RESEARCH PAPER 2020*You will be evaluated on your research skills and your essay-writing ability in the creation of a paper which is a deeper examination of the one of the themes from the course. 1250-1500 words. MLA format. Due October 16th. Lateness 10% per day.SUBJECT AREAS: You can choose any subject we address in the course for further research. Mostly the course focuses on subjects from the 20th and 21st centuries. Here are some possibilities: Art Museums, Role of the Canon, Definition of Artistic Genius, Art and Anthropology, Diversity in Arts Institutions, Art and Identity, Photography as Fine Art, Women and Art, Religion and Art, Power and Art, Art and Economics, Arts Education, Art and Science, Postcolonialism, Feminism, the Nude, Art Theory (concepts like psychobiography or postmodernism), Philosophy of Art (concepts like Abjection or Beauty) and so on. (As this is to be your own original work, it is wise to choose different topics from your friends.)SOURCES: Find four recent, reliable sources, written for an academic or professional audience. These could be a monograph (aka a book), an article from an edited collection of essays, or a journal article. The sources should add up to at least 50 pages. You need to work with these sources very closely. Read them carefully and cite them often in your textUse at least one reading from the course. Find other sources as necessary. The number you need will vary considerably depending on your topic and what kind of sources you are using. TOPICS: Narrow down your topic and develop a thesis. Look for sources which address one aspect of the subject. For example, if you were interested in Art Museums you could focus on any one of the following sub-topics:Smaller private museums vs. large public institutions, a comparison of the goals two institutions, the history of a particular institution in relation to a particular theme, the role of the collector/donor, the participation of women and minorities in museums (as artists or behind the scenes), the museum and public education, MOMA and the definition of Modern Art, museums and censorship or scandal, museum funding, blockbuster shows, solo retrospectives of single artists, house museums, museum outreach programs to minority communities, the role of the curator…The thesis will be developed from your sources. This means that choosing good sources which work well together is really important. Don’t go with the first things you find! Look for similarities and differences in how each source addresses the topic and develop your thesis from there.Introduce your thesis and develop it with frequent reference to your sources. You will likely focus on some sources more than others, but you should make sure you are using your sources in a way where you synthesize material. ................

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