Table 2 - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Table 3. Study DataStudyOutcome(s)How outcome is measuredPoint estimatePrecision of estimate(SD unless otherwise noted)Statistical significanceHarm/ adverse eventsAdie et al502012 Systematic ReviewPainVAS 0-10Mean difference between groupsPOD1: -0.2295% CI-0.93, 0.49NSAdverse events NS RR: 0.98 [0.28,3.47]POD2: -1.32-2.37, -0.27P= .01 Favors any cryotherapy vs any controlPOD3: -0.47-1.40, 0.47NSKnee ROMDegrees POD1-6: 5.13-2.06, 12.31NSD/C: 11.394.13, 18.66P<.002Favors any cryotherapy vs. any controlSwellingCircumference at mid-patella –cm0.25-0.18, 0.68NSLOSDays-0.20-1.55, 1.15NSAlaca et al292015Active knee flexionDays to meet goal45 degreesI: 4.33; C: 3.8I: 1.63; C: 1.97NS Not reported60 degreesI: 8.20; C: 9.53I: 2.86; C: 3.48NSPassive knee flexion45 degreesI: 3.9 ; C: 4.13I: 0.8; C: 0.83NS60 degreesI: 5.93; C: 6.8I: 2.53; C: 1.26NSKnee extension20 degreesI: 1.27; C: 2.27I: 0.8; C: 2.12NSWalking Pain free with walkerI:3.93; C:4.4I:0.59; C:0.63NSAlkire & Swank282010RCTEdema Circumference -cmPreopI: 46; C: 42Not reported NS 4 urinary retention 3 Lumbar radiculopathy2 Stitch abscess1 Subcutaneous abscessInsomnia (no number reported)Urinary tract infection (no number reported) POD1I: 47; C: 43POD2I: 48; C: 44Knee flexionDegrees PreopI: 114; C: 115POD1I: 68; C: 65POD2I: 73; C: 74Knee extensionPreopnot reportedPOD1I: 16; C: 14POD2I: 14; C: 12LOSDaysI: 2.24; C: 2.3Beaupre et al552001RCTKnee flexionDegrees Pre-admissionI1: 115; I2: 114; C: 112Pre-admissionI1: 16; I2: 15; C: 15P= .69I1: 1 Hematoma1 Erythema2 Increased edemaI2: 4 Deep vein thrombosis1 Hematoma;1 Mild infectionC: 2 Increased drainage 1 Hematoma1 mild infectionOther:4 cardiovascular complications1 Postop confusion1 Pulmonary embolismDischargeI1: 61; I2: 62; C: 65DischargeI1: 14; I2: 17; C: 13Knee extensionPre-admissionI1: -6; I2: -8; C: -5Pre-admissionI1: 5; I2: 5; C: 6P= .30DischargeI1: -8; I2: -8; C: -8DischargeI1: 4; I2: 4; C: 4Bennett et al272005 ‘RCTActive knee flexionDegrees PreopI1:102.5; I2:102.5; C:102.6Not reported I2>I1 P= .008I2>C p<.00018 Wound infection or aseptic dehiscence of woundDay 5I1: 69.4; I2: 78.7; C:64.9Passive knee flexionPreopI1:108.3; I2:108.6; C:108.8I2>I1 P= .007 I2>C P<.0001Day 5I1: 75.3; I2: 86.6; C:71.2Knee extension- lagPreopI1:2.0; I2:2.2; C:1.8NSDay 5I1: 12.1; I2: 11.6; C:12.9Passive knee extensionPreopI1:9.3; I2:9.7; C:10.0NSDay 5I1: 6.2; I2: 7.7; C:6.5PainVAS (0-10)Mean over 5 daysI1: 3.6; I2: 2.6; C:3.1I1>I2 P<.001I1>C P= .013C>I2 P= .005LOSDaysI1: 8.8; I2:8.1; C:8.0NSBoese et al302014 RCTSwellingCircumference-cm, 10 cm above joint line-change from pre-opPOD1 I:1.9; C1:1.6; C2:2.3Not reported NSI:2 manipulations; 1 swelling -->ERC1: noneC2: 1 manipulation; 1 Hematoma2 PE1 Hypoxia1 Headache1 Atrial fibrillationPOD2 I:4.7; C1:3.5; C2:4.1Circumference-cm, at joint line-change from pre-opPOD1 I:1.8; C1:2.0; C2:1.9NSPOD2 I:3.7; C1:2.8; C2:3.8Circumference-cm, 10 cm below joint line-change from pre-opPOD1 I:1.1; C1:1.0; C2:1.2POD2 p<.01I>C1 and C2POD2 I:3.4; C1:2.1; C2:1.4Total knee ROMDegrees PreOP I:107.3; C1:107.0; C2:106.8NSD/C I:109.6; C1:109.0; C2:109.5Knee extension lagPOD1AM I:9.9; C1:9.2; C2:8.5NSPOD1PM I:8.0; C1:7.2; C2:6.2POD2AM I:7.0; C1:6.8; C2:6.2POD2PM I:5.1; C1:5.7; C2:5.0D/C I:2.3; C12.2; C2:2.1Knee flexionPOD1AM I:76.8; C1:75.6; C2:78.1NSPOD1PM I:82.1; C1:84.3; C2:82.5 POD2AM I:86.7; C1:87.2; C2: 