Utah Agricultural Education

Utah Agricultural Education

I. Unit: Landscape Design Unit Instructor: Christensen Date: Feb. 28, 2005

II. Goal: Students will learn the importance of lettering and graphics in landscape design.

III. Objectives:

At the Completion of this goal the Student will be able to:

A. Explain the importance of lettering;

B. Describe different methods of lettering designs;

C. Create a variety of lettering styles;

D. Distinguish between plan views, elevations, and perspectives views;

E. Create plan view symbols for major landscape features and label them correctly; and

F. Lay out a complete landscape design plan.

IV. Interest Approach:

** Begin writing the alphabet on the board. Ask: the s’s what you are doing and ask them how what you are doing applies to a landscapes plan.

V. Curriculum and Instruction:

Curriculum Instruction

|Explain the importance of lettering; |A1. Talk about w. s;s |

|Lettering—supports the overall visual presentation; professional, finished look. | |

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|Describe different methods of lettering designs; |A2. PowerPoint |

|Lettering templates- guides that reproduce the same letter size and style over and over. |___________________ |

|Waxed press-on letters: the letters are commercially manufactured in an assortment of styles| |

|and sizes. |B1. Use book and show them the |

|Lettering machines: works a lot like a typewriter. |different pictures associated with |

|Transfer film: paper- thin, transparent, plastic sheeting with a clear adhesive backing and |each method. Pg. 15 |

|a sheet of protective waxed paper to protect it. | |

|Hand lettering: one of the hallmarks of professionally trained designers., shows competency.|OR |

|use 3-5 light guidelines | |

|use straightedge support |B2. PowerPoint |

|monitor line quality | |

|s p a c e letters & lines con sis ten tl y | |

|maintain cAsE consistency | |

|line width variations w/ chisel point pencil. | |

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|Create a variety of lettering styles; | |

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|Distinguish between plan views, elevations, and perspectives views, Axonometric view; | |

|Same design, different views | |

|Plan view-“bird’s eye” view, drawn to scale. |C1. Have the s’s practice writing |

|Elevation view-look straight on, drawn to scale. |their name on paper. Pgs. 19-21 |

|Perspective view-shows multiple sides, not measurable. | |

|Axonometric view-multiple sides, scaled. | |

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|Create plan view symbols for major landscape features and label them correctly; and | |

|Landscape symbols | |

|Needled evergreens | |

|Broadleaved evergreens |D1. Look at the pictures in the book, |

|Deciduous shrubs |Pg 28-29. |

|Deciduous trees | |

|Vines |OR |

|Ground covers | |

|Hardscape materials: i.e. patio, fence (non-living) |D2. PowerPoint |

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|b) Explaining the Idea w/ Symbols | |

|1. When one object passes beneath another, the upper symbol is drawn w/ a solid line while | |

|those underneath are drawn w/ a broken line. | |

|2. Plants which are exactly alike and are massed will overlap slightly, the area overlapped | |

|is not drawn. | |

|3. Plants that are not exactly alike and are still masses, are Not overlapped. | |

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|c) Explaining symbols |E1. Look at the symbols in the book |

|Labeling-use codes & quantity (A-3) |pg. 31- 34. |

|Plant list-lists all plants (see wkbk pp. 155-165) |** Have them practice one of each on |

|Scale indicator, directional arrow |their paper. |

|Client & designer names | |

|Design layout |OR |

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|e) Graphic media |E2. PowerPoint |

|Graphite & colored pencils | |

|Felt marker pens | |

|Pastels | |

|Pressure graphics |**Pg. 35- Helps to explain these |

|Drawing papers & film-Quadrille, newsprint, sketch, marker paper, vellum, mylar film |rules. |

|Duplication processes: diazo, photocopy | |

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|Lay out a complete landscape design plan. | |

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| |** Pg. 36-38- explain these. |

| |Then turn to pg. 40- 42 and show them |

| |the client and designer names. |

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| |* pp. 39-42 and wkbk p. 139) |

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| |F1. Exercise 2- Have s’s convert the |

| |scale of 1”- 20’ to 1”- 10”. |

| |* Have them add windows, doors, a walk|

| |and patio. |

| |* Have them pick 3 trees, 2 shrubs and|

| |three non- plants- draw on plan. |

V. Review & Evaluation:


- Using the objective sheet, go through and pick out questions and information that will be tested on.


- Landscape drawing- met the requirements.

VI. Instructional Support

A. References

- Ingels, Jack E. Landscaping: Principles and Practices. 5th ed.

B. Teaching Aids and Equipment

- Reference Book

- Board with chalk/marker.

C. Facilities

- Greenhouse


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