1 General Guidelines for Numbering IEC-Based Co-Published Standards 3

1.1 General 3

1.2 Application of Numbering Procedures for Different Types of IEC Standards 3

1.3 Identification of the Base IEC Standard 4

2 General Rules for Numbering National Differences to IEC-Based Co-Published Standards 4

3 Rules and Examples for Numbering National Differences to Part 1 Standards 8

3.1 IEC Foreword/IEC Introduction 8

3.2 Definitions 9

3.3 Clauses and Subclauses 11

3.4 Tables and Figures 14

3.5 Annexes 18

4 Rules and Examples for Numbering National Differences to Part 2 Standards 32

4.1 IEC Foreword/IEC Introduction 32

4.2 Definitions 33

4.3 Clauses and Subclauses 35

4.4 Tables and Figures 38

4.5 Annexes 41

1 General Guidelines for Numbering IEC-Based Co-Published Standards

1.1 General

1.1.1 The numbering procedures for IEC-based co-published standards with other Standards Development Organizations (SDO) are to provide for consistent numbering of elements and identification of national differences from the relevant IEC standards that serve as the base documents.

1.1.2 The general numbering procedures in this section and specific numbering procedures in Section 2, General Rules for Numbering National Differences to IEC-Based Co-Published Standards, Section 3, Rules and Examples for Numbering National Differences to Part 1 Standards, and Section 4, Rules and Examples for Numbering National Differences to Part 2 Standards, are to be applied to standards that are published as IEC-based co-published standards.

1.1.3 An IEC-based co-published standard incorporates the complete text of the correlating IEC standard. Any differences in requirements or wording from the base IEC text are also provided. These necessary differences are called national differences. The base IEC standard plus national differences from the base IEC requirements form the IEC-based co-published standard.

1.1.4 A national difference from the base IEC text shall be identified by the specific types defined in 2.11, and shall specify the paragraph, clause, subclause, table, figure, or annex to which the national difference is associated.

1.1.5 A national difference from the base IEC text shall be placed either before the base IEC Standard (CSA) or within the text of the standard immediately following the corresponding IEC clause, subclause, table, figure number, or annex that is to be modified (UL). See 2.5 for an exception to this rule. This applies to all national differences except for national differences due to equivalent terms, editorial corrections, references to component standards and regulatory requirements, which may also be provided in the form of an annex following the body of the standard or when it is necessary to add a national difference at the beginning of a clause or annex. See 2.5.

Note: All national differences from the base IEC text are included in the (ANCE, CSA, and/or UL) versions of the standard. While the technical content is the same in each organization’s version, the format and presentation of the national differences may differ.

1.2 Application of Numbering Procedures for Different Types of IEC Standards

1.2.1 Some IEC standards are written as stand-alone standards to be used in their entirety, as applicable. However, other IEC standards have been written in multiple parts, which usually include General Requirements (Part 1) and Particular Requirements (Part 2). In some cases, IEC standards have been written in multiple part standards which contain more than two parts.

1.2.2 Generally, when IEC standards are written in multiple parts, the Part 1 General Requirements are written to include those requirements applicable to all products in a broad product category. The Part 2 Particular Requirements are then written to supplement the Part 1 and to cover more specific requirements applicable to a narrower range of products. Multiple Part 2 standards may exist which relate to a single Part 1 standard. The Part 2 standard is incomplete without using the corresponding Part 1 standard.

1.2.3 The numbering procedures documented in Sections 2 to 4 have been created with various formats in mind. All of the rules are presented with instructions for numbering Part 1 standards and Part 2 standards. The procedures also apply to other multiple-part standards which contain more than two parts. Any standard that is considered to be stand-alone and does not have separate parts shall be numbered using the instructions provided for the Part 1 standards.

1.3 Identification of the Base IEC Standard

1.3.1 Because an IEC-based co-published standard uses the text of the correlating IEC standard as the base document, it is necessary to identify the specific IEC standard and edition including amendments, if any, used as the base text of the ANCE/CSA/UL Standard. This information is provided in the SDO Preface of the co-published standard.

2 General Rules for Numbering National Differences to IEC-Based Co-Published Standards

2.1 These general rules are intended to provide guidance in the numbering of national differences. For specific rules on numbering, see Section 3 for Part 1 standards and Section 4 for Part 2 standards.

2.2 An IEC-based co-published standard shall directly incorporate the IEC text and numbering structure.

2.3 The IEC does not number every paragraph in a clause. When the IEC standard is reproduced, the clauses will not be renumbered and clause numbers will not be added to the un-numbered IEC paragraphs. However, the preferred method for numbering national differences is to number each paragraph, clause, subclause, table, or figure within the national difference. The clauses, subclauses, tables, or figures of a national difference that applies to an annex would also be individually numbered. This numbering scheme allows for easy referencing to a specific portion of the national difference. However, there are instances where it would be acceptable to leave clauses, subclauses, tables, or figures unnumbered. The following are examples of instances where the elements within a national difference may not be numbered:

a) the THC or working group prefer that the individual elements within national differences not be numbered, and the numbering style used is logical; or

b) the Publication Coordinator chooses to have unnumbered elements with national differences. See the Editorial Leeway Guidance Document.

Note: If a national difference has only one paragraph, the individual paragraph is not numbered.

2.4 The “DV” suffix is a unique identifier used to distinguish the material as being a national difference from the base IEC text. Every national difference shall start with a clause, subclause, table, or figure number or annex letter followed by an additional suffix “DV”. Also note that the “DV” prefix will be used when adding an annex. See 3.5 and 4.5.

2.5 A national difference that applies to an entire annex or clause shall follow the annex or clause to which it applies. In some cases, it may be necessary to include a national difference at the beginning of a clause or annex. Reasons for using this approach include the following:

a) the national difference would be more logically placed before a related clause or clauses; and

b) placing the national difference before an IEC annex or clause would identify upfront which requirements are applicable, eliminating the risk of users applying potentially lengthy IEC requirements before realizing there is a national difference at the end of the requirements.

2.6 In general, when modifying or deleting a clause, subclause, table, figure, or annex in a Part 1 or Part 2 standard, the same number is used with the addition of the “DV” suffix.

2.7 When deleting a Part 1 table or figure that the IEC Part 2 does not modify, this original table or figure will not be present in the co-published Part 2 standard. In this scenario, the national difference in the Part 2 standard shall still be assigned the same number as the relevant table or figure to be deleted with the addition of the “DV” suffix.

2.8 In general, to add a clause, subclause, table, or figure in a Part 1 standard, a new number that is one number greater than the last relevant IEC clause or subclause number is used, with the addition of the “DV” suffix.

2.9 In general, to add a clause, subclause, table, or figure in a Part 2 standard, the new item is assigned a number which is the base IEC Part 2 main clause number with a suffix 101.DV, 102.DV, 103.DV, etc.

Note: The “101” numbers are used by the IEC in the numbering of IEC Part 2 standards. See also 4.3.5.

2.10 On the first line of the national difference, just following the clause, subclause, table, or figure number, or annex letter, every national difference shall be designated with one of the national difference types described in 2.11 (i.e., DR, D1, D2, DC, or DE). The national difference designation type identifies the reason why the national difference is included in the harmonized standard. The designation type should not be repeated on subsequent lines of the same national difference. See the national difference examples in Section 3 and Section 4.

Note: Although the default policy for IEC-based co-published standards is to assign only one designation type to a national difference, there are situations where a national difference clause may contain subclauses with different type designations. A THC, harmonization working group, or other stakeholder involved in the development of the harmonized standard may request assigning more than one type designation to a national difference based on technical necessity. The following example illustrates a national difference with more than one type designation.

7.1DV.1 D1 Modification of 7.1 by replacing it with the following:

7.1DV.1.2 Control circuit protective devices

7.1DV.1.2.1 DR Control circuit transformer and conductors of control circuits shall be protected against overcurrent in accordance with Annex DVB, Table DVB.3, Ref. No. 15.

7.1DV.1.2.2 D2 Conductors for control circuits shall be provided with overcurrent protection in each ungrounded conductor, located no more than 305 mm from the point where the conductor is connected to the source of power. Direct leads measuring a maximum of 305 mm long or printed-wiring assemblies having no connection external to the equipment are not required to be protected.

2.11 One of the following designations shall be applied to each national difference in an IEC-based co-published standard as specified in 2.10:

DR - These are National Differences based on the national regulatory requirements.

D1 - These are national differences which are based on basic safety principles and requirements, elimination of which would compromise safety for consumers and users of products.

D2 - These are national differences from IEC requirements based on existing safety practices. These requirements reflect national safety practices, where empirical substantiation (for the IEC or national requirement) is not available or the text has not been included in the IEC standard.

DC - These are national differences based on the component standards and will not be deleted until a particular component standard is harmonized with the IEC component standard.

