
Release Notes for PeakEasy 4.86

Release Date: May 25th, 2016

Release Notes: PeakEasy 4.86 (Limited Released: May 25th, 2016)

1. O-14 was added to the PeakEasy library.

2. PeakEasy will now read N42.42 files from some Kromek mobile detector systems.

3. A bug caused PeakEasy to not find any spectra in some SpecPortal files from Radiation Solutions Inc. This is fixed.

4. Several new files formats were added to this version to support testing with DNDO this summer. This version (4.86) is a limited release.

Release Notes: PeakEasy 4.84 (Released: December 21st, 2015)

1. A bug preventing the reading of ORTEC “Real Format” type files was fixed.

Release Notes: PeakEasy 4.82 (Released: November 30th, 2015)

1. Outlook attachments may now be dragged directly into PeakEasy.

2. There was a problem batch converting files with no extension. This is fixed.

3. Fixed a bug with the “count rate chart” sigma calculations when the energy discriminator is used.

4. The “Add to Displayed Spectrum” check box is grayed out when not applicable.

5. A problem with reading some old Canberra N42.42 files was corrected.

6. A problem reading a variant of Canberra’s AVA files was corrected.

7. PeakEasy will now recognize JPEG files and allow the user to open these images using windows.

8. Cd-111m was added to the PeakEasy libraries.

9. A problem was corrected with some file readers if the live-time is greater than the real-time.

10. The link to the Table of Nuclides (LBNL) was changed to Chart of Nuclides (BNL).

11. The ability to turn off/on the Peak Fitter was removed. It is now always on.

Release Notes: PeakEasy 4.80 (Pre-Released: November 2nd, 2015)

1. PeakEasy will now read Canberra’s (ProSpec) AVA spectra files.

2. PeakEasy will now read a new SSC-Pacific formatted file.

3. PeakEasy will now read a new RadAssist Text file.

4. PeakEasy will now read a new variant encountered from an XIA detector.

5. PeakEasy will now read the spectrum from a new AN/PDR-78 detector file.

6. PeakEasy will now read BTI’s FlexSpec Mobile detector files.

7. A problem reading and converting various date formats from SPE files was improved.

8. Several minor bug fixes were made to PeakEasy’s N42.42-2012 reader.

9. Several improvements were made to PeakEasy’s N42.42-2012 file output (using both single output, batch output, and appending spectra to these files.)

10. PeakEasy will now read a new text file (with a cnf extension) believed to originate from Canberra instruments.

11. Saving spectra to CSV file formats is now supported by PeakEasy (both single and batch convert mode).

12. Peak labels for ROIs will no longer disappear when dragging/adjusting an edge of a ROI (Region-Of-Interest.) Note: The user may now grab a ROI edge to adjust it.

13. PeakEasy sometimes would not recognize the calibration parameters in some SAM Eagle detector files. This was corrected.

14. Accidently opening more than one normalization window can no longer occur.

15. When opening the normalization window with Cntl-N, the normalize button will now have focus. This permits the user to hit enter as soon as the window box is open.

16. A new option on the normalization window permits a setting to always live-time normalize the second spectrum when loading. Some exceptions are different file types.

17. A library typo was found by Mike Enghauser regarding one of the gamma-rays from W(n,g). Energy 5271.3 keV was corrected to 5261.3 keV. Thanks Mike.

18. The 6128 keV gamma-ray in C(a, g) is no longer listed as Doppler broadened.

19. PeakEasy will now extract the GPS coordinates from SAM940 N42.42 files.

20. PeakEasy had problems reading GPS coordinates from some ORTEC N42 files. This is fixed.

21. If a user tries to load a file with zero bytes, a pop-up warning will occur.

22. Anytime a peak is labeled, the “Peak Labels On/Off” button will be displayed.

23. PeakEasy will now display more than 300 library lines.

24. The summation peak (3198 keV) sometimes found in Th-232 (or Tl-208) is now included in all PeakEasy libraries.

25. The copy-to-clipboard and copy-to-file will make the spectrum lines thicker. This can be toggled in the advance user preferences.

