Psychology 202 Review Sheet

Psychology 202 Review Sheet

Exam 4

Remember that this exam is cumulative so review all of the material covered in previous sections.

Chapter 14

1. The medical model

a. Be familiar with the advantages (positive effects) of conceptualizing abnormal behavior as mental illness.

b. Be familiar with the disadvantages (negative effects) of conceptualizing abnormal behavior as mental illness.

1) Thomas Szasz

2. Be familiar with the three criteria most often used to make judgements about abnormal behavior.

a. Deviance

b. Maladaptive behavior

c. Personal distress

3. Be familiar with how psychological disorders are diagnosed (classified)

a. Know what DSM-IV stands for

b. Be familiar with what each axis of the DSM-IV assess

1) Axis I

2) Axis II

3) Axis III

4) Axis IV

5) Axis V

c. Be aware of the criticisms of the DSM-IV

4. Be familiar with each category of psychological disorders

a. Anxiety disorders

1) Generalized anxiety disorder

2) Phobic disorder

3) Panic disorder

4) Agoraphobia

5) Obsessive-compulsive disorder

b. Somatoform disorders (Know the difference between psychosomatic and somatoform disorders)

1) Somatization disorder

2) Conversion disorder

3) Hypochondriasis

c. Dissociative disorders

1) Dissociative amnesia

2) Dissociative fugue

3) Multiple personality disorder (dissociative identity disorder)

d. Mood disorders

1) Depressive disorders

a) Dysthymic disorders

2) Bipolar disorders

a) Cyclothymic disorders

e. Schizophrenic disorders

1) Subtypes of schizophrenic disorders

a) Paranoid

b) Catatonic

c) Disorganized

d) Undifferentiated

f. Personality disorders

1) Avoidant personality disorder

2) Dependent personality disorder

3) Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

4) Schizoid personality disorder

5) Schizotypal personality disorder

6) Paranoid personality disorder

7) Histrionic personality disorder

8) Narcissistic personality disorder

9) Borderline personality disorder

10) Antisocial personality disorder

Chapter 15

5. Be familiar with the three categories of psychotherapeutic treatment

a. Insight

b. Behavioral

c. Biomedical

6. Be familiar with the different types of therapists and the distinctions among them.

a. Psychiatrist

b. Psychologist

c. Clinical social workers

d. Counselors

e. Psychiatric nurses

7. Be familiar with the different types of insight therapies, the processes associated with them, and the role of the therapist in each.

a. Psychoanalysis

1) Free association

2) Dream interpretation

3) Resistance

4) Transference

5) Role of the therapist

b. Modern Psychodynamic Therapies

1) Client-centered therapy

a) Role of the therapist

b) Know the three conditions a therapist must create for therapy to be effective

i. Genuineness

ii. Unconditional positive regard

iii. Empathy

2) Cognitive therapy

a) Role of the therapist

3) Group therapy

a) Role of Therapist

b) Role of participants

8. Be familiar with the different types of Behavior therapies, the principles behind behavior therapy, and the role of the therapist.

a. Systematic desensitization

b. Aversion therapy

c. Social skills training

d. Biofeedback

9. Be familiar with the different types of Cognitive-BehaviorAl therapies, the principles behind behavior therapy, and the role of the therapist.

a. Thought stopping

b. Recording automatic thoughts

c. Refuting negative thinking

d. Reality testing

10. Be familiar with the concept of learned helplessness.

11. Know how attributional (explanatory) style is related to depression [Seligman]

12. Be familiar with the different types of medications used in Biomedical therapies and the role of the therapist in biomedical treatment.

a. Antianxiety drugs

1) Positive effects

2) Negative or side effects

b. Antipsychotic drugs

1) Positive effects

2) Negative or side effects

c. Antidepressant drugs

1) Positive effects

2) Negative or side effects

d. Lithium

1) Positive effects

2) Negative or side effects

e. Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) [not a drug therapy but still a biomedical treatment]

1) Positive effects

2) Negative or side effects

13. Be familiar with the positive and negative effects associated with both institutionalization and deinstitutionalization.


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