DE - These are national differences based on editorial comments or corrections.

2.12 Following the national difference designation, every national difference shall include a description of how the national difference changes the IEC text, or instructions on how the national difference is applied to the IEC requirement. One of the following words shall be used to describe how the national difference text is to be applied to the base text:

Addition / Add ( An addition entails adding a complete new numbered clause, subclause, table, figure, or annex. Addition is not meant to include adding select words to the base IEC text.

Modification / Modify ( A modification is an altering of the existing base IEC text such as the addition, replacement, or deletion of certain words or the replacement of an entire clause, subclause, table, figure, or annex of the base IEC text.

Deletion / Delete – A deletion entails complete deletion of an entire numbered clause, subclause, table, figure, or annex without any replacement text.

2.13 While the information is typically provided by indicating Addition, Modification, and Deletion, additional phrases or paragraphs may be provided if further clarification is needed. For example, the following statements could be used to provide additional information:

1DV.1 D1 Modification by adding the following text after “playing with the appliances by young children”:

7.6DV D2 Modification of Clause 7.6 by adding the following text:

Figure 12DV D1 Addition of Figure to Replace Test Probe B of IEC 61032 (see clauses 1DV.1, 8.1.1DV, 20.2DV):

2.14 A national difference in a Part 2 standard shall be identified with a description as to which source text the national difference applies, i.e., the Part 1 or the Part 2 standard. In these cases, additional explanation is required to adequately identify to which part the national difference is applicable. For example, the following statements could be used:, “Modification of Clause #.# of the Part 1” or “Modification of Clause #.# of the Part 2.”

2.15 The national difference text shall be placed on the next line following the instruction statements indicating Addition, Modification, or Deletion.

2.16 Exceptions shall not be used in national differences to IEC-based co-published standards. The requirement shall be rewritten to remove the use of the word “exception.”

2.17 In cases where the numbering or structure of the Part 2 IEC standard does not align with the numbering structure of the Part 1 IEC standard, the Part 2 national differences shall still follow the Part 1 and Part 2 numbering procedures. However, detailed instruction shall be included to clarify to which standard (part) each national difference applies, to avoid numbering confusion in the Part 1 and Part 2 standards. See the following example:

8.1DV D2 Modify Clause 7.1DV of the Part 1 by adding the following:

8.1DV.1 D2 Combination Motor Controllers

8.1DV.1.1 An adjustable instantaneous-trip setting means of a circuit breaker or self-protected control device that is accessible without opening a door or removing a cover shall be constructed so that a stop to limit the maximum setting is able to be installed. Directions for the installation of the stop shall be included with the complete controller.

8.1DV.1.2 A self-protected combination motor controller shall have a means that is visible with the device mounted as intended with the door or cover of the enclosure opened that indicates which function (overload or short-circuit) has operated.

3 Rules and Examples for Numbering National Differences to Part 1 Standards

3.1 IEC Foreword/IEC Introduction

Note: An IEC Standard may also include a Preface. The rules specified in Clauses 3.1.1 to 3.1.3 also apply to an IEC Preface.

3.1.1 Rule: The general rules for numbering a national difference as specified in Sections 1 and 2 shall be applied to a national difference to the IEC Foreword/IEC Introduction. The preferred method for numbering national differences is to number each clause or subclause of the national difference text individually.

3.1.2 Rule: The following wording regarding the IEC numbering system shall be added as a national difference at the end of the IEC foreword text. If no other national differences are being adopted, do not add this national difference.

The numbering system in the standard uses a space instead of a comma to indicate thousands and uses a comma instead of a period to indicate a decimal point. For example, 1 000 means 1,000 and 1,01 means 1.01.

3.1.3 Rule: A national difference or differences to the IEC Foreword/IEC Introduction shall be placed at the end of the foreword/introduction and given the clause numbers DV.1, DV.2, etc., numbered sequentially.

Examples of National Differences for IEC Foreword/IEC Introduction

a) Add an IEC Foreword/IEC Introduction paragraph:

DV.1 DE Add the following after the second IEC Foreword note:

The numbering system in the standard uses a space instead of a comma to indicate thousands and uses a comma instead of a period to indicate a decimal point. For example, 1 000 means 1,000 and 1,01 means 1.01.

b) Modify an IEC Foreword/IEC Introduction paragraph:


Annexes C, L, M and N form an integral part of this standard.

Annexes A, B, D, E, F, G, H, J, O and P are for information only.


DV.1 DE Modify the IEC Foreword notes as follows:

Annexes M, DVC, DVD, and DVE form an integral part of this standard.

Annexes A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, L, N, O, and P are for information only.

c) Delete an IEC Foreword/IEC Introduction paragraph:


Annex D is an integral part of this standard.


DV.1 D2 Delete the IEC Foreword text and add the following:

Annex D is not applicable.

3.2 Definitions

3.2.1 Rule: The general rules for numbering national difference as specified in Sections 1 and 2 shall be applied to a national difference for an IEC definition. The preferred method for numbering national differences is to number each clause or subclause of the national difference text individually. If a national difference has only one paragraph, the individual paragraph is not numbered. See the example in 3.2.5.

3.2.2 Rule: When adding a definition, the logical placement of the national difference shall be taken into consideration. Consider whether the national difference is related to the base IEC text or whether it is a separate thought. See 3.2.3 and 3.2.4.

3.2.3 Rule: To add a definition, a new definition number that is one number greater than the last relevant IEC definition number may be used with the addition of the “DV” suffix. If more than one subclause is included in the national difference, the subclauses should be numbered sequentially after the DV suffix. See the following example:


3.2.5 BARRIER: A part providing protection against direct contact from any usual direction of access.


3.2.6DV D2 Add the following definition to Clause 3:

3.2.6DV.1 EXTRA-LOW VOLTAGE: A circuit that has an ac potential of not more than 30 V (42.4 peak), and power of 100 V·A or less; or 30 V dc supplied by a primary battery; or supplied by a Class 2 transformer; or supplied by a combination of a transformer or fixed impedance that, as a unit, complies with all the performance requirements for a Class 2 transformer.

3.2.6DV.2 A circuit that is derived from a circuit which exceeds 30 V by connecting resistance or impedance, or both, in series with the supply circuit to limit the voltage and current, is not considered to be an extra-low-voltage circuit.

3.2.4 Rule: To add a definition amid IEC definitions, the national difference may be placed within or at the end of the relevant IEC definition to which the national difference applies using an identifier consisting of a letter added to the relevant IEC definition number with the addition of the “DV” suffix. If more than one subclause is included in the national difference, the subclauses should be numbered sequentially after the DV suffix (see the example in 3.2.3). See the following example:


2.8.3 THERMAL CUT-OUT: Device which during abnormal operation limits the temperature of the controlled part by automatically opening the circuit or by reducing the current and constructed so that its setting cannot be altered by the user.


2.8.3ADV D2 Add the following definition to Clause 2:

THERMISTOR: A thermally sensitive semiconductor resistor that has, over at least part of its R/T curve, a significant nonlinear change in its electrical resistance with a change in temperature. Typically, a change in temperature occurs due to the flow of current through the thermistor, as a result of a change in the ambient temperature, or a combination of both.

(IEC TEXT Cont’d)

2.8.4 SELF-RESETTING THERMAL CUT-OUT: Thermal cut out which automatically restores the current after the relevant part of the appliance has cooled down sufficiently.

3.2.5 Rule: To modify a definition, the national difference shall be placed after the relevant IEC definition to be modified and given the same definition number with the addition of the “DV” suffix. If more than one subclause is included in the national difference, the subclauses should be numbered sequentially after the DV suffix (see the example in 3.2.3). See the following example:


2.1.6 SAFETY ISOLATING TRANSFORMER: transformer, the input winding of which is electrically separated from the output winding by an insulation at least equivalent to double or reinforced insulation, and which is intended to supply safety extra-low voltage circuits


2.1.6DV DR Modify Clause 2.1.6 by adding the following text:

A Class 2 transformer is defined as a step-down transformer of the low-voltage secondary type (30 volts or less) acceptable for use with Class 2 remote-control circuits, low-energy power circuits, and signal circuits (including bell or buzzer circuits and the like) in accordance with the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70. Unless such a transformer is of the energy-limiting type having sufficient winding impedance to limit the current output to a specified maximum value, it is required to be provided with a suitable fuse or other overcurrent-protective device.

3.2.6 Rule: To delete a definition, the national difference shall be placed after the relevant IEC definition to be deleted and given the same definition number with the addition of the “DV” suffix. See the following example:


2.3 PEN conductor: earthed conductor combining the functions of both protective conductor and neutral conductor.


2.3DV DR Delete Clause 2.3:

This definition does not apply.

