoped to implement, that challenged classical liberalism.

4. Describe how the Great Depression motivated a movement from Welfare Capitalism to the Welfare State.

5. a) The 1920’s are often referred to as the “roaring twenties” or the “boom years”. Describe what life was like for most people during the 20s.

b) What caused the “roaring twenties” to end and ultimately ushered in the “bust” of the 1930s?

6. Read carefully the description of the Crowsnest Pass Coal Workers Strike of 1932 on pages 145-147. Analyze the photograph found in Figure 4-10 on page 146, then answer the questions below.

a) What was at stake for both strikers and employers in this strike?

b) Explain the reference to this strike as being a “red conspiracy” to government

and capitalists.

7. How does the natural law of “supply and demand” affect prices?

8. What is the difference between monetary policy and fiscal policy?

9. Study the information found in Figure 4-12 on page 149.

On which side of the model would the government be running a deficit budget? According to the model, how would the government eventually pay for this deficit?

10. According to John Maynard Keynes, what actions should governments undertake during a period of inflation and during a period of recession? What would be the effects of these actions on the economy? Record your findings on the retrieval chart below.

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|Keynesian Economics In Action |

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|Economic Cycle |Government Action Taken |Effects on the Economy |

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11. a) When was Keynes’s theories first practiced in the United States?

b) To what extent can Keynes be considered the originator of the mixed

economy—also referred to as “the modified market economy”?

12. Study the spectrum shown in Figure 4-13 on page 150.

Determine where the following individuals would be placed on that spectrum: Karl Marx, Edmund Burke, Robert Owen, Theodore Roosevelt, John Maynard Keynes, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Claude Saint-Simon.

➢ Marxism:

➢ Socialism:

➢ Modern Liberalism:

➢ Welfare Capitalism:

➢ Classical Capitalism:

➢ Classical Conservatism:

Part Three: The Extension of Equality (Pages 154-162)

Part Three will ask you to examine modifications made by classical liberals to the political, social, and economic foundations of the classical liberal state as it evolves towards modern liberalism. You will also examine how classical liberals began to demonstrate a social conscience and concern for the equality rights of workers. To culminate this section, you will look at both the concepts of “universal suffrage” and “feminism” and describe how these concepts relate to liberal principles.

1. a) Why did classical liberals so fiercely oppose unions?

b) How would a capitalist or a supporter of classical liberalism likely have

responded to the UN Declaration in the 19th century? How does the recognition of this new right to organize demonstrate the extension of equality rights?

c) To what extent is the Worker’s Party supportive of, or a reaction to, classical


2. a) In the 18th century, what characteristics must be met before men were given the right to vote?

b) Describe how enfranchisement was determined in both England and Canada

during this historical time period.

c) During this historical period, what groups were denied the franchise?

d) What are the reasons that explain why Canada’s First Nations peoples had to

wait the longest before winning the right to vote without losing their First Nations status?

3. Suffrage in today’s world is not universal. Describe the voting situation in the following countries.

a) Lebanon:

b) Saudi Arabia:

c) United Arab Emirates:

✓ Can you suggest why these countries may not be overly supportive of suffrage in general and female suffrage in particular?

✓ What connections can you draw between the realities of voting in these places and the countries relationships to the ideology of modern liberalism, in particular to the liberal ideas of individual rights and freedoms with respect to suffrage?

4. From your glossary, define the term feminism. How did classical liberalism open the door for feminism?

5. What is a suffragist?


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