87.8POD2PM I:87.9; C1:89.6; C2:88.1D/C I: 111.9; C1: 111.2; C2: 111.7PainVAS: 1-10POD1AM I:3.6; C1:3.3; C2:2.4NSPOD1PM I:2.9; C1:2.7; C2:2.0POD2AMI: 2.1; C1:2.4; C2:2.3POD2PM I:1.8; C1:2.5; C2:1.6LOSDaysI:2.7; C1:3.2; C2:2.6P<.01I<C1 and C2<C1Borckardt et al362013 RCTPainBrief pain inventoryNo dataNone reportedNS Not reportedBrief symptom inventoryNSPsychological statePsychological distress scoreNSBruun-Olsen et al562009 RCT Pain VAS 0-100 Preop I: 52; C:47Preop I:17; C:19NS Not reported1 week postopI:40; C:401 week postopI:23; C:21SwellingCircumference- cmPreopI:40; C: 40PreopI:5; C: 4NS1 week postopI:43; C:441 week POI:5; C:4Active knee flexionDegrees Preop I: 121; C:127Preop I: 14; C:12NSPostopI:85; C:83post-opI:13; C:16Passive knee flexionPreop I:125; C:131pre-op I:14; C:13NSPostopI:87; C:85POII:11; C:16Active knee extensionPreop I: - 3; C:-4pre-op I: 6; C:6NSPostopI: -8; C: -11post OPI: 4; C: 6Passive knee extensionPreop I: -2; C:-2pre op I: 7; C:6NSPostopI:-7; C:-10post OPI: 5; C:6Chang et al, 201239RCTPainVASPOD1 9amI: 57.00; C:60.32POD1 9amI: 17.83; C:22.77P=.525 Not reportedPOD1 5pmI:46.87; C:45.16POD1 5pmI:17.05; C:19.77P=.717 POD2I:36.45; C:37.10POD2I:13.74; C:18.25P=.876 POD3I:27.42; C:27.74POD3I:12.24; C:15.70P=.928 Short form McGill Pain Questionnaire – sensory dimensionPOD1 9amI: 12.26; C:13.45POD1 9amI:5.79; C:6.11P=.433Post-testI:5.16; C:5.19Post-testI:4.08; C:3.66P=.974Short form McGill Pain Questionnaire-present pain intensityPOD1 9amI:2.24; C:3.16POD1 9amI:0.89; C:1.10P=.104Post-testI:1.23; C:1.45Post-testI:0.50; C:0.72P=.157Passive knee flexiondegrees of motionPOD3:I: 71.68 C: 66.94POD3I: 6.90; C: 7.15P=.01Demoulin et al452012 RCTPainVAS (0-100)None reportedNone reportedDifference between groups at POD7, P= .425NoneSwellingCircumference at joint line-cm PreopI: 40.2; C1: 41; C2: 40.3PreopI: 4; C1: 4.7; C2: 3.1NS POD7I: 43; C1: 43.5; C2: 42.9POD7I: 4.5; C1: 4.5; C2: 3.4Circumference below joint line-cmPreopI: 35.2; C1: 36.8; C2: 36.2PreopI: 3.3; C1: 5; C2: 3.1NS POD7I: 37.6; C1: 38.8; C2: 38.9POD7I: 3.3; C1: 4.5; C2: 3.6Circumference above joint line-cmPreopI: 43.1; C1: 44.6; C2: 44.5PreopI: 6.2; C1: 6.6; C2: 4.7NS POD7I: 46.8; C1: 47.9; C2: 47.4POD7I: 5.7; C1: 5.9; C2: 4.8Passive Knee flexionDegreesNone reportedNone reportedNS Active knee flexionPassive knee extensionActive knee extensionden Hertog et al402012FunctionAmerican Knee Society ScorePOD0: not reportedPOD5-7I:122.25; C: 80.52Not reportedP<.001I: 2 severe and 7 minorC:11 minorWOMACPOD0: not reportedPOD5-7I:4.24; C: 6.19POD5-7I:1.94; C: 1.79P<.001LOSDaysI:6.75; C: 13.20Not reportedP<.001Denis et al572006 RCTKnee flexionDegreesDiff I1 and C: 1.7 Diff I2 and C: -2.9 Diff I1 and I2: -4.6 95% CI( -5.8, 9.2) (-10.3, 4.5) ( -12.1, 2.9)NS I1: 1 Hematoma, 1 Superficial vein thrombosis2 Scar bleeding, 3 CVP problemsI2: 1 Hematoma, 1 Deep vein thrombosis 1 CVP problems C: 1 Hematoma, 1 Superficial vein thrombosis3 CVP problemsKnee extensionDiff I1 and C: -1 Diff I2 and C: -1.5 Diff I1 and I2: -0.595% CI ( -3.4, 1.4) ( -3.9, 0.8) ( -2.9, 1.9)NSFunctionTUG (seconds)Diff I1 and C: -8.7 Diff I2 and C: -10.4 Diff I1 and I2: -1.695% CI ( -26.8, 9.2) ( -28.0, 7.3) ( -19.6, 16.4)NSWOMAC totalDiff I1 and C: -4.1Diff I2 and C: 4.9Diff I1 and I2: 9.095% CI ( -17.5, 9.3) ( -8.4, 18.1) ( -4.4, 22.4)NSWOMAC painDiff I1 and C: 3.0 Diff I2 and C: 12.1 Diff I1 and I2: 9.195% CI ( -9.9, 15.9) ( -0.6, 24.9) ( -3.8, 