3.3 Clauses and Subclauses

3.3.1 Rule: The general rules for numbering a national difference as specified in Sections 1 and 2 shall be applied to a national difference to an IEC clause or subclause. The preferred method for numbering national differences is to number each clause or subclause of the national difference text individually.

Note: If a national difference has only one paragraph, the individual paragraph is not numbered. See the example in 3.3.3.

3.3.2 Rule: When adding a clause or subclause, the logical placement of the national difference shall be taken into consideration. Consider whether the national difference is related to the base IEC text or whether it is a separate thought. See 3.3.3 and 3.3.4.

3.3.3 Rule: To add a clause or subclause amid IEC clauses, the national difference may be placed within or at the end of the IEC clause or subclause to which the national difference applies using an identifier consisting of a letter added to the relevant IEC clause or subclause number with the addition of the “DV” suffix. If more than one subclause is included in the national difference, the subclauses should be numbered sequentially after the DV suffix (see the example in 3.3.5). See the following example:


1.1.3 Computing equipment

This standard applies only to computers, processors, etc. which form part of equipment within the scope of this standard or are designed for use exclusively with the equipment.


1.1.3ADV DR Add the following to Clause 1.1:

This standard applies to equipment to be employed in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (NEC); designed to be installed in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC), Part I, CSA C22.1, and CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 0; or designed to comply with both the NEC and CEC.

(IEC TEXT Cont’d)

1.1.4 Computing devices and similar equipment within the scope of IEC 60950 and conforming to its requirements are considered to be suitable for use with equipment within the scope of this standard. However, some of the requirements of IEC 60950 for resistance to moisture and liquids are less stringent than those in this standard.

3.3.4 Rule: To add a clause or subclause, a new clause number that is one number greater than the last relevant IEC clause number may be used with the addition of the “DV” suffix. If more than one subclause is included in the national difference, the subclauses should be numbered sequentially after the DV suffix (see the example in 3.3.5). See the following example:


8.2 Class II appliances and Class II constructions shall be constructed and enclosed so that there is adequate protection against accidental contact with basic insulation and metal parts separated from live parts by basic insulation only.


8.3DV D1 Add the following text to Clause 8:

A limited power source operated from an a.c. main supply, or a battery operated limited power source that is recharged from an a.c. main supply while supplying the load, shall incorporate an isolating transformer.

3.3.5 Rule: To modify a clause or subclause, the national difference shall be placed after the relevant IEC clause or subclause to be modified and given the same clause number with the addition of the “DV” suffix. If more than one subclause is included in the national difference, the subclauses should be numbered sequentially after the DV suffix. See the following example:

Note: The following example also shows how to number a table that appears within the numbered clauses of a national difference. The national difference is typically generated when a whole section of text is pulled from a national standard and is inserted in the IEC-based standard as a national difference.


27.5 The connection between the earthing terminal or earthing contact and earthed metal parts shall have low resistance.

If the clearances of basic insulation in a protective extra-low voltage circuit are based on the rate voltage of the appliance, this requirement does not apply to connections providing earthing continuity in the protective extra-low voltage circuit.

Compliance is checked by the following test.

A current derived from a source having a no-load voltage not exceeding 12 V (a.c. or d.c.) and equal to 1,5 times rated current of the appliance or 25 A, whichever is higher, is passed between the earthing terminal or earthing contact and each of the accessible metal parts in turn.


27.5DV D1 Modification of Clause 27.5 by replacing it with Clauses 27.5DV.1 to 27.5DV3.2 and Table 27.5DV.2.1.1:

27.5DV.1 The requirements of 27.5DV.2 to 27.5DV.3.2 apply to protective earthing conductors and protective bonding conductors provided to comply with 27.1.

27.5DV.2 Size of protective earthing conductors

27.5DV.2.1 Protective earthing conductors shall at least be of the same size as supply conductors and shall comply with the minimum conductor sizes of column A of Table 27.5DV.2.1.1.

27.5DV.2.2 Compliance is checked by inspection and measurement.

Table 27.5DV.2.1.1 – Minimum size of protective conductors

(See 27.5DV.2 and 27.5DV.3.)


27.5DV.3 Size of protective bonding conductors

27.5DV.3.1 Protective bonding conductors shall comply with one of the following:

– The minimum conductor sizes in column A of Table 27.5DV.2.1.1; or

– For components only, be not smaller than the conductors that supply power to the component.

27.5DV.3.2 If the protective bonding conductor is smaller than the conductor supplying power then the protective bonding conductor shall comply with:

– The requirements of 27.5DV.5 and 27.5DV.6 and also, with the minimum conductor sizes in column B of Table 27.5DV.2.1.1; or

– The requirements of 27.5DV.5 – 27.5DV.7 if the conductor size is smaller than the conductor size in column B of Table 27.5DV.2.1.1.

3.3.6 Rule: To modify a clause or subclause where more than one national difference applies to one IEC clause or subclause, the national difference shall be placed after the relevant IEC clause or subclause to be modified and given the same clause number with the addition of the “DV” suffix and numbered sequentially after the DV suffix. See the following example:


11.9.5 Enclosures of independently mounted controls intended to be permanently connected to fixed wiring shall have cable entries, conduit entries, knockouts or glands which permit the connection of the appropriate conduit, cable or cord, as applicable.


11.9.5DV.1 DE Modification of Clause 11.9.5:

Replace “cable or cord” with “or external conductor”.

11.9.5DV.2 D2 Modification of Clause 11.9.5 by adding the following text:

A terminal box or compartment on equipment that is to be permanently connected electrically shall be located so that wire connections therein will be accessible for inspection, without disturbing either line-voltage or safety-circuit wiring after the equipment is installed in the intended manner. However, wire connections to equipment intended to be mounted on an outlet box may be accessible upon removal of the equipment from the box. A device which is acceptable for use with a fitting for only one type of wiring system shall be supplied with such a fitting.

3.3.7 Rule: To delete a clause or subclause, the national difference shall be placed after the relevant IEC clause to be deleted and given the same clause number with the addition of the “DV” suffix. See the following example:


7.1.4 Actuator


7.1.4DV D2 Delete Clause 7.1.4

This clause is not applicable.

3.4 Tables and Figures

3.4.1 Rule: The general rules for numbering national difference as specified in Sections 1 and 2 shall be applied to a national difference for an IEC table or figure.

3.4.2 Rule: To add a table or figure that is to be located following the main text of the IEC standard, the national difference may be placed after the last table or figure and assigned a new table or figure number that is one greater than the last table or figure number with the addition of the “DV” suffix. Typically, a national difference is added to the text within the body of the standard that references the new table or figure and indicates how the added table or figure is to be applied. See the following example:


15 Electric strength

15.1 The electric strength shall be adequate.

Compliance is checked by the following test.

Protective impedance is disconnected from live parts before carrying out the tests.

The tests are made on the tools at room temperature and not connected to the supply.


15.1DV D1 Modify Clause 15.1 by adding the following:

Tools shall tested using the test voltages specified in Table 29DV.


Note: The last IEC table number is Table 28.


Table 29DV D2 Add the following table:

Table 29DV– Dielectric voltage withstand test voltages


3.4.3 To modify a table or figure, whether located within the main text or following the main text of the IEC standard, the national difference shall be located following the relevant table or figure being modified and shall be assigned the same number as the relevant table or figure with the addition of the “DV” suffix. In addition, a modification may also be made to the referencing clause or subclause to reflect the addition of the table or figure.

Note: Depending on the number of modifications to a table or figure, a national difference can be shown either as a description of the modification or by showing the entire table or figure. When only a small number of changes or easily described changes are being made, use the description method. If the modifications to a table or figure are numerous or complex, the entire modified table or figure should be shown. See the following examples:





Table 3DV D2 Modification of Table 3:

Delete Note 3 of Table 3.



Table 14 – Test loads for electrical endurance tests for d.c. circuits



Table 14DV D2 Modify Table 14 by replacing it with Table 14DV:

Table 14DV – Test loads for electrical endurance tests for d.c. circuits


3.4.4 Rule: To delete a table or figure, whether located within the main text or following the main text of the IEC standard, the national difference shall be assigned the same number as the relevant table or figure with the addition of the “DV” suffix and placed directly following the relevant table or figure. See the following example:


Table 11 – Nominal cross-section area of conductors



Table 11DV D1 Delete Table 11:

This table does not apply.

3.5 Annexes

3.5.1 Rule: The general rules for numbering a national difference as specified in Sections 1 and 2 shall be applied to a national difference to an IEC annex. The preferred method for numbering national differences is to number each clause or subclause of the national difference text individually.

Note: If a national difference has only one paragraph, the individual paragraph is not numbered. See the example in 3.5.3.

3.5.2 Rule: When adding a clause or subclause, the logical placement of the national difference shall be taken into consideration. Consider whether the national difference is related to the base IEC text or whether it is a separate thought. See 3.5.3 and 3.5.4.