26. PeakEasy had a problem reading large runtimes (over 1 million seconds) in ORTEC SPC files. This is corrected.

27. The date in SPE output files used to duplicate the displayed date exactly. It now conforms to the IAEA standard better using MM/DD/YYYY.

28. The batch processer would save a re-binned file with the incorrect calibration when converting to a TXT file and using the re-binning option. This is fixed.

29. When saving spectra as text data, the energy precision was increased to 7 significant figures.

30. There is a new option to truncate spectra channels using both the tools menu and the batch mode convert tab.

31. PeakEasy is more versatile at reading some user text files.

32. Sometimes the calibration gain and zero offset edit boxes would prematurely lose focus. This is fixed.

33. The library selection on the PeakEasy tab now defaults to “All Sources and Nuclides” when PeakEasy is started.

34. When converting files using batch mode, the user may now select (on the batch convert tab) a background file that will be automatically subtracted from each file converted.

35. A new tool has been added, “Sum Peak / Escape Peak Tool” to aide in identifying sum and escape peaks.

36. Improvements were made when extracting GPS and neutron data from FLIR detector files.

37. The Count Rate Chart now allows summing different time slices and adding them together (by adding each sum operation to the same displayed spectrum.)

Release Notes: PeakEasy 4.74 (Released: June 16th, 2014)

1. To change the highlighted ROI width, the user may now click and drag the edge of the ROI.

2. A bug with PeakEasy reading and displaying GPS coordinates was fixed.

3. The following isotopes were added to the PeakEasy libraries: Bi-211, Ni-57, Mg-27, Ge-77, Ge-77m, Sc-44, and Ti-44.

4. GPS coordinates will now be saved in SPE type files.

5. PeakEasy will now read the GPS coordinates found in IdentiFINDER II files.

6. A library error was corrected regarding the X-rays emitted for the decay of Tl-204.

7. A bug resulted in some multiple Gaussian peaks displayed in a single ROI disappearing after leaving the ROI. This is fixed.

8. The folder with reference spectra has been updated (ver. 2.2) with new or improvements to the following isotopes: Am-241, Co-57, In-111, Ir-192, Pd-103, Tl-201, and Fukushima data.

9. Improvements to the peak fitter were incorporated when using “Cntl-Left Mouse” drag operation.

10. A minor bug was fixed when loading ROIp (Region-of-Interest) files were the current calibration contained 3rd or 4th degree calibration coefficients.

11. Email addresses to “DOE/NNSA Triage” and “DNDO Joint Analysis Center” were removed. We prefer Triage users use the “NNSA Triage Data Input” web site.

12. The half-life of Ni-63 was corrected from 1001 yrs to 101.2 yrs.

13. Saving spectra as an “identiFINDER (*.SPC)” file will now use a shorter header. This is to avoid supplying fictitious data like temperature and version numbers. Neutron counts and GPS data will be included if other than “NA.”

14. PeakEasy now supports more file types when using the “Save GPS data to (*.csv)”.

15. PeakEasy had some problems reading auto generated RSI ICD1 files. This is fixed.

16. Several bug fixes to the N42.42 file reader were implemented.

17. The user may now save spectra using a N42.42 v2011 format.

18. The “Save File as GR135” was removed.

19. The user can use a ROI to re-calculate the “Count Rate Chart.” New is the ability to normalize this ROI to a different ROI. This assists in searching for specific peaks even when background is changing significantly.

20. The calibration was not found sometimes when reading some GR440/660 files. This is fixed.

21. PeakEasy did not read or write the 4th calibration coefficient or deviation pairs in a GADRAS PCF file. This is now fixed.

22. GPS data from GR460/660 detectors are now automatically converted to digital degrees so the single locations can be displayed using PeakEasy (if attached to the internet.)

23. RSI’s mobile detector system file (*.RSV) can now be read by PeakEasy.

24. Background files loaded by PeakEasy will now default to always displaying the first spectrum/record.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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