22)NSWOMAC stiffnessDiff I1 and C; -5.4 Diff I2 and C: 3.8 Diff I1 and I2: 9.295% CI ( -20.8, 10.0)( -11.5, 19.0) ( -6.2, 24.6)NSWOMAC functional abilityDiff I1 and C: -7.0Diff I2 and C: 1.9 Diff I1 and I2: 8.995% CI ( -21.7, 7.7)( -12.6, 16.5) ( -5.7, 23.6)NSLOSDaysDiff I1 and C: -0.3 Diff I2 and C: -0.2Diff I1 and I2: 0.2 95% CI ( -1.7, 1.0)( -1.5, 1.1) ( -1.2, 1.5)NSEbert et al542013 RCTActive knee extensionDegreesPreop I:4.5; C: 5.3Preop I:3.38; C: 4.92NS1 DVTPOD2AM I:4.29; C:4.00POD2AM I:3.15; C:3.41POD2PM I:2.42; C:3.85 POD2PM I:1.39; C:3.88 POD3AM I: 2.96; C:3.36POD3AM I:2.36 ; C:2.44POD3PM I:2.63; C:3.20POD3PM I:2.36; C:2.59POD4AM I:: 2.13; C:2.48POD4AM I:1.94; C:1.37POD4PM I:1.30; C:2.78POD4PM I:0.82; C:1.76Active knee flexionPreop I:124.04; C: 127.31Preop I:9.91; C: 10.34Time X Group interaction P= .04I>C at POD4 PM P= .014 ES: .79 (95% CI 2.32-16.78)POD2AM I:84.33; C:82.62POD2AM I:15.16; C:16.10POD2PM I:91.92; C:86.58POD2PM I:13.22; C:13.24 POD3AM I:89.42 ; C:87.96POD3AMI:14.01 ; C:13.57POD3PM I:90.58; C:89.28POD3PM I:12.36; C:13.36POD4AM I:92.13; C:87.30POD4AM I:13.13; C: 13.45POD4PM I:97.39; C:88.22POD4PM I:10.02; C:13.15SwellingCircumference at midpatella -cmPreop I:41.40; C: 40.63Preop I:2.51; C: 2.92NSPOD2AM I:47.31; C:45.95POD2AM I:2.58; C:3.01POD2PM I:47.24; C:45.94 POD2PM I:2.32; C:3.09 POD3AM I:47.08 ; C:45.78POD3AM I: 3.12; C:2.94POD3PM I:47.18; C:45.90POD3PM I:2.89; C:2.67POD4AM I:46.77; C:46.05POD4AM I:2.34; C:2.45POD4PM I:46.63; C:46.08POD4PM I:2.54; C:2.99Circumference at thigh -cmPreop I:47.88; C:46.66 Preop I:3.13; C:4.01 NSPOD2AM I:53.37; C:52.12POD2AM I:3.54; C:3.94POD2PM I:53.01; C:52.03 POD2PM I:2.13; C:3.42 POD3AM I: 53.26; C:53.09POD3AM I:2.54 ; C2.91:POD3PM I:52.89; C:52.90POD3PM I:3.30; C:3.81POD4AM I:52.78; C:53.21POD4AM I:2.81; C:3.14:POD4PM I:52.52; C:53.08POD4PM I:3.25; C:4.18Circumference at calf -cmPreop I:36.75; C: 36.21Preop I:2.15; C:2.82 NSPOD2AM I:39.29; C:38.61POD2AM I:2.61; C:2.58POD2PM I:39.53; C:38.63 POD2PM I:2.07; C:3.24 POD3AMI: 39.77; C:39.32POD3AMI: 1.87; C:2.26POD3PM I:39.74; C:39.45POD3PMI:1.81; C:2.05POD4AM I:40.15; C:39.68POD4AMI:1.47; C:2.36POD4PM I:39.90; C:39.80POD4PM I:1.95; C:2.47Circumference at ankle-cmPreop I:23.24; C:22.82 Preop I:1.22; C:0.98 NSPOD2AM I:23.94; C:23.17POD2AM I:1.75; C:1.02POD2PM I:24.02; C:23.29 POD2PM I:1.34; C:1.29 POD3AM I: 24.16; C:23.77POD3AM I1.54; C:1.72POD3PM I:24.13; C:23.82POD3PMI:1.71; C:1.68POD4AM I:24.68; C:24.69POD4AMI:1.15; C:1.09POD4PM I:24.20; C:24.91POD4PM I:1.63; C:1.78PainNumeric rating scale (1-10)Preop I:4.67; C:4.71 Preop I:1.59; C:1.64 NSPOD2AM I:1.71; C:1.62POD2AM I:1.00; C:0.91POD2PM I:1.31; C:1.38 POD2PMI:1.21; C:1.06 POD3AMI: 1.46; C:1.88POD3AMI: 1.10; C:1.38POD3PMI:1.54; C:1.50POD3PM I:1.27; C:1.11POD4AMI:1.54; C:2.13POD4AMI:1.43; C:1.73POD4PM I1.79:; C:2.00POD4PM I:1.29; C:1.08He et al372013 RCTPainVAS 0-1012 hoursI: 4.78; C: 4.8512 hoursI: 1.66; C: 1.55NSNausea and vomiting;Dizziness Drowsiness; Urinary retention24 hoursI: 4.36; C: 4.2924 hoursI: 1.53; C: 1.33NS36 hoursI: 3.86 ; C: 3.9336 hoursI: 1.55; C: 1.41NS48HoursI: 3.19; C: 3.1148HoursI: 1.45; C: 1.32NS3 daysI: 3.70; C: 4.433 daysI: 1.40; C: 1.47P= .0174 daysI: 3.47; C: 4.104 daysI: 1.29; C: 1.19P= .0185DaysI: 2.91; C: 3.515DaysI: 1.12; C: 1.16P= .0157 DaysI: 2.22; C: 2.877 DaysI: 1.02; C: 1.08P= .005Kim et al182009 RCTPain VASI: 7.1; C: 7.0 Not reportedP : 0.486Not reportedKnee flexion