First Baptist Cleveland

Lesson 39 – The Great White Throne Judgment – Rev. 20:11 - 15For some people talking about death is never an easy topic to discuss; however, death is part of the reality of life (along with taxes!!)Hebrews 9:27 – “And inasmuch as it is appointed for me to die once and after this comes the judgment” indicates two things1 – We all have an appointment with death 2 – After death we will all be judgedYet, in the Bible there are two kinds of judgment1 – Judgment Seat or Bema Seat of Christ – Romans 14:10 – 12 and 2 Cor. 5:10Purpose – public manifestation of the essential character and motives of the ChristianThe Judgment Seat of ChristIn ancient Olympic games, the judge would sit on the finish line not to determine whether the runner finished the race or not but as to who came in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. so he could hand out the rewardsBoth of these passages deal with Christians and NOT unbelievers where we will give an account of lives to ChristThis judgment does not deal with our salvation for that was determined by Christ’s substitutionary atonement or sacrifice for us (I John 2:1 - 2) and our placing our faith in Him (John 3:16)Romans 8:1 says “there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” This judgment seat of Christ is not about judging our sins but rewarding us for our lives; however, surely answering for the sins we have committed will be part of this but not the primary focus of this judgment seatThe Judgment Seat of ChristSo what will happen there? Our rewards will be received or lost on how faithfully we have served Christ (I Cor. 3:12 – 15) What might be some of the criteria for this judgment?1 – Faithfulness to the Great Commission (Mt. 28:18 – 20)2 – How victorious we were over sin (Rom. 6:1 – 7) for we are supposed to be a “new creation” in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17)3 – How well we controlled our tongues (James 3:1 – 9)Bible talks about our receiving crowns for our faithful service and various crowns described in 2 Tim. 2:5; 4:8 (crown of righteousness); James 1:12 (crown of life); I Peter 5:4 (crown of glory); Rev. 2:10 (crown of life)When does this judgment take place? After the Rapture (according to David Jeremiah)Great White Throne Judgment2 – Second judgment called Great White Throne is for non-believersIn understanding Rev. 20:11 -15, think of a court setting There will be a Judge (Christ) but no juryA Prosecutor but no defenderA sentence with no appealHere ALL non-believers stand before a holy, righteous God as Judge to account for their sinsThese two judgments raise the issue of two different resurrections mentioned in the Bible1 – 1st resurrection – Beginning with Christ’s resurrection from the grave, this resurrection will include the saved dead raised at the Rapture plus those martyred during Tribulation along with the OT saints are raised at end of Tribulation; this is referred to a “resurrection unto life”Great White Throne Judgment2 – 2nd resurrection - a 2nd resurrection occurs after the 1,000 years (Millennium) (Rev. 20:5) which includes those dead spiritually as well as those physically This resurrection is called the Great White Throne Judgment and NO believers will be presentPlace of this judgment – not sure but it is not in heaven or on earthWhy not on earth? Rev. 20:11 says “earth and heaven fled away”Why not in heaven? No sinners can be in heavenSo perhaps somewhere in between??Called GREAT because of the Infinite One is the JudgeWHITE – speaks of divine holiness, purity, and justiceTHRONE – majesty of the One who has the right to determine destiny of His creation and creaturesPERSON and PEOPLE at the Great White Throne Judgment?PERSON - Judge here is Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:22, 27; Acts 10:42)Judge will be the One who gave us redemptionHe will judge and reject those who rejected Him and His offer of salvationPEOPLE – Rev. 20:12 – “great and small”; phrase often found in OT and 5 times here in RevelationWhat does this suggest? Every class of people will be present; God is no respecter of personsIf we conclude that the rich and powerful fare well before our judges on earth, that will not be the case on this day as ALL will be judged equally!PURPOSE of the Great White Throne JudgmentRev. 20:12 says “the books were opened”This has led to some confusion believing this is to determine whether a person is saved or lostOn the contrary, this is to judge the evil works of the unsaved as they are judged from “the book of life” and “books according to their deeds”What could some of these books be?1 – Book of Conscience – Romans 2:15 suggest the work of the law is written in their hearts; perhaps know innately right from wrong as the human conscience (Freud called this the superego) may play a roleDid the person violate his/her own conscience?No person can say he followed his conscience 100% of the time!But if proudly violated, it shows an indifference toward sin that can bring judgment against the nonbeliever!What are the “books” mentioned in Rev. 20:12?2 – Book of Words – Mt. 12:36 – 37; powerful warning about the words we utterScientists postulate that no word we ever speak aloud is ultimately lost as it travels on sound waves indefinitely, available to be recapturedWhether this is true or not, we do know that words spoken can never be retrieved!!!!Have you ever wished you had not said that?? A non-believer could be condemned by his own words3 – Book of Secret Works – Rom. 2:16; Ecclesiastes 12:14 What a person thought would never be revealed can stand as a testimony against him!What are the “books” mentioned in Rev. 20:12?4 – Book of Public Works – Mt. 16:27God would have a record of every moment of every person’s life – the secret works and the public worksWho a man is will be testified by what he has done, how he has lived his life?5 – Book of Life – most important one; mentioned several times in the Bible (Ex. 32:32 – 33; Psalm 69:28; Daniel 12:1; Philippians 4:3; Rev. 3:5, 13:8; 17:8; 21:27)Many of these refer to believers NOT non-believersCan a Christian have his name blotted out of the Book of Life?A related question – can a believer lose his salvation?First Century Context for the Book of LifeAll cities had a city register listing every citizenIf a person committed a crime or defiled his standing, he would appear before a tribunal and the name would be removed from the register or blotted outResult: no longer considered a citizen; live in anonymity or forced relocationBook of Life – contains every person born in the worldIf a person’s rejects God’s offer of salvation, his name is blotted outWilliam Newell offers four comments about this Book of Life1 – Absence of one’s name, not of good works, that dooms a non-believer2 – Evil works are not the issue. Many of the world’s greatest sinners are still recorded as they repented and came to faith in Jesus Christ.3 – Those not in the Book are cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:15)4 – Names written before the Judgment Day as there are no decisions being made on that day!More About the Book of Life in RevelationThis book is mentioned 7 times in the NT (Philippians 4:3; Rev. 3:5; 13:8; 17:8; 20:12, 15; 21:27)What is it? Record of those who will inherit eternal life through faith in Jesus ChristIn ancient Egyptian culture, there was a “book of the dead”Developed over many years, it was a collection of descriptions and conceptions of the afterlifeIts purpose was to help the dead navigate expected obstacles encountered in the life after death!!Stipulations of the Sentence in Great White Throne JudgmentLuke 12:41 – 48 – lesson here is that a person given more will be held more accountable than those given lessSomeone who has heard the gospel often and continually rejects it will be more severely punished than a person who never heard it!PUNISHMENT – Rev. 20:14 - 15; Mt. 25:41, 46 describes eternal punishment in hell Perhaps believers are not present at this GWT Judgment for seeing the horror on the faces of those we have known and yet failed to share the gospel might say (by their words or look) “why didn’t you tell me”?This is why this book is a somber reminder of why the gospel is to be shared and not simply cherished!Sources: The New Inductive Study Bible. New American Standard Version. Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers, 2000.David Jeremiah. Escape the Coming Night. Volume 4, Lesson 39. San Diego, California: Turning Point Ministries, 2017, pp. 71 – 84. ................

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