Study Guide – Exam #1

Study Guide – Final Examination

Psychology 220

The following study guide is to assist you in your preparation for the exam. It should not be considered a substitute for studying nor should it be considered all inclusive. It is a distributed in order to stimulate thought and study in the content areas considered important to this course and subject matter.

Understand emotions, primary and secondary emotions, and the use of smiles by infants (i.e. reflexive, social).

Know Baumrind’s theory for parenting.

Understand Mary Ainsworth’s views of attachment and the different classifications of such.

Know what temperament is and to what it refers.

Understand the different forms of identity (Marcia’s theory, gender identity, self-concept etc…)

Understand the genetic differences between males and females as well as some of the brain differences discussed in class

Understand the differences in aggression (trends) between both males and females.

Know how males and females differ when it comes to the issue of suicide.

Know Kohlberg’s theory on moral development.

Understand the evolution of the peer group for adolescents (cliques, crowds …).

Understand some of the current trends in education as discussed in class (reasons for schooling, who is going to college – gender, ages etc…).

Understand issues related to ADHD and Autism as they were discussed in class.

Know the observed trends in work-related satisfaction, marital satisfaction, adjustment to divorce (for adults and parents), and living and socio-economic status as we age.

Understand how aging affects our ability to work.

Understand Kubler-Ross’ stages of dealing with death and dying.

Know to what the climacteric refers (i.e. menopause).

Understand the idea of self-esteem and how it is affected in adolescence.

Understand teratogens and what they are.

Most common causes for infant mortality – US and world -wide

Know the effects of aging on issues like marital satisfaction, friendships, and leisure activities.

Understand the effects of cohabitation on issues such as marital satisfaction.

Know what learning disabilities are and which gender typically gets diagnosed with these more often.

Task goals v. Ability goals.

Understand the top-dog phenomenon.

Know Erikson’s stages.

Understand the issues which contribute to a child’s school success and which might predict failure (dropping out).

Hospice – what is it?

Grief v. Bereavement

How does aging affect social networks (number of friends, importance of friends…)?

Violence is violence.

Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love.

Understand the social cognitive view of gender constancy.

Know Marcia’s theory on identity development.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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