3.5.3 Rule: To add a clause or subclause amid IEC clauses within an annex with individually numbered clauses, the national difference may be placed within or at the end of an IEC clause or subclause using an identifier consisting of a letter added to the relevant IEC clause number with the addition of the “DV” suffix. If more than one subclause is included in the national difference, the subclauses should be numbered sequentially after the DV suffix (see the example in 3.5.5). See the following example:


K.15 Electric Strength

K.15.1 Materials providing insulation from electric shock shall be adequate.

Compliance is checked by subjecting the insulating material for 1 min to 750 V with a substantially sinusoidal wave form having a frequency of 50 Hz or 60 Hz. This provision does not exclude the testing of the material as situated within the tool, providing care is taken to ensure that materials not under consideration are not subjected to the test voltage.

This test applies only to materials which, if they were to fail to insulate, would subject the user to a shock hazard from a hazardous voltage. This test does not apply to materials that provide only a physical barrier to contact. As such, an uninsulated energized part shall be within 1,0 mm of the material surface to be considered for this requirement.


K.15.1ADV D1 Add the following to Clause K.15:

If accessible parts of insulated materials are tested, they shall be covered with metal foil. No flashover or breakdown shall occur during the test.

(IEC TEXT Cont’d)

K.15.2 This clause is not applicable.

3.5.4 Rule: To add a clause or subclause located to an annex with individually numbered clauses, a new clause or subclause number that is one number greater than the last relevant IEC clause number may be used with the addition of the “DV” suffix. If more than one subclause is included in the national difference, the subclauses should be numbered sequentially after the DV suffix (see the example in 3.5.5). See the following example:


B.12.3 Class II appliances and Class II constructions shall be constructed and enclosed so that there is adequate protection against accidental contact with basic insulation and metal parts separated from live parts by basic insulation only.


B.12.4 DV D1 Add Clause B.12.4DV to Clause B.12:

A limited power source operated from an a.c. main supply, or a battery operated limited power source that is recharged from an a.c. main supply while supplying the load, shall incorporate an isolating transformer.

3.5.5 Rule: To modify a clause or subclause located in an annex with individual numbered clauses, the national difference may be placed after the relevant IEC clause or subclause to be modified and given the same clause number with the addition of the “DV” suffix. If more than one subclause is included in the national difference, the subclauses should be numbered sequentially after the DV suffix. See the following example:

Note: The following example also shows how to number a table that appears within the numbered clauses of a national difference. The national difference is typically generated when a whole section of text is pulled from a national standard and is inserted in the IEC-based standard as a national difference.


A.2.5 The connection between the earthing terminal or earthing contact and earthed metal parts shall have low resistance.

If the clearances of basic insulation in a protective extra-low voltage circuit are based on the rate voltage of the appliance, this requirement does not apply to connections providing earthing continuity in the protective extra-low voltage circuit.

Compliance is checked by the following test.

A current derived from a source having a no-load voltage not exceeding 12 V (a.c. or d.c.) and equal to 1,5 times rated current of the appliance or 25 A, whichever is higher, is passed between the earthing terminal or earthing contact and each of the accessible metal parts in turn.


A.2.5DV D1 Modify Clause A.2.5 by replacing it with A.2.5DV.1 to A.2.5DV3.2 and Table A.2.5.DV.2.1.1:

A.2.5DV.1 The requirements of A.2.5DV.2 to A.2.5DV.3.2 apply to protective earthing conductors and protective bonding conductors provided to comply with 27.1.

A.2.5DV.2 Size of protective earthing conductors

A.2.5DV.2.1 Protective earthing conductors shall at least be of the same size as supply conductors and shall comply with the minimum conductor sizes of column A of Table A.2.5DV.2.1.1.

A.2.5DV.2.2 Compliance is checked by inspection and measurement.

Table A.2.5DV.2.1.1 – Minimum size of protective conductors


A.2.5DV.3 Size of protective bonding conductors

A.2DV.3.1 Protective bonding conductors shall comply with one of the following:

– The minimum conductor sizes in column A of table A.2.5DV.2.1.1; or

– For components only, be not smaller than the conductors that supply power to the component.

A.2.5DV.3.2 If the protective bonding conductor is smaller than the conductor supplying power then the protective bonding conductor shall comply with:

– The requirements of 27.5 and 27.6 and also, with the minimum conductor sizes in column B of Table A.2.5DV.2.1.1; or

– The requirements of 27.5.5 – 27.5.7 if the conductor size is smaller than the conductor size in column B of table A.2.5DV.2.1.1.

3.5.6 Rule: To delete a clause or subclause of an annex with individually numbered clauses, the national difference shall be placed after the relevant IEC clause to be deleted and given the same clause number with the addition of the “DV” suffix. See the following example:


K.12 Heating

K.12.1 Battery tools and battery packs shall not attain excessive temperatures.

Compliance is checked by determining the temperature rise of the various parts under the following conditions:

The tool is operated at no-load until maximum temperature is reached or the tool no longer operates due to the battery pack being discharged.

During the test, thermal cut-outs and overload releases shall not operate. The temperature rises shall not exceed the values shown in Table K.1.


K.12DV D2 Delete Clause K.12:

This clause does not apply.

3.5.7 Rule: For an annex not divided into individually numbered clauses, subclauses, tables, and figures, or where a national difference applies to the entire annex, a national difference involving clauses or subclauses is to follow the entire text of the base IEC annex and shall be given the same annex letter with the addition of the “DV” suffix. The national difference is always considered to be a modification of the IEC annex, whether adding, deleting, or modifying text. If more than one subclause is included in the national difference, the subclauses should be numbered sequentially after the DV suffix. See the following examples:

Examples of National Differences for Adding, Deleting, or Modifying Text in an IEC Annex Not Divided into Individually Numbered Clauses, Subclauses, Tables or Figures

a) Modification of an annex by adding clauses or subclauses:


Annex K


Routine Tests

The manufacturer shall perform the tests of K.1 to K.3 on 100% of equipment produced which has both hazardous live parts and accessible conductive parts.

Unless it can be clearly shown that the result of tests cannot be invalidated by subsequent manufacturing stages, tests shall be made with equipment fully assembled.

The equipment shall not be unwired, modified or disassembled for the test, but snap-on covers and friction-fit knobs can be removed if they would interfere with the tests. The equipment shall not be energized during the tests, but the mains switch shall be in the on-position.

Wrapping the equipment in foil is not required, nor is humidity preconditioning necessary.

A continuity test is made between the earth pin of the appliance inlet or the mains plug of plug-connected equipment, or the protective conductor terminal of permanently connected equipment on the one side, and all accessible conductive parts which are required by 6.5.1 to be connected to the protective conductor terminal on the other side.


Annex KDV D2 Modify Annex K by adding the following text:

KDV.1 The routine tests of annex K are required between supply mains, connected together, and accessible conductive parts likely to become energized, including the protective grounding conductor.

KDV.2 The tests shall be conducted when the equipment is complete (fully assembled) and with the supply mains switch in the “on” position. It is not intended that the equipment be unwired, modified, or disassembled for the test.

KDV.3 Parts such as snap covers or friction-fit knobs that would interfere with performing the tests need not be in place.

KDV.4 The tests may be performed before final assembly if the test represents that for the completed equipment.

b) Modification of an annex by modifying paragraphs in the annex:


Annex K


Routine Tests

The manufacturer shall perform the tests of K.1 to K.3 on 100% of equipment produced which has both hazardous live parts and accessible conductive parts.

Unless it can be clearly shown that the result of tests cannot be invalidated by subsequent manufacturing stages, tests shall be made with equipment fully assembled.

The equipment shall not be unwired, modified or disassembled for the test, but snap-on covers and friction-fit knobs can be removed if they would interfere with the tests. The equipment shall not be energized during the tests, but the mains switch shall be in the on-position.

Wrapping the equipment in foil is not required, nor is humidity preconditioning necessary.

A continuity test is made between the earth pin of the appliance inlet or the mains plug of plug-connected equipment, or the protective conductor terminal of permanently connected equipment on the one side, and all accessible conductive parts which are required by 6.5.1 to be connected to the protective conductor terminal on the other side.


Annex KDV D2 Modify the fourth paragraph in Annex K by replacing it with the following:

The equipment shall be wrapped in foil and preconditioned as specified in the humidity test in Clause 5.

c) Modification of an annex by deleting text:


Annex K


Routine Tests

The manufacturer shall perform the tests of K.1 to K.3 on 100% of equipment produced which has both hazardous live parts and accessible conductive parts.

Unless it can be clearly shown that the result of tests cannot be invalidated by subsequent manufacturing stages, tests shall be made with equipment fully assembled.

