Highlighting the Differences between Preexisting Type 1 ...

[Pages:6]Highlighting the Differences between Preexisting Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes in Pregnancy and Gestational Diabetes

Elizabeth (Libby) Downs Quiroga, MS, RD, CDE Tandem Diabetes Care ? Clinical Specialist Grand Rapids MI

Geetha Rao, MS, RD, CDE, CDTC, CPT, CLE Palo Alto Medical Foundation Freemont, CA


Diabetes is the most common metabolic complication of pregnancy. Placental hormones, growth factors, and cytokines can cause increased insulin resistance. The different types of diabetes seen in pregnancy present challenges to clinicians; each type has different guidelines for treatment based on the pathogenesis. Medical nutrition therapy (MNT) and medication

Characteristics of Preexisting Diabetes during Pregnancy

Women who have preexisting diabetes

may experience greater problems with

blood glucose control in pregnancy,

and diet and exercise changes alone

might not successfully compensate for

increased insulin needs. Preexisting

diabetes is primarily treated with insulin

during pregnancy. The progressive

increase in insulin resistance caused by

trimesters (3). Those with type 2 diabetes may see insulin doses double by the middle of the second trimester and even triple or more by term (3). Hence, the net change in insulin resistance and increase in insulin requirement is less in those who have type 2 diabetes, but the final level of insulin resistance and insulin requirement may be the same or more than in those who have type 1 diabetes.

management are key components to achieving the goal of normoglycemia. Understanding the pathogenesis and

placental hormones, growth factors, and cytokines in pregnancy requires intensive MNT and frequent insulin

The incidence of diabetes ketoacidosis (DKA) in pregnancy is 1% to 3% of

classification of diabetes during

dose adjustments to prevent

patients with preexisting diabetes,

pregnancy can help clinicians to

worsening of complications from

and women with type 1 diabetes are

provide appropriate care.

diabetes. Women with preexisting

more prone to DKA than those with


diabetes have a four- to fivefold increase in perinatal mortality and a

gestational or type 2 diabetes (3). The fetal mortality rate during this

Diabetes is the most common

four- to sixfold increase in stillbirth

condition is approximately 9% to

metabolic complication of pregnancy, compared to the population without

35%, and the risk of maternal death is

and all forms of diabetes can occur

diabetes (2).

estimated at 5% to 15% (3). DKA can

in pregnant women. Diabetes in

occur in pregnancy at blood glucose

pregnancy is characterized by the

Insulin needs vary throughout the

levels of less than 200 mg/dL, and

time of diagnosis in relationship

pregnancy. From week 17 and on,

most cases of DKA develop in the

to pregnancy (preexisting versus

insulin needs start to rise sequentially second and third trimester when

gestational) and the etiology of beta until 35 weeks at which point the

insulin needs are rising (3). Accordingly,

cell dysfunction and hyperglycemia

needs level off or decline (3). However, insulin should not be withheld for

(e.g., immune for type 1 diabetes and women with type 1 diabetes might

more than a few hours in a patient

nonimmune with insulin resistance

see significantly low glucose values

with type 1 diabetes, even if she has

for type 2 diabetes). Preexisting

during gestational weeks 9 through

normal blood glucose values, to

diabetes (types 1 and 2) complicates 16 unless they adjust their insulin

prevent the onset of DKA (3). Glucose

0.1% to 0.3% of all pregnancies (1).

doses (4). In contrast, women with

and ketones readily cross the

Gestational diabetes (GDM)

type 2 diabetes may have improved

placenta while maternal volume

complicates 1% to 14% of all

glucose values during this phase of

depletion and acidosis may cause


pregnancy. Women who live with type fetal hypoxia (3).

1 diabetes may experience a 60%

to 200% increase in insulin needs

Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) testing for

during the second and third

this population should be addressed


before conception. High blood glucose levels at conception and during organogenesis increases the risk of spontaneous abortion and major congenital malformations. Hyperglycemia reduces oxygen supply to the fetus and when combined with maternal acidosis, can lead to fetal demise.

