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IBWSC 2017GAT Project Planner and Summary Project name: Cultural UnderstandingGAT Name/Leader: GAT Group #3 lead by Aisha BeckBackground: What needs have you identified and hope to address by the project? (link to themes and content of conference)Mission & Objectives: What do you want to achieve? The subject we chose as a group to address iis “Cultural Understanding.” We have linked this to the documentary “Of Many” and the speech by Imam Khalid Latif and Rabbi Yehuda Sarna. They shared their journey of bringing together seemingly opposite communities which gave us the inspiration for our project. As a group we came to the consensus that there are many boundaries between cultures due to lack of understandings and llack of cultural communication. We wanted to find a way to bridge the gap between different cultures. You might ask, why is this iimportant? This is an important boundary to overcome because there are many misconceptions between cultures that give root to ignorance and conflict. Our goal is to encourage the curiosity of other cultures and reach as many people as we can through social media in order to educate and promote cultural understanding. Our Facebook page, with supporting Instagram and WeChat platforms, will educate others and encourage productive conversations between curious iindividuals. We will defy cultural boundaries on our social media page with videos, discussion threads, and general posts about the cultures of iindividuals who want to share. Activities (objectives):How the project will achieve your goalsCollaborators: What groups are important in the development and implementation of the project? (within the organization)The video and photo posts will display different cultures. In seeing the beauties, hardships and perspectives, followers can cultivate a feeling of empathy towards those cultures. This empathy causes self and community reflection and opens one’s eyes to how they can improve not only themselves but the world around them. Since the core of our project is global collaboration and unity, we took advantage of the many nationalities present in the group. We developed our project on a platform that not only us, but many people around the world had access to: Social Media. As main collaborators, each of us can iindividually administrate the different Social Media Pages of the project in order to collect and compile content from all over the world. Our job for the upcoming months is to boost the project iin our communities as well as in other countries. This means that we will produce and upload the first collaborations (videos, information, pictures), motivate others to watch the content and generate interest in the project.Because our goal is to connect with as many people around the world as possible, we will encourage members of social media to share their own videos, questions, perspectives, answers and concerns. The group of administrators will communicate over social media messages to facilitate posting the content shared with us by social media users outside of our group to the CUWW accounts.In time we hope to receive a lot of external collaborations, so CU WorldWide becomes a place of global unity and partnership.Partners: What groups or organizations are crucial to the development of the project? What are their roles? (outside the organization)Timeline: What sort of timeline have you developed? Partners and organizations willing to help: YWCAHigh school clubs Local newspapersUpServe This is just a small list of the potential partners and organizations that we hope to work with in the future. The YWCA works to promote solutions to improve the lives of women, girls, and people of color in the country. Although the organization primarily works with women, it can still help spread cultural understanding.As we are still high school students, with the aid of clubs in our schools we will be able to reach a broader audience in addition to being able to accomplish larger tasks. The use of [local] newspapers can help spread awareness of the project and also to promote our social media pages. As for global partners and organizations, UpServe is a project-based organization in the Philippines that takes on a project each year and tries to accomplish its mission. Overall turning to our communities for their help in developing the project will significantly impact it as well as spreading the need to understand different cultures and the problems they face. Within the next month, each member will have posted a video pertaining to their respective cultures on the Facebook and Instagram accounts. We will continue as long as we can in order to keep the project alive.By the end of September, We will have coordinated and collaborated with community and school groups like YMCA, Honor Society and UpServe. This will help to spread our message to communities globally.Budget/Resources: What funds and materials are needed?Communication: How would you use social media or other approaches to communicate your project? In order to create our project we will be making use of a variety of resources that are indispensable to the completion and implementation of it. The key resource will be the use of computers and internet connection in order to access and manage the facebook page which will be our way of spreading and promoting the understanding of different cultures. the other basic resource that will be needed in order to support the project and its prosperity is us, the students who are part of the project that will manage and add content to the page. Since the core of our project is the development of a Facebook page where people can look for information on other cultures and also share their own point of views on various subjects. This, being a social media page, gives us the ability to spread the existence of this project and attract attention from the people who are interested. We hope that our page reaches a wide variety of people with different nationalities who can share different opinions on various topics. Evaluation: How you will measure success? What challenges would you have to overcome as a result of implementing this in the real world? Our goal is to reach the most amount of people we can, even if that means only one person has benefited from our project. During the development and the implementation, we will face certain obstacles that may slow us in our objective to reach the most people and help them understand about other cultures. One major obstacle we may face is that people who are uninterested in the topic of understanding other cultures will prove very hard to reach and ignorance will prevail. There are also certain people on social media who take pleasure in “trolling” other people by giving incorrect information or assaulting people with offensive words or actions. We hope to prevent this by regularly moderating the page ourselves and with time, find people who are interested in helping us continue this project and become moderators themselves. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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