The equipment shall not be unwired, modified or disassembled for the test, but snap-on covers and friction-fit knobs can be removed if they would interfere with the tests. The equipment shall not be energized during the tests, but the mains switch shall be in the on-position.

Wrapping the equipment in foil is not required, nor is humidity preconditioning necessary.

A continuity test is made between the earth pin of the appliance inlet or the mains plug of plug-connected equipment, or the protective conductor terminal of permanently connected equipment on the one side, and all accessible conductive parts which are required by 6.5.1 to be connected to the protective conductor terminal on the other side.


Annex KDV D2 Modify the fourth paragraph in Annex K by deletion:

This paragraph does not apply.

3.5.8 Rule: To modify a table or figure located in an annex with individually numbered clauses, the national difference shall be assigned the same number as the relevant table or figure with the addition of the “DV” suffix and placed directly following the relevant table or figure. See the following example:


Table C.4 – Nominal cross-sectional area of conductors



Table C.4DV D2 Modify Table C.4 as follows:

Delete the first row in Table C.4. Conductor size ( 3 A does not apply.

3.5.9 Rule: To delete a table or figure located in an annex with individually numbered clauses, the national difference shall be assigned the same number as the relevant table or figure with the addition of the “DV” suffix and placed directly following the relevant table or figure. See the following example:


Table C.4 – Nominal cross-sectional area of conductors



Table C.4DV D1 Delete Table C.4

This table does not apply.

3.5.10 Rule: For an annex not divided into individually numbered clauses, subclauses, tables, and figures, or where a national difference applies to the entire annex, a national difference involving tables or figures is to follow the entire text of the base IEC annex and shall be given the same annex letter with the addition of the “DV” suffix. The national difference is always considered to be a modification of the IEC annex, whether adding, deleting, or modifying. See the following examples in (a) to (c).

Example of National Differences for Adding, Deleting, or Modifying Tables or Figures in an Annex Not Divided into Individually Numbered Clauses, Subclauses, Tables, or Figures

a) Modification of an annex by adding a table or figure:


Annex C

(IEC – informative)

(USA – normative)

Clearances and creepage distances for low-voltage contactors and starters Introduction

It is not possible to lay down a simple set of rules relating to clearances and creepage distances which can be applied to equipment, because much depends on variable factors such as atmospheric conditions, the type of insulation employed, the disposition of the creepage paths and the conditions of the system on which the equipment is to be used.

This annex, therefore, is intended to serve as a guide to the values of minimum clearances and creepage distances to be used. The values given are based on those used in various national specifications and which are known to give satisfactory service under normal industrial conditions and under system conditions generally found in the majority of the countries in which these specifications are in use. Further investigation is necessary to obtain a better understanding of the effects of the various factors and thus to determine a more comprehensive set of rules.


Annex CDV D2 Modification of Annex C by adding the following text and Table CDV.1:

The spacings at fuses and fuse holders are to be measured with the fuses having maximum standard dimensions in place, and shall be at least the spacings specified in Table CDV.1.

Table CDV.1 – Clearance and creepage distances for general use where transient voltages are not controlled or known[pic]

b) Modification of an annex by modifying a table or figure:

Note: Depending on the number of modifications to a table or figure, a national difference can be shown either as a description of the modification or by showing the entire table or figure. When only a small number of changes or easily described changes are being made, use the description method. If the modifications to a table or figure are numerous or complex, the entire modified table or figure should be shown. See the following examples:


(IEC TABLE - Annex C)



Annex CDV D2 Modify the third table of Annex C as follows:

Delete Note 3 of the table.


(IEC TABLE - Annex B)

Test loads for electrical endurance tests for d.c. circuits



Annex BDV D2 Modify the last table Annex B by replacing it with Table BDV:

Table BDV – Test loads for electrical endurance tests for d.c. circuits


c) Modification of an annex by deleting a table or figure


Nominal cross-sectional area of conductors



Annex KDV D1 Modify the table in Annex K by deleting the table:

This table does not apply.

3.5.11 Rule: To add an entire annex, the national difference shall be located after the last annex in the IEC standard and designated with the “DV” prefix and sequential letters as Annex DVA, DVB, DVC, etc. All clauses of the added annex shall be individually numbered. Typically, a national difference is added to the text within the body of the standard that references the new annex and indicates how the added annex is to be applied. See the following example:


4.1 General

The characteristics of an equipment shall be stated in the relevant product standard in respect of the following, where applicable:

– type of equipment (4.2);

– rated and limiting values for the main circuit (4.3);

– utilization category (4.4);

– control circuits (4.5);

– auxiliary circuits (4.6);

– relay and releases (4.7);

– co-ordination with short-circuit protective devices (4.8);

– switching overvoltages (4.9).



4.1DV D1 Modify Clause 4.1 by adding the following:

- secondary circuits and circuits supplied by battery (Annex DVA).


Annex DVA


Secondary Circuits and Circuits Supplied by Battery

Annex DVA D2 Addition: Add Annex DVA as follows:

DVA.1 Secondary circuits

DVA.1.1 General

DVA.1.1.1 Equipment supplied from a source rated 30 Vrms or 42.4 V peak for control of motors or other loads are not evaluated as secondary circuits and shall comply with the requirements for a primary circuit.

DVA.1.1.2 An isolated secondary circuit is a control circuit that is isolated at all points from the primary branch circuit. This isolation shall be provided by means such as a transformer, optical isolator, limiting impedance, or electro-mechanical relay.

3.5.12 Rule: To delete an entire annex, the national difference shall precede or follow the entire text of the base IEC annex in accordance with 2.5 and shall be given the same annex letter with the addition of the “DV” suffix. See the following example:


Annex A


Alternative requirements for protected motor units

Protected motor units of appliances intended for use unattended shall withstand the following tests.

A motor protector which can be reset by hand shall have a trip-free switching mechanism.

The test of 19.7 is carried out on a separate sample, either in the appliance or with the motor mounted on a bench. The duration of the test is as follows.

– a motor with a self-setting protector is cycled with a stalled rotor for 72 h for appliances having a short period of electrical stress and for 432 h for appliances having a long period of electrical stress;

(IEC TEXT Cont’d)


– a motor with a protector which can be reset by hand is operated 60 times with a stalled rotor, the protector being reset as soon as possible after each operation for it to remain closed but in not less than 30 s.

Temperatures are observed at regular intervals during the first 72 h for motors with self-setting protector or during the first ten operations for motors with protectors which can be reset by hand.


Annex ADV D2 Delete Annex A:

This annex is not applicable.

4 Rules and Examples for Numbering National Differences to Part 2 Standards

4.1 IEC Foreword/IEC Introduction

Note: An IEC Standard may also include a Preface. The rules specified in Clauses 4.1.1 to 4.1.3 also apply to an IEC Preface.

4.1.1 Rule: The general rules for numbering a national difference as specified in Sections 1 and 2 shall be applied to a national difference to an IEC Foreword/IEC Introduction.

4.1.2 Rule: The following wording regarding the IEC numbering system shall be added as a national difference at the end of the IEC foreword text. If no other national differences are being adopted, do not add this national difference.

The numbering system in the standard uses a space instead of a comma to indicate thousands and uses a comma instead of a period to indicate a decimal point. For example, 1 000 means 1,000 and 1,01 means 1.01.

4.1.3 Rule: A national difference or differences to the IEC Foreword/IEC Introduction shall be placed at the end of the IEC Foreword/IEC Introduction and numbered 101.DV, 102.DV, 103.DV, etc., numbered sequentially.

a) Add an IEC Foreword/IEC Introduction paragraph:


101.DV DE Add the following text after Note 2 in the Part 2:

The numbering system in the Standard uses a space instead of a comma to indicate thousands and uses a comma instead of a period to indicate a decimal point. For example, 1 000 means 1,000 and 1,01 means 1.01.

b) Modify an IEC Foreword/IEC Introduction paragraph:


Annexes C, L, M and N form an integral part of this standard.

Annexes A, B, D, E, F, G, H, J, O and P are for information only.


102DV DE Modify the IEC Foreword notes as follows:

Annexes M, DVC, DVD, and DVE form an integral part of this standard.

Annexes A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, L, N, O, and P are for information only.

c) Delete an IEC Foreword/IEC Introduction paragraph:


Annex D is an informative annex in this standard.


103DV D2 Delete Annex D note and add the following:

Annex D does not apply in the United States.

4.2 Definitions

4.2.1 Rule: The general rules for numbering a national difference as specified in Sections 1 and 2 shall be applied to a national difference to an IEC definition. The preferred method for numbering national differences is to number each clause or subclause of the national difference text individually.

Note: If a national difference has only one paragraph, the individual paragraph is not numbered. See the example in 4.2.4.

4.2.2 Rule: A national difference to a Part 2 standard shall identify which text source, the Part 1 or Part 2 text, it applies to.