Table 1. Plasma Glucose Values Indicating Gestational Diabetes for the Two-step Strategy Oral Glucose Tolerance Test

Time Fasting 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours

Carpenter/Coustan (9) 95 mg/dL (5.3 mmol/L) 180 mg/dL (10.0 mmol/L) 155 mg/dL (8.6 mmol/L) 140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L)

National Diabetes Data Group (10) 105 mg/dL (5.8 mmol/L) 190 mg/dL (10.6 mmol/L) 165 mg/dL (9.2 mmol/L) 145 mg/dL (8.0 mmol/L)

Gestational Diabetes

GDM is defined as the onset of varying degrees of glucose intolerance during the second or third trimester that is not clearly overt diabetes (5). GDM results from an imbalance between tissue insulin requirements for glucose regulation and the ability of the pancreatic beta cells to meet these requirements.

prior diabetes undergo a 75-g OGTT at 24 to 28 weeks of gestation, based on the recommendation of the International Association of the Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG) (5,7). The IADPSG defined diagnostic cut points for GDM as the average glucose values (fasting, 1-hour, and 2-hours after glucose testing) in the Hyperglycemia

maternal hyperglycemia reduces the risks of neonatal macrosomia, largefor-gestational age births, and shoulder dystocia without increasing small-for-gestational age births (8).

The patient must be fasting for the OGTT. GDM is diagnosed if at least two of the four plasma glucose level values (fasting, 1 hour, 2 hours, and 3 hours

GDM is typically diagnosed late in pregnancy (between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation) and is generally not associated with the early gestational age birth defects that can be seen in babies of mothers with preexisting diabetes. GDM accounts for approximately 90% of all cases of diabetes in pregnancy and is associated with overweight/obesity, history of GDM in prior pregnancy, polycystic ovary syndrome, presence of glucosuria, family history of diabetes, and certain ethnic groups (e.g., Asians, African Americans, and Hispanics). It resolves in 90% of cases after delivery (6).

and Adverse Outcomes Study (HAPO), at which odds for adverse outcomes was 1.75 times the odds of these outcomes at mean glucose levels of the study population (5).

For the one-step strategy, the diagnosis of GDM is made when one glucose reading is equal to or greater than:

?Fasting glucose: 92 mg/dL (5.1 mmol/L)

?1-hour glucose: 180 mg/dL (10.0 mmol/L)

?2-hour glucose: 153 mg/dL (8.5 mmol/L)

Two-step Approach

after OGTT) are met or exceeded . There are two sets of OGTT glucose diagnostic criteria currently in use for diagnosing GDM; one is by Carpenter and Coustan (this is the more sensitive criteria thus will include more diagnoses of GDM) and the other by the National Diabetes Data Group (NDDG) (Table 1).

ACOG updated their guidelines in 2013 to support the two-step approach (11). The ADA suggests that a GDM diagnosis can be established with either of the two strategies. For a comparison, criteria to diagnose type 2 diabetes in the first trimester

Diagnosing Gestational Diabetes

GDM can be diagnosed via one- or two-step approaches (5):

1. One-step 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)

2. Two-step 50-g (nonfasting) screen followed by a 100-g OGTT for those who have positive screen results

In the two-step strategy, a nonfasting 50-g oral glucose challenge test is administered to women not previously diagnosed with overt diabetes. If the 1-hour plasma glucose measures 140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L) or greater, the woman undergoes a 100-g OGTT. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends a lower threshold of

of pregnancy are: ? Fasting blood glucose: 126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L) ? HbA1c: 6.5% ? Random plasma glucose: 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L)


Patient monitoring during pregnancy should include daily blood glucose

One-step Approach

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends that all pregnant women who are not known to have

135 mg/dL (7.5 mmol/L) in high-risk populations that have higher prevalences of GDM. According to ACOG, treatment of higher-threshold

testing, ketone evaluation, and HbA1c measurement. An overview of monitoring for treatment of diabetes in pregnancy is presented in Table 2.


Blood Glucose Monitoring

Preprandial and postprandial monitoring of blood glucose is recommended to achieve metabolic control in pregnant women with diabetes (5). ACOG recommends the following targets for women with preexisting type 1 or type 2 diabetes (5):

? Fasting: 90 mg/dL ? One-hour postprandial: 130?140 mg/dL ? Two-hour postprandial: 120 mg/dL

Clinicians should note that these values represent optimal control if they can be achieved safely. However, women with type 1 diabetes may find that achieving these targets without hypoglycemia is a challenge, particularly women who have a history of severe hypoglycemia or hypoglycemia unawareness (5). If women cannot achieve these targets without significant hypoglycemia, the ADA recommends liberalized targets that are individualized (5).

The following glucose targets are recommended by the Fifth International Workshop-Conference on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (5):

? F asting: 95 mg/dL and either ? One-hour postprandial: 140 mg/dL or ? Two-hour postprandial: 120 mg/dL

Women with preexisting diabetes should measure their blood glucose eight to 12 times or more a day and document food and blood glucose daily (3). Experts recommend that those who are diagnosed with GDM periodically self-monitor or test their blood glucose (3).


