Pop Culture Essay - Waunakee High School

Pop Culture Essay

English 10

Mr. Ames

A Closer Look at Nintendo, Full House, and Britney Spears:


Pop Culture… Do We Influence it or Does it Influence Us?

Checklist for Type 4 Essay:

Brainstorm pop culture from your life

Complete pre-writing chart on three specific aspects of pop culture and their effect on you

Write first draft of essay, focusing on organization. Be sure to include all the necessary components of a good introduction, body, and conclusion.

Peer revision of first draft for elaboration of ideas and organization

Peer revision of second draft for word choice

Submit final draft- typed and double spaced with a unique title

Due Thursday, September 15th!!


Advanced Proficient Developing

|Ideas and Development |Ideas and Development |Ideas and Development |

|40-38 pts |37- 34 pts |33- 18 pts |

|-Piles on many clear, specific, and |-Details describe each pop culture item |-Reader cannot really picture the pop |

|accurate details describing each pop |pretty well. |culture items- needs more description. |

|culture item. |-Describes the effect of each pop culture|-Little connection is made to the effect |

|-Develop the significance of each pop |item, but needs to explain more and make |of the pop culture item. Lacks detail. |

|culture item by giving many details about |more connections to current life. | |

|the effect of the item in current life. | | |

|Organization |Organization |Organization |

|30- 28 pts |26- 25 pts |24- 11 pts |

|-Introduction contains creative |-Attention-getter could be more original;|-Missing attention getter, thesis, or |

|attention-getter, clear thesis statement, |thesis statement and/or plan of |plan of development, |

|and plan of development. |development not 100% clear. |-Topic sentences not included or unclear.|

|-Paragraphs include: topic sentences, |-Paragraphs need stronger topic |-Needs more transitions- doesn’t flow |

|supporting points, and clinchers. |sentences, supporting points, and |well. |

|-Paragraphs flow logically with the use of|clinchers |-Missing an obvious conclusion- needs |

|mature transitions. |-Transitions could be more original or |thesis, POD, and clincher. |

|-A reflective and insightful conclusion |consistent. | |

|restates the thesis and POD using |-Conclusion needs to restate POD and | |

|different words and phrases, and a clever |thesis in different words than intro. | |

|last line/clincher. |Clincher could be stronger. | |

|Word Choice |Word Choice |Word Choice |

|30- 28 pts |26- 25 pts |24- 11 pts |

|-Uses varied striking words or colorful |-Uses some striking words or colorful |-Word choice is plain, tired, and not |

|phrases to enhance understanding of the |phrases. |varied. |

|significance/impact of the item and to |Avoids most overused words: a lot, very, |-Uses several overused words: a lot, |

|encourage the reader to be an interested |really, in my opinion, I think, I feel, |very, really, in my opinion, I think, I |

|part of the essay. Avoids overused words:|ok, nice, great, good, bad, big, thing. |feel, ok, nice, great, good, bad, big, |

|a lot, very, really, in my opinion, I |-Word choice is could be more vivid, |thing. |

|think, I feel, ok, nice, great, good, bad,|varied, or sounds a bit unnatural. |-Word choice sounds awkward. |

|big, thing. |- Avoids most clichés |-Writer repeats many of the same words. |

|- Avoids clichés | |-Writer uses clichés |

|-Word choice is vivid, but still sounds | | |

|natural. | | |

Total: _________/ 100 points


What is pop culture?

Bumper stickers, toys, collectibles, clothes, music, movies, etc… items, sayings, and ideas that are well known and generally accepted

Assignment Instructions and Format:

• Write a minimum five- paragraph essay on the effects of three different aspects of pop culture on your life. Consider the following question: How did the three aspects make you look at the world, look at life, look at yourself, or look at those immediately around you differently? Think about why these pieces of pop culture are important to you.

“Reasonable Best Effort”

I must do these things for Mr. Ames to even grade my essay!

• Essay is typed and double spaced

• Essay is at least five paragraphs with an introduction, body, and conclusion

• Essay has been spellchecked and proofread


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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