4.2.3 Rule: When adding a definition, the logical placement of the national difference shall be taken into consideration. Consider whether the national difference is related to the base IEC text or whether it is a separate thought. See 4.2.4 and 4.2.5.

4.2.4 Rule: To add a definition amid IEC definitions, the national difference may be placed within or at the end of the relevant IEC definition using an identifier consisting of a letter added to the same IEC definition number with the addition of the “DV” suffix. If more than one subclause is included in the national difference, the subclauses should be numbered sequentially after the DV suffix (see the example in 4.2.5). See the following example:


3.102 THERMAL CUT-OUT: Device which during abnormal operation limits the temperature of the controlled part by automatically opening the circuit or by reducing the current and constructed so that its setting cannot be altered by the user.


3.102ADV D2 Add the following definition to Clause 3 of the Part 2:

THERMISTOR: A thermally sensitive semiconductor resistor that has, over at least part of its R/T curve, a significant nonlinear change in its electrical resistance with a change in temperature. Typically, a change in temperature occurs due to the flow of current through the thermistor, as a result of a change in the ambient temperature, or a combination of both.

(IEC TEXT Cont’d)

3.103 SELF-RESETTING THERMAL CUT-OUT: Thermal cutout which automatically restores the current after the relevant part of the appliance has cooled down sufficiently.

4.2.5 Rule: To add a definition, the national difference may be placed after the last IEC Part 2 subclause (within the main clause) to which the national difference applies. Typically, the IEC definition numbers consist of the main clause number and sequential numbers starting with 101. For example, 3.101, 3.102, 3.103, etc. The national difference shall be assigned the next available 101 clause number with the “DV” suffix. Using the example in 4.2.4, a national difference to add a definition would be 3.104DV. If more than one subclause is included in the national difference, the subclauses should be numbered sequentially after the DV suffix (see the example in 4.2.5). See the following example:

Note: If the co-published IEC-based standard is amended and a new clause number is added that is the same base number as a national difference (such as the IEC adding 3.104), the national difference will be renumbered to the next available number and moved to the end of the main clause.


3.107 STAND: Heel of the iron or a separate part provided with the iron, on which the iron is placed when at rest.


3.108DV D2 Add the following definition to Clause 3 of the Part 2:

3.108DV.1 EXTRA-LOW VOLTAGE: A circuit that has an ac potential of not more than 30 V (42.4 peak), and power of 100 V·A or less; or 30 V dc supplied by a primary battery; or supplied by a Class 2 transformer; or supplied by a combination of a transformer or fixed impedance that, as a unit, complies with all the performance requirements for a Class 2 transformer.

3.108DV.2 A circuit that is derived from a circuit which exceeds 30 V by connecting resistance or impedance, or both, in series with the supply circuit to limit the voltage and current, is not considered to be an extra-low-voltage circuit.

4.2.6 Rule: To modify a definition, the national difference shall be placed after the relevant IEC definition to be modified and given the same number with the addition of the “DV” suffix. If more than one subclause is included in the national difference, the subclauses should be numbered sequentially after the DV suffix (see the example in 4.2.5). See the following example:


3.106 neutral conductor (symbol N): conductor connected to the neutral point of a system and capable of contributing to the transmission of electrical energy [826-01-03]

NOTE – In some cases, the functions of the neutral conductor and the protective conductor may be combined under specified conditions in one and the same conductor referred to as the PEN conductor [Symbol PEN].



3.106DV DR Modify Clause 3.106 of the Part 2 by replacing the note with the following:

The functions of the neutral conductor and a grounding conductor are not combined into a single conductor.

4.2.7 Rule: To delete a definition, the national difference shall be placed after the relevant IEC definition to be deleted and given the same definition number with the addition of the “DV” suffix. See the following example:


3.2.101 BIOSEAL: Device or mechanism additional to, or integral with, a rotor or bucket and a closure assembly, and which is designed to prevent the escape of contents, for example microbiological material, during centrifuging.


3.2.101DV D2 Delete Clause 3.2.101 of the Part 2:

This definition does not apply.

4.3 Clauses and Subclauses

4.3.1 Rule: The general rules for numbering a national difference as specified in Sections 1 and 2 shall be applied to a national difference to an IEC clause or subclause. The preferred method for numbering national differences is to number each clause or subclause of the national difference text individually. Note: If a national difference has only one paragraph, the individual paragraph is not numbered. See the example in 4.3.7.

4.3.2 Rule: A national difference to a Part 2 standard shall identify which text source, the Part 1 or Part 2 text, it applies to.

4.3.3 Rule: When adding a clause or subclause, the logical placement of the national difference shall be taken into consideration. Consider whether the national difference is related to the base IEC text or whether it is a separate thought. See 4.3.4 and 4.3.5.

4.3.4 Rule: To add a clause or subclause amid IEC clauses, the national difference may be placed within or at the end of the IEC clause or subclause to which the national difference applies using an identifier consisting of a letter added to the same IEC clause number with the addition of the “DV” suffix. If more than one subclause is included in the national difference, the subclauses should be numbered sequentially after the DV suffix (see the example in 4.3.8). See the following example:


1.1.4 This standard does not apply to thermal motor protectors for hermetic or semi-hermetic motor compressors.


1.1.4ADV D2 Add Clauses 1.1.4ADV.1 and 1.1.4ADV.2 to Clause 1.1 of the Part 2:

1.1.4ADV.1 This standard does not apply to a motor protector the contacts of which control a relay coil in a motor starter.

1.1.4ADV.2 A thermal cutoff shall comply with the requirements in the Standard for Thermal-Links – Requirements and Application Guide,UL 60691, in addition to the requirements of this standard.

(IEC TEXT Cont’d)

1.1.5 This standard applies to thermal motor protectors for use with electric motors with a rated voltage equal to or less than 660 V and a rated output of 11 kW or less.

4.3.5 Rule: To add a clause or subclause, the national difference may be placed after the last clause or subclause of the IEC Part 2 and assigned a number which is the base IEC Part 2 clause number with the addition of the suffix 101.DV, 102.DV, 103.DV, etc. If more than one subclause is included in the national difference, the subclauses should be numbered sequentially after the DV suffix. See the following example:

Note: The above numbering convention is also used by the IEC in numbering IEC Part 2 standards. If the IEC Part 2 standard has already used a “101” suffix, then a national difference added to the base IEC text would begin with the 102.DV suffix.


Note: Last IEC subclause in Clause 7 is 7.12.


7.101.DV D2 Add Clauses 7.101DV.1 and 7.101DV.2 to the Part 1:

7.101.DV.1 Instructions pertaining to a risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons shall warn the user of foreseeable risks and state the precautions that are to be taken to reduce such risks.

7.101.DV.2 The instructions shall include the items in the following list, as applicable, and any other instructions that the manufacturer requires for the appliance. The statement “Read all instructions before using” shall precede the list of items following the word “DANGER.” The items are not required to be numbered.

4.3.6 Rule: To modify a clause or subclause, the national difference shall be placed after the relevant IEC clause to be modified and given the same clause number with the addition of the “DV” suffix. If more than one subclause is included in the national difference, the subclauses should be numbered sequentially after the DV suffix (see the example in 4.3.5). See the following example:


19.1 This clause of the Part 1 is applicable.


19.1DV D2 Add the following text and Table 19.1DV.1 toClause 19.1 of the Part 1:

When an appliance is supplied with a limit control or thermal cutoff that is responsive to oven cavity temperatures, the test is to be conducted with the number of potatoes indicated in Table 19.1DV.1 and also with a single potato.

Table19.1DV.1 – Cavity fire containment test load


(IEC TEXT Cont’d)

20.1 This clause of the Part 1 is applicable.

4.3.7 Rule: To modify a clause or subclause where more than one national difference applies to one IEC clause or subclause, the national difference shall be placed after the relevant IEC clause or subclause to be modified and given the same clause number with the addition of the “DV” suffix and numbered sequentially after the DV suffix. See the following example:


13.3 Enclosures of independently mounted controls intended to be permanently connected to fixed wiring shall have cable entries, conduit entries, knockouts or glands which permit the connection of the appropriate conduit, cable or cord, as applicable.


13.3DV.1 DE Modification of Clause 13.3 of the Part 2:

Replace “cable or cord” with “or external conductor”.

13.3DV.2 D2 Modification of Clause 13.3 of the Part 2 by adding the following text:

A terminal box or compartment on equipment that is to be permanently connected electrically shall be located so that wire connections therein will be accessible for inspection, without disturbing either line-voltage or safety-circuit wiring after the equipment is installed in the intended manner. However, wire connections to equipment intended to be mounted on an outlet box may be accessible upon removal of the equipment from the box. A device which is acceptable for use with a fitting for only one type of wiring system shall be supplied with such a fitting.

