WORLD WAR II Study GUIDEName: _________________________ TEST DATE: _________ Review Session(s):_______________________REMINDER: Answer ALL QUESTIONS to get bonus points on test. Incomplete study guides will NOT earn bonus points!BETWEEN THE WARS (1919-1938)What was going on in the world? Pre-Great Depression differences between the conditions in America & in Europe?Impact of the Great Depression in America and in Europe?THE RISE OF DICTATORSWhat is totalitarianism?Who were the totalitarian leaders for each of the following?Germany?Italy?Soviet Union?Why were dictators able to take hold in Europe?What was Mein Kampf ? Why is it significant? What was the Third Reich? Why was it significant?FASCISM (NAZISM) v. COMMUNISMMajor Characteristics of Each?Similarities?Differences?AXIS POWERS v. ALLIED POWERSMember nations?Order of war declarations – who declared war & when?EARLY AGGRESSION & APPEASEMENTWhich countries were engaging in aggressive behavior before WWII? Give examples for each.In what ways did Germany violate the Treaty of Versailles? What were the motives for the invasion of Austria, Czechoslovakia (Sudetenland) and Poland?What was the Munich Agreement? Why was it significant?Define appeasement and give examplesWhat was the Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact? Why was it significant? Who violated this agreement first?Which invasion began World War II? Why?More on Back!!U.S. ENTRANCE INTO WORLD WAR IDescribe early American Policies: Describe Cash & Carry and Lend-LeaseWhy did the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor? Why is this significant? What was the American reaction to the bombing of Pearl Harbor? How was the Japanese American population treated in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor?THE HOLOCAUSTWhat were the Nuremberg Laws? In terms of the Holocaust, why were they significant?What was Kristallnacht? Why was it significant?What was the “Final Solution?”What were the concentration camps? What took place at these camps?Nazism and attitude on race?MILITARY ASPECTSWhat was Blitzkrieg? Who used this military strategy? Was it successful?What happened at the Battle of Britain? Why was this significant?The Battle of Stalingrad: What? When? Who? Significance?Stalin’s request for a “second-front:” What? When? Significance?D-Day: What? When? Who? Significance? The Battle of the Coral Sea: What? When? Who? Significance? The Battle of Midway: What? When? Who? Significance?What was the Manhattan Project?Atomic Bomb: What were the other options available? Why was this option chosen? Consequences?END OF THE WARWhat was the significance of the Yalta Conference?What happened to Hitler at the conclusion of WWII?What were the major results of WWII?ALSO: ***Review your WWII Map and be able to identify major countries involved in the war! There WILL be a map on this test… ................

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