Ketones are usually present in normal pregnancies after a 14-hour fast. The goal for fasting urinary ketone levels is none or trace in those with diabetes during pregnancy. Urine ketone testing is not routinely recommended for those who have GDM unless they are experiencing persistent weight loss (12).

Urine ketone testing is recommended for women who have poorly controlled or newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes. Urine ketone testing is also recommended when blood glucose persistently measures greater than 200 mg/dL in pregnancy complicated with type 1 diabetes (3). Commonly reported symptoms of DKA are gastrointestinal upset such as nausea, vomiting, poor oral intake, or flu like symptoms (3). If the registered dietitian nutritionist has any suspicion of the presence of DKA, the woman should be referred to her physician immediately.

Hemoglobin A1C

The ADA recommends maintaining HbA1c of less than 6% to 6.5% in the second and third trimesters to avoid large-for-gestational-age infants and women with preexisting diabetes. However, the recommendation states that a value of less than 6% may be optimal as the pregnancy progresses without hypoglycemia to avoid the risk of low-birth weight infants. If women cannot achieve these targets without significant hypoglycemia, the ADA suggests less stringent

Table 2. Monitoring During Pregnancy

Gestational Diabetes

Frequency of daily 4 BG testing

BG goals (mg/dL)

Fasting: 95 1-hr PP: 140 2-hr PP: 120

Hemoglobin A1c target

A1c may be useful, it should be used as a secondary measure, after BG monitoring

Ketone testing

Test only if persistent

weight loss or need to

identify if a woman is

consuming adequate

calories and/or


Type 2 Diabetes

4-7 (depending on if patient is on medications)

Fasting: 90 1-hr PP: 130-140 2-hr PP: 120

6%-6.5% recommended if can be achieved without significant hypoglycemia

1. With start of MNT for 1-2 weeks and if rapid weight loss occurs

2. Anytime BG is persistently >200 mg/dL, if moderate to large, contact health care provider

Type 1 Diabetes


Fasting: 90 1-hr PP: 130-140 2-hr PP: 120

6% to 6.5% recommended if can be achieved without significant hypoglycemia

1. Anytime BG is persistently >200 mg/dL, if moderate to large, contact health care provider

2. Newly diagnosed 3. Every 4 hours if ill until

ketones cleared

BG=blood glucose, MNT=medical nutrition therapy, PP=postprandial


targets based on clinical experience 175 g/day to provide 33 g/day for

benefits beyond simply reducing

and individualization of care.

fetal brain development (3). However, postprandial hyperglycemia (3).

Medical Nutrition Therapy with Diabetes and Pregnancy

contributions of carbohydrate to energy intake should be individualized (3). To address the sensitivity that many women experience with

Foods that rapidly absorb into the blood stream (high glycemic index foods) should not be included in a GDM meal plan. Examples include:

During any pregnancy, energy needs carbohydrates, a meal pattern of

refined sugars, fruit juices, regular

increase during the second and third three meals plus two to four snacks

sodas and sports drinks, highly

trimesters. Nutrition needs for those daily may help with careful distribution processed cereals, and instant

who are overweight or obese are

of carbohydrates and individualization potatoes and noodles. The use of

explored in other articles in this issue to preference and tolerance (3).

glycemic index and glycemic load is

of On The Cutting Edge. However,

Because the first meal of the day

controversial but when establishing

moderate caloric restriction (30%-

(breakfast) is when insulin resistance an individualized meal plan for a

33% energy needs) in obese women is greatest, improved postprandial

woman with diabetes, a prudent

with GDM may improve glycemic

glucose management may be

approach may be to advise her to use

control without ketonemia and

achieved if carbohydrates are more

her blood glucose results to

reduced weight gain (13) and prevent limited at this meal (3). Helping the

determine the effect of various foods

macrosomia. The Institute of Medicine patient with preexisting diabetes,

on her glucose levels and make

(IOM) recommends the following

especially type 1 diabetes,

modifications to her food choices as

estimated energy requirement (EER)

understand the use of intensive

necessary (3). Of note, avoiding fruit

for those ages 19 years and older for

carbohydrate counting and the

and milk at breakfast may help

preconception needs (3):

insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio is

improve glycemic control after that

Nonpregnant EER =

essential (3).

meal (3).