4.3.8 Rule: To delete a clause or subclause, the national difference shall be placed after the relevant IEC clause to be deleted and given the same clause number with the addition of the “DV” suffix. See the following example:


8.3 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)


8.3DV D2 Delete Clause 8.3 and all subclauses of the Part 2:

The requirements in 8.3 do not apply.

4.4 Tables and Figures

4.4.1 Rule: The general rules for numbering a national difference as specified in Sections 1 and 2 shall be applied to a national difference to an IEC table or figure.

4.4.2 Rule: A national difference to a Part 2 standard shall identify which text source, the Part 1 or Part 2 text, it applies to.

4.4.3 Rule: To add a table or figure that is to be located following the main text of the IEC standard, a national difference may be placed directly after the last table or figure and assigned the numbers 101.DV, 102.DV, 103.DV, etc., numbered sequentially. Typically, a national difference is added to the text within the body of the standard that references the new table or figure and indicates how the added table or figure is to be applied. See the following example:

(MAIN TEXT OF IEC PART 1 STANDARD) This clause of the Part 1 is applicable.

(NATIONAL DIFFERENCE THAT REFERENCES ADDED TABLE) D2 Modify Clause of the Part 1 by replacing Table 8.3.1with Table 101.DV.


Table 101.DV D2 Add the following table:

Table 101.DV – Width of copper bus bars


4.4.4 Rule: To modify a table or figure, whether located within the main text or following the main text of the IEC standard, the national difference shall be located following the relevant table or figure being modified and assigned the same number as the relevant table or figure with the addition of the “DV” suffix. See the following example:

Note: Depending on the number of modifications to a table or figure, a national difference can be shown either as a description of the modification or by showing the entire table or figure. When only a small number of changes or easily described changes are being made, use the description method. If the modifications to a table or figure are numerous or complex, the entire modified table or figure should be shown. See the following examples:



Table 2 – Trip classes of thermal, time-delay magnetic or solid state overload relays



Table 2DV D2 Modify Table 2 of the Part 2 by replacing Note 4 with the following:

The lower limiting values do not apply.


(IEC Table)

Table 14 – Test loads for electrical endurance tests for d.c. circuits



Table 14DV D2 Modify Table 14 of the Part 2 by replacing it with Table 14DV:

Table 14DV – Test loads for electrical endurance tests for d.c. circuits


4.4.5 To delete a table or figure, whether located within the main text or following the main text of the IEC standard, the national difference shall be located after the relevant table or figure and assigned the same number as the relevant table or figure with the addition of the “DV” suffix. See the following example:


Table 13 – EMC immunity tests



Table 13DV D2 Delete Table 13 of the Part 2:

This table does not apply.

4.5 Annexes

4.5.1 Rule: The general rules for numbering a national difference as specified in Sections 1 and 2 shall be applied to a national difference to an IEC annex. The preferred method for numbering national differences is to number each clause or subclause of the national difference text individually. If a national difference has only one paragraph, the individual paragraph is not numbered. See the example in 4.5.4.

4.5.2 Rule: A national difference to a Part 2 standard shall identify which text source, the Part 1 or Part 2 text, it applies to.

4.5.3 Rule: When adding a clause or subclause to an annex, the logical placement of the national difference shall be taken into consideration. Consider whether the national difference is related to the base IEC text or whether it is a separate thought. See 4.5.4 and 4.5.5.

4.5.4 Rule: To add a clause or subclause amid IEC clauses within an annex with individually numbered clauses, the national difference may be placed within or at the end of the IEC clause or subclause to which the national difference applies using an identifier consisting of a letter added to the relevant IEC clause number with the addition of the “DV” suffix. If more than one subclause is included in the national difference, the subclauses should be numbered sequentially after the DV suffix (see the example in 4.5.5). See the following example:


D.3 Class II appliances and Class II constructions shall be constructed and enclosed so that there is adequate protection against accidental contact with basic insulation and metal parts separated from live parts by basic insulation only.


D.3ADV D1 Add the following text to Annex D of the Part 2:

A limited power source operated from an a.c. main supply, or a battery operated limited power source that is recharged from an a.c. main supply while supplying the load, shall incorporate an isolating transformer.

(IEC TEXT Cont’d)

D.4 Compliance is checked by inspection and the tests in Clauses 4.6 and 4.7.

4.5.5 Rule: To add a clause or subclause located to an annex with individually numbered clauses, the national difference may be placed after the last clause or subclause of the IEC Part 2 and assigned a number which is the base IEC Part 2 clause number with the addition of the suffix 101.DV, 102.DV, 103.DV, etc. If more than one subclause is included in the national difference, the subclauses should be numbered sequentially after the DV suffix. See the following example:

Note: The above numbering convention is also used by the IEC in numbering IEC Part 2 standards. If the IEC Part 2 standard has already used a “101” suffix, then a national difference added to the base IEC text would begin with the 102.DV suffix.


Note: Last IEC subclause in Clause C7 is C7.12.


C7.101.DV D2 Add Clauses C7.101DV.1 and C7.101DV.2 to Annex C of the Part 2:

C7.101.DV.1 Instructions pertaining to a risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons shall warn the user of foreseeable risks and state the precautions that are to be taken to reduce such risks.

C7.101.DV.2 The instructions shall include the items in the following list, as applicable, and any other instructions that the manufacturer requires for the appliance. The statement “Read all instructions before using” shall precede the list of items following the word “DANGER." The items are not required to be numbered.

4.5.6 Rule: To modify a clause or subclause located in an annex with individually numbered clauses, the national difference shall be placed after the relevant IEC clause to be modified and given the same clause number with the addition of the “DV” suffix. If more than one subclause is included in the national difference, the subclauses should be numbered sequentially after the DV suffix (see the example in 4.5.5). See the following example:


C.4.1 If a clearance or a creepage distance is influenced by one or more metal parts, either one of the sections between these parts should have at least the prescribed minimum value, or the sum of the two largest sections should have at least 1,25 times the prescribed minimum value. Individual sections less than 2 mm in length should not be taken into consideration in the calculation of the total length of clearances and creepage distances.


C.4.1DV D2 Modify Clause C.4.1 of the Part 2 by adding the following text:

C.4.1DV.1 When a clearance or a creepage distance is influenced by one or more metal parts the sum of the sections shall be at least the prescribed minimum value.

C.4.1DV.2 Individual sections less than 0,33 mm in length are not taken into consideration in the calculation of the total length of clearances and creepage distances.

4.5.7 Rule: To delete a clause or subclause of an annex with individually numbered clauses, the national difference shall be placed after the relevant IEC clause or subclause to be deleted and given the same clause number with the addition of the “DV” suffix. See the following example:


A8.3 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)


A8.3DV D2 Delete Clause A8.3 and all subclauses of the Part 2:

The requirements in A8.3 do not apply.

4.5.8 Rule: For an annex not divided into individually numbered clauses, subclauses, tables, and figures, or where a national difference applies to the entire annex, a national difference involving clauses or subclauses is to follow the entire text of the base IEC annex and shall be given the same annex letter with the addition of the “DV” suffix. The national difference is always considered to be a modification of the IEC annex, whether adding, deleting, or modifying text. If more than one subclause is included in the national difference, the subclauses should be numbered sequentially after the DV suffix. See the following examples.

Example of National Differences for Adding, Deleting, or Modifying Text in an Annex Not Divided into Individually Numbered Clauses, Subclauses, Tables, or Figures

a) Modification of an annex by adding clauses or subclauses:


Annex K


Routine Tests

The manufacturer shall perform the tests of K.1 to K.3 on 100% of equipment produced which has both hazardous live parts and accessible conductive parts.

Unless it can be clearly shown that the result of tests cannot be invalidated by subsequent manufacturing stages, tests shall be made with equipment fully assembled.


The equipment shall not be unwired, modified or disassembled for the test, but snap-on covers and friction-fit knobs can be removed if they would interfere with the tests. The equipment shall not be energized during the tests, but the mains switch shall be in the on-position.

Wrapping the equipment in foil is not required, nor is humidity preconditioning necessary.

A continuity test is made between the earth pin of the appliance inlet or the mains plug of plug-connected equipment, or the protective conductor terminal of permanently connected equipment on the one side, and all accessible conductive parts which are required by 6.5.1 to be connected to the protective conductor terminal on the other side.


Annex KDV D2 Modify Annex K of the Part 2 by adding the following text:

KDV.1 The routine tests of annex K are required between supply mains, connected together, and accessible conductive parts likely to become energized, including the protective grounding conductor.

KDV.2 The tests shall be conducted when the equipment is complete (fully assembled) and with the supply mains switch in the “on” position. It is not intended that the equipment be unwired, modified, or disassembled for the test.

KDV.3 Parts such as snap covers or friction-fit knobs that would interfere with performing the tests need not be in place.