ContractureDegreesI: 0.8; C: 0.6 I: : 1.9 ; C: 1.9 P= 0.598Maximum knee flexionI: 97.5; C: 94.8 I: : 8.9; C: 12.4 P : 0.214LOSDaysI: 4.8; C: 6.2I: 0.9; C: 1.5I<C , P<.001Weight-bearing% of body weightPOD1I: 64.6; C: 65.4POD1I: 13; C: 12.6NSLabraca et al532011 RCTPainVASI: 3.01; C: 5.36 I : 2.35; C: 2.54 P= 0.27 Not reported-Excluded participants with complicationsKnee flexion DegreesI: 88.11; C: 71.82 I : 2.35; C: 16.81 P= .012Knee extension I: 0.68; ,C: 2.80 I : 1.84; C: 1.10 P= .035Quadriceps strengthManual muscle testing (0-5)I: 3.91; C: 3.01 I: 0.56; C: 0.52 P= .042Hamstrings strengthI: 4.02; C: 2.97 I: 0.82; C: 0.59P= .041BalanceTinetti test (Balance) % of participantsNormal: I: 99%; C: 93%N/AP= .047Adaptive: I: 1%; C: 7%P= .223GaitTinetti test (Gait)% of participantsNormal: I: 97%; C: 90%N/AP= 045 Adaptive: I: 3%; C: 10%P= 052 FunctionBarthel index mean % of participantsModerate: I: 45.85 C: 42.01I: 4.2; C: 1.27 P : 0.143Mild: I: 67.86;C: 71.48I : 3.14; C: 8.93P : 0.134Independent: I: 100; C: 110I: 0; C: 0P : 0.056Lang191998 Quasi-experimentalLOS Days MedianI: 5; C: 5RangeI: 3 to 9C: 3 to 18 P : 0.160Not reportedDischarge destinationSetting typeHome – I: 20; C: 20Extended Care –I: 2; C: 2 Rehab – I: 1; C: 3N/AP= 0.632Functional task performanceNumber with independent mobilityI: 13 ; C: 18 N/Ap : 0.370Lau and Chiu312001RCTTotal knee ROMDegrees POD7 I: 75; C: 5695% CI POD7I: 69-80; C: 42.9-57.2P<.005I: 1 superficial wound infection C: 1 DVTKnee extension lagNot reportedNot reportedNSLeach et al322006 RCTKnee flexion DegreesI: 86.9; C: 83.1Not reported P : 0.19Not reportedKnee extension lag I: -2.9; C: -1.6P= .23 Pain VAS (0-10)I: 2.7; C: 2.2p : 0.47Lenssen et al522006 RCTActive knee extensionDegreesI: 8.4; C: 7.8I: 5.1; C: 5.6P : 0.73C: 1 cardiacPassive knee extensionI: 5.5; C: 5.8I: 4.5; C: 4.9P : 0.81Active knee flexionI: 69.8; C: 70.4I: 11.9; C: 13.3P= 0.90Passive knee flexionI: 77.7; C: 77.9I: 11.2; C: 12.8P : 0.95Functional StatusKSS Knee ScoreI: 54.3; C: 52.2I: 15.2; C: 17.8 P : 0.68KSS Function scoreI: 29.3; C: 22.9I: 10; C: 13.2 P= 0.09LOSDaysI: 4.1; C: 4.5I: 0.9; C: 1.3 (P : 0.34PainVASI: 3.6; C: 3.6I: 2.3; C: 2.8 P : 0.97Satisfaction With Treatment11 point scaleI: 9.1; C: 9.1I: 0.8; C: 0.7 P : 0.99Maniar et al462012RCTPain at RestVASDay 3: I1: 1.42; I2: 1.67; C: 1.48 Day 3: I1: 0.94; I2: 1.55; C: 1.01 P= .694More cases of wound staining in CPM groups than in control groupNo major wound complicationsDay 5: I1: 0.79; I2: 1.0; C: 0.67Day 5: I1: 074; I2: 1.3; C: 0.74P : 0.366Pain with WalkingDay 3: I1: 4.73; I2: 5.27; C: 5.30 Day 3: I1: 1.13; I2: 1.38; C: 1.53 P : 0.157Day 5: I1: 3.39; I2: 3.33; C: 4.21Day 5: I1: 1.17; I2: 1.60; C: 1.58P : 0.067Knee extensionDegreesDay 3: I1: 3.48; I2: 3.94; C: 4.09 Day 3: I1: 2.93; I2: 3.25; C: 3.18 P : 0.714Day 5: I1: 2.88; I2: 3.33; C: 3.03Day 5: I1: 2.80; I2: 2.70; C: 2.78P : 0.793Knee FlexionDay 3: I1: 75.15; I2: 66.97; C: 67.12 Day 3: SDI1: 112.90; I2: 1.67; C: 1.48 P : 0.061Day 5: I1: 87.27; I2: 84.70; C: 83.49Day 5: SDI1: 8.40; I2: 18.07; C: 16.16P : 0.254SwellingSuprapatelar girth-cmDay 3: I1: 48.59; I2: 49.32; C: 48.33 Day 3: I1: 5.57; I2: 9.67; C: 10.04 P : 0.746Day 5: I1: 48.18; I2: 48.74; C: 47.64Day 5: I1: 5.45; I2: 6.10; C: 4.80P : 0.715Calf girth -cmDay 3: I1: 38.56; I2: 38.41; C: 38.53 Day 3: I1: 4.56; I2: 4.63; C: 1.53 P : 0.989Day 5: I1: 37.94; I2: 38.09; C: 38.06Day 5: I1: 4.49; I2: 3.95; C: 1.58P : 0.987Walking