Teacher’s Name:

Teacher’s Name: Building: Grade: Subject/Course:

|Telleen | |Underwood High | |11-12 | |Psych I |

| |Content |Skills |Essential Questions |Assessment |

|August | |Explain why there is a need for |Why do we need to study psychology? |Quizzes |

| |Vocabulary |studying psychology. |What do psychologists do? |Worksheets |

| |Founders of psychology |Identify the various forms of |What are the different types of |Classroom discussion |

| |Psychological theories |studying psychology. |psychology? |Readings |

| |Goals of psychology |Evaluate the goals of psychology? |Who was influential in founding |Activity |

| |History of psychology |Analyze the different founders of |psychology? | |

| |Schools of psychology |psychology. |How do humans develop physically and | |

| |Professions in psychology |Analyze physical, perceptual, and |perceptually from infancy to | |

| |Physical, perceptual, and language |language development during |adolescence? | |

| |development. |childhood. |What are cognitive and emotional | |

| |Cognitive and emotional development. |Interpret cognitive and emotional |changes in children? | |

| | |intelligence of children. | | |

|September | |Identify the different parenting |What are the different parenting |Quizzes |

| | |styles. |styles and how do they work? |Worksheets |

| |Vocabulary |Analyze social development of |What are the different types of social|Classroom discussion |

| |Parenting styles |children. |development? |Essays |

| |Social Development |Interpret different gender roles. |What are the origins of gender roles? |Objective tests |

| |Adolescence |Identify the key events during social|Why do we change during adulthood? |Debate |

| |Physical / sexual development |development. |What are the physical changes and |Movie |

| |Personal development |Analyze changes during adulthood. |cognitive adults experience? |Presentations |

| |Social Development |Recognize physical and cognitive |How and why does growing old effect us| |

| |Gender roles |changes during old age. |physically and cognitively? | |

| |Adulthood |Analyze stages of death and dying. |How do we cope with dying and death? | |

| |Physical changes | | | |

| |Old age | | | |

| |Death and dying | | | |

| | | | | |

|October | |Analyze the central nervous system. |What is the central nervous system and|Quizzes |

| |Vocabulary |Evaluate ways to study the brain. |how does it work? |Worksheet |

| |Central nervous system |List the parts and functions of the |What are the different parts of the |Classroom Discussion |

| |The brain |brain. |brain and how do they work. |Essays |

| |Studying the brain |Demonstrate an understanding heredity|What are the jobs of the endocrine |Objective tests |

| |Endocrine system |vs. environment. |system? |Daily assignments and reading |

| |Heredity and environment |Describe role of sleep and dreams. |What is the conflict between heredity |Brain activity |

| |Sleep and dreams |Identify different sleep disorders. |and environment? | |

| |Sleep disorders |Analyze hypnosis and meditation. |What are the different sleep | |

| |Hypnosis | |disorders? | |

| |Meditation | |What causes chemical imbalances? | |

| | | |How are we influenced by hypnosis and | |

| | | |meditation? | |

|November |Drugs and consciousness. |Analyze the effects of drugs on |What is the effect of drugs on our |Quizzes |

| |Sensation and perception |consciousness. |level of consciousness? |Worksheets |

| |Senses |Evaluate the importance of sensation.|How do we use our senses? |Classroom Discussion |

| |Perception |Analyze how classical conditioning |What causes us to become classically |Essays |

| |Classical conditioning |works. |conditioned?? |Posters and other visual aids |

| |Operant conditioning |Recognize the characteristics operant|How do we learn trough operant |Objective tests |

| |Social learning |conditioning. |conditioning? |Presentations |

| |Receiving and storing information. |Evaluate how we receive information. |Why do we learn in different ways? |Daily assignments |

| | |Analyze the storage of memory. |How do we receive and store |Movie |

| | | |information? | |

|December |Retrieving information |Analyze how we retrieve information. |How do we retrieve information? |Quizzes |

| |Thinking |Understand how we think. |What is the process of thinking? |Worksheets |

| |Problem solving |Interpret the purpose and dynamics of|What is the process of language? |Classroom Discussion |

| |Language |language. |What causes biological motives? |Essays |

| |Theories of motivation |Evaluate the different theories of |What are the causes of social motives?|Posters and other visual aids |

| |Biological motives |motivation. |Why do we have emotions? |Objective tests |

| |Social motives |Examine biological and social | |Presentations |

| |Emotions |motives. | |Daily assignments |

| | |Analyze the causes of emotions | | |

Teacher’s Name: Building: Grade: Subject/Course:

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| |Content |Skills |Essential Questions |Assessment |

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