Chapter 1: Before History

Chapter 1: Before History

1. How did the cultivation of food change human life styles?

2. Where did complex societies begin and why?

3. How did institutions such as class systems and gender roles develop?

4. How did early humans interact with their environment (Paleolithic & Neolithic)?

5. What were the economies of early complex societies like? What was produced/manufactured?

6. How did urbanization change some Neolithic institutions?

Chapter 2 & 3: Early Societies in Southwest Asia and Africa

1. What were the most important concerns of Mesopotamian and Egyptian governments? How can you tell?

2. How was environment a factor in the cultures of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia? What similarities and differences do you see?

3. What does the code of Hammurabi tell historians about the values of Mesopotamians?

4. What is the relationship of technology to economic development in each society?

5. Why was writing so significant? What were the different types of writing invented in these regions?

6. How was religion more formalized in ancient civilizations in Egypt and Mesopotamia than Neolithic villages?

7. What does the focus on the afterlife tell us about Egyptian society?

8. How did these two cultures impact surrounding areas? What limitations were there on that cultural spread?

9. How do arts reflect cultural values?

10. What contributions to civilization did the Hebrews, Phoenicians, and Nubians make?

Chapter 4: Early Societies in South Asia & The Indo-European Migrations

1. How did the environment shape Indus Valley (Harrappan) culture?

2. How do the arts reflect their values?

3. What technologies did the Harappans have?

4. How do the religions of the Harappans and Aryans show what was important to them?

5. Why does the author refer to Aryan “migration” instead of Aryan “invasion”?

6. Where did Indo-Europeans originate and where did they migrate? How were they able to do this and what was their impact outside of India?

7. What cultural aspects did the Aryans bring to India and what did they adapt from Indus Valley culture?

8. How was the caste system related to the Vedas and why was it established?

9. How did the Lawbook of Manu and sati reinforce patriarchy?

10. How did the mix of Aryan and Dravidian traditions change religious ideas and form early Hinduism?

11. Why does the author think that the Upanishads were not simply a way to keep some people subject to others?

Chapter 5: Early Society in East Asia

1. What do early Chinese legends tell you was important to early Chinese societies? How was this similar to or different from other early societies?

2. How did environment impact Chinese Neolithic life and early civilization?

3. What technologies did early Chinese civilization have?

4. How did dynastic rulers control their populations?

5. What was the Mandate of Heaven?

6. What were the major achievements of the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties?

7. How did metallurgy impact political control?

8. How did early social stratification begin in China? How had power? How did the peasants live?

9. What influenced the Chinese economy?

10. How were women’s roles defined/limited?

11. How did early Chinese ideas about family and patriarchy shape Chinese tradition and values?

12. How was Chinese religion different from Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and Indian religions?

13. What was the impact of the Oracle Bones and classic Zhou Dynasty literature?

14. What was the relationship of the Chinese civilization with nearby nomadic tribes and with other civilizations?

Chatper 6: Early Socieites in the Americas and Oceania

1. Why did the Mayans consider bloodletting important?

2. How did the ice ages impact human migrations?

3. What caused Meosamericans to switch from hunter/gathering to farming? What was their staple crop?

4. Why did Mesoamericans not have many domesticated animals? Which ones did they have ? Why did that limit technological development?

5. What Olmec traditions passed on to later Mesoamericans? What technologies did they develop?

6. How was Olmec society organized?

7. What technologies and crops did the Maya develop?

8. How were the Maya organized politically and how did that cause problems? How was Chichen Itza different?

9. Describe the different classes in Mayan society?

10. Why do we know less from Mayan writing than other civilizations?

11. What was the significance of the Mayan ball game?

12. How did society in Teotihuacan compare to Mayan society?

13. How did the environment shape Andean civilizations?

14. What crops and technologies did the Andeans develop?

15. How were regional states formed in south America?

16. Why did agricultural begin in New Guinea and not Australia?

17. What caused Polynesian migrations? Where did they go and what did they do?

Label the Following Civilizations on the map:

• Egypt

• Mesopotamia

• Indus Valley

• Xia, Shang, Zhou

• Maya

• Olmec

• Teotihuacan

• Andean Civs

• Polynesian Migrations


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