speedTUG (seconds)Day 3: I1: 123.30; I2: 120.87; C: 126.33 Day 3: I1: 46.54; I2: 35.84; C: 41.34 P : 0.867Day 5: I1: 101.19; I2: 102.98; C: 97.96Day 5: I1: 42.49; I2: 43.58; C: 33.46P : 0.867Mau-Moeller et al442014 RCTActive knee flexion Degrees Mean Difference 4.495%% CI-0.4, 9.1NSNonePassive knee flexion6.00.9, 11.2P<.025Active knee extension-0.1-2.3, 2.1NSPassive knee extension0.7-0.4, 1.8NSPostural ControlSway Area (Eyes Open) degrees0.01-0.54, 0.56NSSway Medio-Lateral (Eyes Open)-degrees-0.68-2.50, 1.14NSSway, Anterior-Posterior (Eyes Open)-degrees-0.92-1.82, 3.66NSSway Velocity (ML) (Eyes Open)-mm/sec -0.17-5.19, 4.86NSSway Velocity (AP) (Eyes Open)-mm/sec2.00-3.80, 7.79NSSway Area (Eyes Closed)-degrees0.59-0.35, 1.53NSSway Medio-Lateral (Eyes Closed)-degrees-0.29-1.98, 1.40NSSway, Anterior-Posterior (Eyes Closed)-degrees1.58-1.05, 4.22NSSway Velocity (ML) (Eyes Closed)-mm/sec1.23-2.47, 4.94NSSway Velocity (AP) (Eyes Closed)-mm/sec4.500.23, 8.77NSPain VAS-0.56-1.73, 0.60NSLOS Days-0.53-1.47, 0.41NSPhysical activityHours lying/sitting -0.5-1.8, 2.8NSHours standing -1.0-0.8, 2.8NSHours stepping-0.1-0.5, 0.6NSNumber of transitions sit to stand-27.2-10.0, 65.2NSNumber of steps-534-1555, 2624NSFunction HHS score pain -1.9-2.5, 6.4NSHHS score function-0.3-2.6, 2.0NSHHS score strength -0.9-1.7, 0.0NSHHS score instability0NSHHS score flex Deformity0NSHHS score ROM -0.80.2, 1.5P<.025HHS score total -0.8-5.8, 7.4NSSF-36 score physical health -2.5-6.9, 11.9NSSF-36 score mental health-1.610.6, 13.9NSSF-36 score total-1.4-11.1, 8.3NSWOMAC score pain -0.3-2.2, 2.8NSWOMAC score stiffness -0.4-1.4, 0.6NSWOMAC score functional difficulty -1.2-7.5, 9.9NSWOMAC score total-2.3-9.8, 14.4NSMunk et al472002 RCTSwellingKnee SwellingCircumference (cm)POD1: I: 46; C: 46POD1: I: 4; C: 5NSNonePOD2:I: 48; C: 47POD2:I: 4; C: 4NSPOD7:I: 47; C: 47POD7:I: 4; C: 4NSCalf SwellingCircumference (cm)POD1: I: 38; C: 38POD1: I: 3; C: 4NSPOD2:I: 39; C: 39POD2:I: 3; C: 3NSPOD7:I: 39; C: 40POD7:I: 3; C: 3NSAnkle SwellingCircumference (cm)POD1: I: 22; C: 22POD1: I: 2; C: 2NSPOD2:I: 22; C: 23POD2:I: 2; C: 2NSPOD7:I: 23; C: 24POD7:I: 2; C: 2NSPain at RestNumber of Subjects per category of VASLow (L): 0-2Moderate (M): 3-5High (H): 6-10 POD1: I: L: 8, M: 13, H: 18C: L: 5, M: 15, H: 15Not reportedNSPOD2I: L: 12, M: 18, H: 9C: L: 13, M: 14, H: 7NSPOD7:I: L: 10, M: 21, H: 8C: L: 12, M: 16, H: 6NSPain with WalkingPOD1: I: L: 2, M: 9, H: 28C: L: 1, M: 9, H: 24NSPOD2I: L: 4, M: 16, H: 19C: L: 4, M: 18, H: 12NSPOD7:I: L: 6, M: 21, H: 12C: L: 8, M: 14, H: 12NSKnee FlexionDegreesPOD1: I: 59; C: 58RangePOD1: I: 42-70; C: 42-72NSPOD2:I: 65; C: 70POD2:I: 50-75; C: 50-82NSPOD7:I: 85; C: 94POD7:I: 78-90; C: 80-95NSNi, et al512015Systematic ReviewPainVASMean differencePOD1-0.1095% CI-0.61, 0.40P=.69NS difference between intervention and comparison groupsPOD2-1.07-1.65, -0.50P<.001POD3-0.18-1.13, 0.76P=.70Adverse eventsFrequencyRisk difference0.00-0.03, 0.04P=.80Nigam etal20 2011 RCTPainVerbal scale 0-10Within group pre-post differenceI: -2.15; C: -0.34Not reportedNot reportedChange diff between groups: 1.81SE : 0.57P= .002Active knee flexionDegreesWithin group pre-post difference I: +45.7; C: +27.2Not reportedChange diff between groups: 18.4SE : 4.29P<.001Knee swellingcircumference Difference between involved and uninvolved knee Within group pre-post difference I: +1.11; C: +1.59Not reportedChange diff between groups: 