Different aspects of development: from economic growth to ...

Different aspects of development: from economic growth to well-being

Case Study: El Alto and Montero, Bolivia

A Research Paper presented by: Carla Maria Ari?ez Sanjines


in partial fulfilment of the requirements for obtaining the degree of


Major: Economics of Development


Members of the Examining Committee: Dr. Howard Nicholas (Supervisor) Dr. John Cameron (Reader)

The Hague, The Netherlands December 2013




I would first like to thank my supervisor, mentor and teacher Dr. Howard Nicholas for his amazing support, comments, guidance and mostly patience. This paper would have not been possible without his help. Also a very sincere thanks to my reader Dr. John Cameron for all his insights and comments. He was really helpful throughout the whole process and was practically a `second supervisor' during the writing of this paper. A very special thanks to my family, for being always by my side and showing support during this learning adventure and every day in my life. Thank you for believing in me and encouraging me to take new challenges. I am extremely grateful with my friends, especially those who supported me during this process in all possible ways, helping me cope with stress, nervousness or insecurity; conducting surveys or just putting up with me. And last un gran gracias a la vida



List of Tables List of Figures List of Appendices List of Acronyms Abstract Chapter 1 . - Introduction 1.1 Indication of the problem and justification of the study 1.2 Objective and research questions 1.3 Why the cities of El Alto and Montero 1.4 Scope and limitations 1.5 Bolivia?s historical background Conclusions Chapter 2 . - Relevant theories and concepts 2.1 Understanding well-being 2.2 Different perceptions of well-being

2.2.1 The capabilities approach 2.2.2 The theory of subjective well-being 2.2.3 Vivir bien or Buen vivir 2.3 Conclusions Chapter 3 . - Methodology 3.1 Primary data 3.2 Secondary data 3.3 Difficulties in collecting the data Chapter 4 . - Findings of the research and analysis 4.1 GDP growth and Gini Coefficient 4.2 Human Development Index 4.3 Government transfers and aid 4.4 Basic needs 4.5 Satisfaction about life and different aspects of it 4.6 Buen vivir 4.7 Improvement in life Chapter 5 Conclusions and final reflections


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References 38 v


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