354 ? (6.91 x age in years) + Physical Activity (see below) x [(9.36 x weight in kilograms) + (726 x height in meters)]

The RDA for protein requirements during pregnancy is 71 g/day, but the preconception protein RDA is 0.8 g/kg/day and requirements do

Those with GDM and type 2 diabetes often have dyslipidemia and a high risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) (3). In general, limiting total fat is a

Physical Activity coefficient guide: Sedentary: 1.0; Low active: 1.12; Active: 1.27; Very Active: 1.45

not increase to 1.1 g/kg/day until the second half of pregnancy (3). Inclusion of protein at snacks can increase satiety (3). Also, inclusion

good recommendation for women at high risk for CVD. However, limiting total fat may not be best for patients with high triglyceride and/or low

The following IOM formulas are for pregnant women who are of normal weight:

First trimester: EER = Nonpregnant EER + 0 kcal

of protein at the bedtime snack and waiting no longer than 10 hours between a bedtime snack and breakfast may prevent starvation ketosis (3).

high-density lipoprotein values (3).

Nutrition education should include the following, as appropriate:

? R ationale for the meal plan, including achieving glycemic

Second trimester: EER = Nonpregnant EER + 340 kcal

The goals of MNT for women with preexisting diabetes are to meet

control, optimal nutrient intake throughout pregnancy, and

Third trimester:

nutrition needs, achieve appropriate

appropriate weight gain

EER = Nonpregnant EER + 452 kcal weight gain, and reduce maternal

? Spacing of meals and snacks

and fetal mortality and morbidity.

to avoid hypoglycemia and

Multifetus pregnancy increases caloric needs by about 150 kcal/day over the needs of a singleton pregnancy (3).

MNT for women who have GDM is designed to meet nutrition needs of mother and fetus while maintaining normoglycemia and appropriate weight gain.

hyperglycemia ? Use of blood glucose values and food records to problem-solve and/or identify blood glucose excursions related to food intake

The Recommended Daily Allowance

? The need for medications and

(RDA) for carbohydrates during

For women with GDM, low-glycemic

dose adjustments

pregnancy is a minimum of

index foods provide potential

? The role and timing of exercise to

improve blood glucose levels


? Different methods of

their urinary ketones and adjust

carbohydrate counting and meal plan flexibility

calorie/carbohydrate intake accordingly (3).

Is it Pregestational or Preexisting Diabetes?

? Use of non-nutritive sweeteners ? Use of herbs ? Reading of food labels ? Treatment and prevention of hypoglycemia ? Menu ideas and restaurant ordering skills


Different types of diabetes in pregnancy are associated with different issues. Managing preexisting diabetes and GDM can present significant challenges to both health

The 2016 American Diabetes Association Standards of Care refer to women with preexisting type 1 or type 2 diabetes who are pregnant as having pregestational diabetes (5).

? Handling sick days, hyperemesis, and carbohydrate replacement if taking glyburide or insulin ? Long-term healthy eating habits to avoid type 2 diabetes or its complications if GDM

Weight Gain

The IOM currently has no specific weight gain recommendations for pregnant women with diabetes. Gestational weight recommendations are listed in Table 3.

care providers and patients. Understanding the pathogenesis of each type of diabetes greatly aids in providing appropriate care. Optimal care requires attention to nutrition, maternal glycemia, comorbid conditions, and patient selfmanagement skills.


1.American Diabetes Association. Diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists refer to women with preexisting diabetes during pregnancy (either as type 1 or type 2) as having preexisting diabetes (9).

On The Cutting Edge authors prefer to use the term "preexisting diabetes" when referring to women with type 1 or type 2 diabetes who become pregnant.

Some weight loss may follow initiation of MNT due to diuresis related to decreased carbohydrate intake (3). Such fluid loss is often seen in women with GDM (3). Weight begins to increase once the fluid shifts have subsided within 1 to 2 weeks of MNT initiation (3). If weight loss persists, clinicians may recommend that patients monitor

2011;34(suppl 1):S62?S69. 2.Platt MJ, Stanisstreet M, Casson

IF, et al, St. Vincent's Declaration: 10 years on: outcomes of diabetic pregnancies. Diabet Med. 2002;19(3):216?220. 3.Shields L, Tsay GS (eds). California Diabetes and Pregnancy Program Sweet Success Guidelines for Care. Sacramento, CA: California Department of Public Health;

Maternal Child and Adolescent Health Division; 2015. 4.Garcia-Patterson A, Gich I, Amini SB, Catalano PM, de Leiva A, Corcoy R. Insulin requirements throughout pregnancy in women with type 1 diabetes mellitus: three changes of direction. Diabetologia. 2010;53(3):446?451. 5.American Diabetes Association. Standards of medical care in

Table 3. 2009 Institute of Medicine Gestational Weight Gain Guidelines

diabetes-2016. Diabetes Care. 2016;39(suppl 1). 6.Jovanovic I. Medical Management


Total Weight

Body Mass Index Gain Range (lb)

Mean Rate of Weight Gain in Second and Third Trimesters

(range in lb/wk)





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