0.48SE : 0.67NSPereira & Jolles332015RCTActive knee flexionDegreesMean difference between groupsNot reportedPopliteal painSciatic painSkin blisters FeverAcute confusionLower limb swellingPOD1: 0.7P= .651POD3: 4.6P= .623POD7: 8.5P= .163Passive knee flexionPOD1: 4.4P= .439POD3: 6.4P= .509POD7: 4.1P= .308Active knee extensionPOD1: 0.2P= .985POD3: 1.0P= .381POD7: 1.5P= .341Passive knee extensionPOD1: 0.5P= .690POD3: 1.9P= .120POD7: 0.3P= .772PainVAS 100mmPOD1: 0.8P= .117POD3: 0.5P= .166POD7: 0.4P= .530LOSDaysI: 8.8C: 8.8NSPichonnaz et al482016RCTSwellingLimb volume % differencePOD2I:12.9; C:13.7POD2I:9.7; C:7.2P= .65Not reportedPOD7I:17.0; C:15.POD7I:10.7; C:6.5P= .58Limb volume mL differencePOD2I:848; C:796POD2I:550; C:363P= .95POD7I:1087; C:905POD7I:706; C:317P= .66Limb bioimpedence % differencePOD2I:33.1; C:35.5POD2I:10.1; C:7.7P= .45POD7I:41.8 ; C:40.8POD7I:6.5; C:6.6P= .51Active knee flexionDegreesPOD2I:108.9; C:108.4POD2I:16.2; C:12.0P= .73POD7I:58.6; C:59.4POD7I:11.2; C:12.1P= .92Passive knee flexionPOD2I:116.4; C:115.1POD2I:16.0; C:10.8P= .54POD7I:68.4; C:69.6POD7I:11.5; C:13.3.56P= .66Active knee extension lagPOD2I:8.7; C:10.3POD2I:5.7; C:8.1P= .56POD7I:6.8; C:5.9POD7I:4.9; C:6.1P= .37Passive knee Extension lagPOD2I:5.9; C:5.6POD2I:4.8; C:5.7P= .66POD7I:3.0; C:1.8POD7I:4.1; C:3.4P= .21Pain at restVAS – 100 mmPOD2I:31.0; C:25.9POD2I:28.4; C:21.5P= .71POD7I:21.8; C:21.0POD7I:22.1; C:16.5P= .90Pain during gaitPOD2I:48.7; C:57.3POD2I:28.7; C:21.8P= .23POD7I:29.7; C:36.8POD7I:18.8; C:22.5P= .18gaitSpeed m/sPOD7I:0.49; C:0.50POD7I:0.17; C:0.22P= .93Stride length mPOD7I:0.96; C:0.96POD7I:0.21; C:0.21P= .90Cadence stride/minPOD7I:30.36; C:.30.13POD7I:6.13; C:8.94P= .86Limp %POD7I:10.63; C:7.17POD7I:9.03 ; C:5.08 P= .20Knee flexion degreesPOD7I:24.55; C:22.13POD7 I:10.67 ; C:8.36 P= .39Peak swing speed degree/secPOD7I:136.70; C:134.99POD7I:45.24; C:46.84P= .81Stance time %POD7I:64.98; C:66.08POD7I:7.43; C:7.38P= .53Swing time %POD7I:35.02; C:33.92POD7I:7.43; C:7.38P= .53Double support time %POD7I:36.93; C:38.34POD7I:12.13; C:13.19P= .60Pongkunakorn and Sawatphap222014Quasi-experimentalPassive knee flexionDegreesPOD1I:67.0; C:59.1POD1I:14.2; C:3.2P<.001I: 1 Manipulation; 1 readmission for wound hematoma; 1 wound necrosisC: 1 Manipulation; 1 wound bleeding POD2I:76.6; C:69.8POD2I:14.2; C:13.3P= .008POD3I:86.4; C:84.7POD3I:12.1; C:12.2P= .246POD4I:91.3; C:91.9POD4I:10.0; C:9.2P= .325POD5I:95.7; C: 92.4POD5I:6.0; C:10.7P= .147POD6I: 98.1; C: 96.4POD6I:5.9; C:7.5P= .186POD7I:98.2; C:97.5POD7I:7.2; C:5.0P= .865DischargeI:100.6; C:96.4DischargeI:6.9; C:10.2P= .005LOSDays I:8.3; C:7.4I:1.7; C:2.1P= .060Pope et al211997 RCTKnee extension lagDegrees I1: 11.3; I2: 8.2; C: 6.295% CII1:7.9-14.7; I2:4.5-11.9; C:3.2-9.2P= 0.32I1: 2 Revision C: 1 ManipulationKnee flexionI1:70.3; I2: 78.3; C: 56.895% CI I1:61.7-78.9; I2:70.1-86.4; C: 48.5-65.2P= 0.67Total knee ROMI1: 58.6; I2: 69.5; C: 50.595% CI ; I1:49.3-67.9; I2: 60.7-78.3; C:4105-59.6P= 0.74Pua et al232014Quasi-ExperimentalFunctionAbility to achieve SLRRateI:80%; C:81%P= .66NoneOdds ratio: 1.0695% CI0.81 to 1.40Ability to achieve 90 degrees of knee flexionRateI:66%; C:59%P<.01OR: 1.3395% CI1.07 to 1.65Type of walking aidusedOdds of using less supportOR: 1.3695% CI1.13 to 1.64P<.001Walker rateI:19%; C:27%Broad-based quad cane rateI:29%; C:28%Narrow-based quad cane rateI: 20%; C: 22%Cane rateI:31%; C:24%LOSDaysDifference Between