KDV.4 The tests may be performed before final assembly if the test represents that for the completed equipment.

b) Modification of an annex by modifying text in the annex:


Annex K


Routine Tests

The manufacturer shall perform the tests of K.1 to K.3 on 100% of equipment produced which has both hazardous live parts and accessible conductive parts.

Unless it can be clearly shown that the result of tests cannot be invalidated by subsequent manufacturing stages, tests shall be made with equipment fully assembled.

The equipment shall not be unwired, modified or disassembled for the test, but snap-on covers and friction-fit knobs can be removed if they would interfere with the tests. The equipment shall not be energized during the tests, but the mains switch shall be in the on-position.


Wrapping the equipment in foil is not required, nor is humidity preconditioning necessary.

A continuity test is made between the earth pin of the appliance inlet or the mains plug of plug-connected equipment, or the protective conductor terminal of permanently connected equipment on the one side, and all accessible conductive parts which are required by 6.5.1 to be connected to the protective conductor terminal on the other side.


Annex KDV D2 Modify the fourth paragraph in Annex K by replacing it with the following:

The equipment shall be wrapped in foil and preconditioned as specified in the humidity test in Clause 5.

c) Modification of an annex by deleting text:


Annex K


Routine Tests

The manufacturer shall perform the tests of K.1 to K.3 on 100% of equipment produced which has both hazardous live parts and accessible conductive parts.

Unless it can be clearly shown that the result of tests cannot be invalidated by subsequent manufacturing stages, tests shall be made with equipment fully assembled.

The equipment shall not be unwired, modified or disassembled for the test, but snap-on covers and friction-fit knobs can be removed if they would interfere with the tests. The equipment shall not be energized during the tests, but the mains switch shall be in the on-position.

Wrapping the equipment in foil is not required, nor is humidity preconditioning necessary.

A continuity test is made between the earth pin of the appliance inlet or the mains plug of plug-connected equipment, or the protective conductor terminal of permanently connected equipment on the one side, and all accessible conductive parts which are required by 6.5.1 to be connected to the protective conductor terminal on the other side.


Annex KDV D2 Modify Annex K of the Part 2 by deleting the fourth paragraph:

This paragraph does not apply.

4.5.9 Rule: To modify a table or figure located in an annex with individually numbered clauses, the national difference shall be placed after the relevant IEC table or figure and given the same number as the relevant table or figure with the addition of the “DV” suffix. See the following example:


Table B.12 – Minimum cross-sectional area of supply cord



Table B.12DV D1 Modification by replacing Table B.12 of the Part 2 with the following:

Table B.12DV – Minimum cross-sectional area of supply cord


4.5.10 Rule: To delete a table or figure located in an annex with individually numbered clauses, the national difference shall be placed after the relevant IEC table or figure and given the same number as the relevant table or figure with the addition of the “DV” suffix. See the following example:


Table E.9 – EMC immunity tests



Table E.9DV D2 Delete Table E.9 of the Part 2:

This table does not apply.

4.5.11 Rule: To modify a table or figure located in an annex not divided into individually numbered clauses, subclauses, tables, and figures, or where a national difference applies to the entire annex, a national difference involving a table or figure is to follow the entire text of the base IEC annex and shall be given the same annex letter with the addition of the “DV” suffix. The national difference is always considered to be a modification of the IEC annex, whether adding, deleting, or modifying tables or figures. See the following examples.

Examples of National Differences for Adding, Deleting, or Modifying Tables or Figures in an Annex Not Divided into Individually Numbered Clauses, Subclauses, Tables, or Figures

a) Modification of an annex by adding a table or figure:



The annexes of Part 1 are applicable except as follows.


Annex BDV D1 Modify Annex B of the Part 1 by adding the following and Table BDV.1:

The flexible cord shall be as specified in Table BDV.1 or shall be of a type at least equally serviceable for the appliance.

Table BDV.1 – Cords for rechargeable appliances


b) Modification of an annex by modifying a table or figure:

Note: Depending on the number of modifications to a table or figure, a national difference can be shown either as a description of the modification or by showing the entire table or figure. When only a small number of changes or easily described changes are being made, use the description method. If the modifications to a table or figure are numerous or complex, the entire modified table or figure should be shown. See 3.5.10(b).


Maximum normal temperature rises



Annex ADV D2 Modify the third table of Annex A of the Part 2 as follows:

Delete Note 3 of the preceding table.

c) Modification of an annex by deleting a table or figure:


(Note: Partial text of IEC Annex M is shown.)

Annex M


Safety of working stands for operation with hand-held motor-operated electric tools

Riving knife

Saw tables which are ready for operation shall be equipped with a riving knife. This requirement is met when a hand-held circular saw with its own riving knife is installed.

Compliance is checked by inspection and by the following test.

The riving knife is adjusted to the maximum distance specified in Clause 19.1 of the Part 1. The riving knife is fastened in accordance with the instructions required by 8.12.2. At the centre of the riving knife tip, a force of 100 N is applied for 1 min in the cutting direction and parallel to the guide plate.

During the test, the riving knife shall not touch the blade’s cutting edge zone. After this test, the tip of the riving knife shall not have been displaced by more than 3 mm in direction of the force.

he riving knife and its holder shall be so designed as to allow the adjustment.

The riving knife, if provided with the saw table, shall be made of steel with a hardness of between 35 HRC and 48 HRC and a resistance to rupture at least equal to 800 MPa.

Its tip shall be rounded, with a radius of not less than 2 mm, and its edges shall not be sharp. The width of the riving knife, measured at the table top level for the maximum cutting depth shall be at least equal to 1/8 of the diameter of the maximum diameter of the saw blade in accordance with the marking required

by 8.1. Moreover, the faces of the riving knife shall be plane, smooth and parallel and shall be slightly chamfered on the edge facing the blade.

Compliance is checked by inspection, by measurement and by the following test.

The circular saw and/or saw table is set to maximum depth of cut at 90°. The riving knife is adjusted for the maximum recommended saw blade in accordance with 19.1 of the Part 1. The riving knife is fastened in accordance with the instructions required by 8.12.2.

At the centre of the riving knife tip, a force W as specified in the following table is applied for 1 min perpendicular to the blade.

After this test, the tip of the riving knife shall not have been displaced in the direction of the force by more than half the thickness of the riving knife. The test is performed in both directions.

Riving knife testing – strength of riving knife



Annex MDV D2 Modify Annex M of the Part 2 by deleting the first table:

This table does not apply.

4.5.12 Rule: To add an entire annex to a Part 2 standard, the new annex shall be designated with a prefix of 101.DV with an incremental letter suffix, for example, 101.DVA, 101.DVB, 101.DVC, etc. Typically, a national difference is added to the text within the body of the standard that references the new annex and indicates how the added annex is to be applied. All clauses of the new annex shall be individually numbered. See the following example:

Note: The Part 1 standard may already have added annexes DVA, DVB, DVC, etc.

(MAIN TEXT OF IEC STANDARD) This clause of the Part 1 applies.

(NATIONAL DIFFERENCE THAT REFERENCES ADDED ANNEX) D2 Modify Clause of the Part 1 by adding the following:

Equipment shall comply with the dielectric voltage withstand test specified in Annex 01.DVA.


Annex 101.DVA (normative) – Manufacturing and Production Tests

101.DVA D2 Add Annex 101.DVA to the Part 2:

101.DVA.1 Production Line Dielectric Voltage

101.DVA.1.1 The manufacturer shall conduct a dielectric voltage-withstand test on each unit.

101.DVA.1.2 If a unit employs components such as a solid-state control that can be damaged by the dielectric potential, the test may be conducted before such components are electrically connected. However, a sample selected at random from production each day is to be tested to verify compliance with Clause 101.DVA.1.1.

4.5.13 Rule: To delete an entire annex, the national difference shall precede or follow the entire text of the base IEC annex in accordance with 3.5.12 and shall be given the same annex letter with the addition of the “DV” suffix. See the following example:


Annex A


Alternative requirements for protected motor units

Protected motor units of appliances intended for use unattended shall withstand the following tests.

A motor protector which can be reset by hand shall have a trip-free switching mechanism.

The test of 19.7 is carried out on a separate sample, either in the appliance or with the motor mounted on a bench. The duration of the test is as follows.

– a motor with a self-resetting protector is cycled with a stalled rotor for 72 h for appliances having a short period of electrical stress and for 432 h for appliances having a long period of electrical stress;

– a motor with a protector which can be reset by hand is operated 60 times with a stalled motor, the protector being reset as soon as possible after each operation for it to remain losed but in not less than 30 s.

Temperatures are observed at regular intervals during the first 72 h for motors with self-resetting protectors or during the first ten operations for motors with protectors which can be reset by hand.


Annex ADV D2 Delete Annex A of the Part 2:

Annex A does not apply.


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