groups-0.6995% CI-0.50 to -0.87P<.001Hospital costsSingapore dollarsDifference Between groups-54295% CI-346 to -808P<.00190-day ReadmissionPercent occurenceRate I:2%; C:2%P= .57Odds Ratio 0.8195% CI0.40 to 1.66Rakel et al412014RCTPain at rest21-point numeric scaleNo dataNot reportedP= .13Not reportedPain with flexionNo dataNot reportedP= .19Pain with extension MedianI:9.5; C1: no data; C2: 14Not reportedI vs. C1, P= .05, ES: .5I vs. C2, P= .019, ES: .5CI vs. C2, P= 1.0, ES: 0Pain with gaitMedianI:8; C1:no data; C2:10Not reportedI vs. C1, P= .30, ES: .25I vs. C2, P= .006, ES: .24C1 vs. C2, P= .24, ES: 0Pressure pain threshold at kneekPAMedianI:194; C1:187; C2:156Not reportedI vs. C2, P= .01, ES: .3C1 vs. C2, P= .03, ES: .2Pressure pain threshold at anterior tibialisMedianI:288; C1: 310; C2:247Not reportedI vs. C1, P= 1.0I vs. C2, P= .083, ES: .2C1 vs. C2, P= .023, ES: .3Heat pain threshold at kneeDegrees CNo data Not reportedNSHeat pain threshold at anterior tibialisNo dataNot reportedNSActive knee flexionDegrees No data by groupNot reportedP= .70Active knee extensionNo data by groupNot reportedP= .17Extension lagNo data by groupNot reportedP= .24Gait Feet walked in 15 sec No data by groupNot reportedP= .60Renkawitz et al242010Controlled trialWalking Distance - metersPOD5I:134.8; C:113.3POD5I:46.8; C:40.5P= .006I: 1 wound healing disorderC: 2 wound healing disorder1 readmission due to knee swellingPOD8I:183.3; C:175.3POD8I:44.1; C:36.8NSStairsnumberPOD5I:3.3; C:1.1POD5I:5.6; C:3.6P= .03POD8I:15.5; C:14.3POD8I:6.3; C:4.6P= .035SwellingCircumference of thigh-cmPOD5I:51.7C:49.4POD5I:6.6C:5.9NSPOD8I:51.0; C:48.4POD8I:6.7; C:5.9P= .006Circumference of lower leg-cmPOD5I:40.5; C:39.4POD5I:5.8; C:5.6NSPOD8I:40.1; C:39.2POD8I:5.4; C:5.6NSFunctionKnee society scorePOD5I:29.0; C:23.2POD5I:13.8; C:9.3NSPOD8I:47.3; C:48POD8I:8.6; C:7.5NSPain at restVAS 0-10POD5I:3.0; C:2.9POD5I:1.4; C:1.3NSPOD8I:2.5; C:2.4POD8I:1.2; C:1.1NSPain with mobilizationPOD5I:3.2; C:3.5POD5I:1.0; C:1.0NSPOD8I:2.8; C:2.6POD8I:1.0; C:.9NSTotal knee ROMdegreesPOD5I:66.5; C:64.8POD5I:9.6; C:8.8NSPOD8I:75; C:73POD8I:9.0; C:6.1NSTime out of bedMin/dPOD5I:45.7; C:51.1POD5I:18.5; C:13.3P= .006POD8I:75.4; C:71.3POD8I:28.9; C:25.5NSMet discharge criteriapercentPOD5I:7.5; C:1.3P= .067POD8I:94; C:85.5P= .098LOSDaysI:9.7; C: 9.9I: .8; C: .7Not reportedStarks et al252014Quasi-experimental (historical comparison group)LOSDaysMedianI:4; C:6Not reportedNot reportedNot reportedThienpont262013RCTPainVASAt rest POD2I: 4; C:3.5At rest POD2I: 3; C:2.5P=.18NoneWith movementPOD2I:5.5; C:5.5With movement POD2I:2.5; C:2.5P=.68Walking POD2I:5.5; C:4.5Walking POD2I:2.5; C:2P=.08Knee flexionDegreesPOD4I:88.5; C:92POD4I:12.5; C:20P=.30Knee extensionPOD4I:-1.5; C:-1.5POD4I:2.5; C:4P=.88Straight leg raiseParticipants capablePOD1I:44/50; C:39/50P=.29WalkingParticipants capable without aidPOD1I:35/50; 38/50P=.65SwellingCircumference - mmI:45; C:45.5I:4.5; C:5.1P=.60LOSDaysI:4.8; C:4.8I:1; C:1P=1.0Tsang et al382007RCTPainChinese version of 11-point VAS POD4 rest I: 2.7; C 3.1 max I: 7.9; C: 7.3POD4 rest I: 2.0; C 2.4 max I: 1.5; C: 2.8NSNot reportedPOD8 rest I: 1.9; C: 2.5 max I: 6.8; C: 6.1POD8 rest I: 1.9; C: 1.9 max I: 2.0; C: 2.1Active knee ROMDegreesPOD4 (R) I: 73.7; C: 76.0 (L) I: 65.7; C: 80.3POD4 (R) I: 15.1; C: 22.6 (L) I: 21.7; C: 21.6NSPOD8 (R) I: 87.7; C: 86.9 (L) I: 87.7; C: 92.1POD8 (R) I: 14.0; C: 14.2 (L) I: 17.8; C: 14.5Passive knee ROMPOD4 (R) I: 94.3; C: 90.7 (L) I: 90.0; C: 93.7POD4 (R) I: 13.5; C: 19.5 (L) I: 15.9; C: 18.8NSPOD8 (R) I: 104.0; C: 99.7 (L) I: 103; C: 100.9POD8 (R) I: 11.5; C: 10.3 (L) I: 13.2; C: 13.4Ambulation statusTimed up and go test (seconds)POD8I: 78.4; C: 67.5POD8I: 30.7; C: 48.8NSWang, et al342015RCTPainNumeric rating scale 0-10Difference: post minus pre-CPMPOD1 AMI:0.53;C:2.03POD1 AMI:1.58;C:1.55Group effect: I < C, P<.001Not reportedPOD1 PMI: 0.61; C: 1.67POD1 PMI: 1.12; C: 1.29POD2 AMI: 0.00; C: 0.55POD2 AMI: 1.00; C: 1.39POD2 PMI: 0.00; C: 0.73POD2 PMI: 1.30; C: 1.23POD3 AMI: -0.36; C: 0.48POD3 AMI: 1.39; C: 0.91POD3 PMI: -0.33; C: 0.61POD3 PMI: 1.02; C: 0.90POD4 AMI: -0.55; C: 0.61POD4 AMI: 1.03; C: 1.00POD4 PMI: -0.61; C: 0.95POD4 PMI: 1.02; C: 1.25POD5 AMI: -0.29; C: 0.69POD5 AMI: 1.01; C: 1.03POD5 PMI: -0.50; C: 0.68POD5 PMI: 1.07; C: 1.01Wanich, et al43PainVASPre-treatmentI: 28; C: 26Not reportedP<.05I: 1 complaint of tenderness under electrodePost-treatmentI:19; C: 25LOSDaysI: 4.4; C: 3.9Not reportedNSYang et al352013RCTPainChange in VAS I1: 4.92; I2: 6.0; C: 2.67I1: 1.75; I2: 1.73; C: 1.86I1 vs. C: P= .001I2 vs. C: P<.001I1 vs. I2: NSI1: 2 infections Knee ROMChange in degrees active flexionI1: 39.46; I2: 56.45; C: 40.24I1: 30.87; I2: 21.32; C: 24.99I1 vs. C: NSI2 vs. C: NSI1 vs. I2: NSChange in degrees active extension lagI1: 9.31; I2: 5.55; C: 1.76I1: 7.67; I2: 2.84; C: 3.98I1 vs. C: P<.001I2 vs. C: P= .009I1 vs. I2: NSKnee swellingChange in circumference 10 cm above patella base-cmI1: 0.38; I2: 0.14; C: -0.01I1: 1.88; I2: 1.39; C: 1.40I1 vs. C: NSI2 vs. C: NSI1 vs. I2: NSYashar et al491997RCTKnee ROMTotal degrees of movement from full extension to full flexionPOD3I: 13.7 to 82.4; C: 11.5 to 72.8Not reportedP= .0003I: 6 Wound necrosis; wound healingBlistersDelayed hemarthrosisTemporary peroneal palsyC: 8 Wound necrosisBlistersDrainage>1 weekDelayed hemarthrosisTemporary peroneal palsyDeep vein thrombosisPOD5I: 12.6 to 84.6; C: 10.4 to 79.0P= .019DischargeI: 9.1 to 89.1; C: 8.1 to 84.3P= .0013LOSDays I:7.5; C:7.5I:2.9; C:3.5NSZietek, et al422015RCTPain at restVASPOD1I: 3.3; C: 4.0 POD1I: 2.6; C:3.0p=0.34Not reportedPOD2I: 2.2; C: 3.0 POD2I: 2.7; C: 2.4p=0.68Pain with walkingPOD1I: 6.1; C: 6.4 POD1I:1.9; C:1.8p=0.21POD2I: 4.9; C: 5.4 POD2I: 2.4; C: 1.6p=0.61Abbreviations: AROM: active range of motion; C: comparison group; CI: confidence interval; cm: centimeters; CPM: continuous passive motion; d: day; D/C: discharge; Diff: difference; DVT: deep vein thrombosis; ER: emergency room; FWB: full weight-bearing; HHS: Hospital for Special Surgery Knee Score; I: intervention group; hr: hour; IRQ: interquartile range; KSS: knee society score; LOS: length of hospital stay; mA: milliamps; min: minutes; MLD: manual lymphatic drainage; mm: millimeters; N/A: not applicable; NS: not statistically significant; OA: osteoarthritis; PACU: post-anesthesia care unit; PE: pulmonary embolism; preop= pre-operative; POD: post-operative day; postop= post-operatively; PROM: passive range of motion; pt: patient; PT: physical therapy; RA: rheumatoid arthritis; RCT: randomized controlled trial; ROM: range of motion; RR: relative risk; SD: standard deviation; sec: second; TKA: total knee arthroplasty; TUG: timed up and go test; VAS: visual analogue scale; WOMAC: Western Ontario McMaster Universities Arthritis ................

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