GPS - University of Washington

Spatial Information Technologies: Student # ___________________________

Ocean452 – Fish453 Exam 1 – GPS & GIS

Read the question carefully. When appropriate respond by short answers, YES, NO, circle or “draw connecting lines” for the different types of questions you encounter. Some questions are worth more points then others, which are indicated by the number in parentheses. Correct responses are based upon the material presented in class and/or on the material available from the class web site. Again, read the questions carefully. While there may be no single “correct” response, there are most certainly complete and accurate responses. Also, don’t try to be “cute” and state assumptions that make your answer “correct”. Just fit your answers in the space provided


(2) 1. How many active satellites are in orbit about the earth as part of the US NAVSTAR GPS?

(2) 2. Specifically, how does the GPS system enable the calculation of distance between satellites and ground receivers? By sending:

a. passive radiation encoded geo-registered coordinates

b. an encoded radio message transmitted synchronously.

d. passive radiation encoded encryption of time

(3) 3. Which of the following three types of errors associated with knowing one’s position is most strongly associated with errors in positions determined by GPS? Circle one.

a. coordinate resolution

b. atmospheric interference

c. wavelength saturation

(2) 4. According to Miles, how long should you wait in a single location for a GPS receiver to determine its optimum position, assuming that you have no real time differential correction? What is the minimum number of satellites from which you should be receiving signals?

(2) 5. What does “DOP” stand for?

(2) 6. The NAVSTAR satellites are:

a. non-geostationary c. polar

b. geostationary d. equatorial


(2) 7. Name two of the four major components of a Geographic Information System?

(a) _________________________________________________

(b) _________________________________________________

(2) 8. Is ESRI ArcGIS software a GIS? Circle one: YES or NO

(2) 9. Is ESRI ArcVIEW software a GIS? Circle one: YES or NO

(3) 10. At what geographic scale does a GIS store data?

(2) 11. What two types of information must you collect to record geographic data?

(3) 12. What are the possible “spatial objects” (geographic feature types) represented by the vector data model for all objects in 2 dimensional space?

(3) 13. What are the possible “spatial objects” (geographic feature types) represented by the raster data model for all objects in 2 dimensional space?

(2) 14. Of the three types of spatial overlay analysis (union, intersect, and identity), which one requires attention to the order of precedence?

(3) 15. Explain “WHY” the follow circumstance has occurred. -- When displaying a coverage of data on a paper map, the UTM coordinates for the four corners of my study area should create a perfect square. However, the shape of the object on the map is not in the shape of a square.

(10) 16. Which of the types (form or categories) of functions supported through map algebra for analysis of raster data is used when the analysis:

a. is restricted to the location of each individual raster cell without consultation with adjacent cells? __________________

b. is restricted to consultation of all cell values in a single raster layer before determining a solution? ______________________

c. is restricted to a user defined “spatial neighborhood” for the consultation of cells when determining a solution? ____________________

d. is used to “smooth” or reduce the heterogeneity in values uniquely for each cell in the raster dataset? _____________________

e. requires a minimum of two raster data sets _______________________

(2) 17. Recognizing that it is relatively simple to convert spatial datasets between the vector or raster data models, provide one “compelling” reason for choosing the vector data model.

(3) 18. This question has three parts. Respond to each in the context of the ArcGIS software desktop interfaces applications.

(a) Which of these interfaces facilitates spatial data management?

(b) Which facilitates displaying and query of spatial data?

(c) Which provides access to utilities for data conversions?

Exam 1: PART II, Take Home

Spatial Information Technologies: Ocean452 – Fish453

For the following two questions, we DO NOT need to see a “map” in order to have an answer to the question, but rather we only need an ordered list of “steps” you took towards determining the requested answer and (of course) the answer. We DO NOT need all the small details, but rather the major steps which illustrate the approach you used. You really shouldn’t need more room to list these steps than what is available on this page.

(25pts) 1. Using the dem10 raster dataset for the Big Beef Creek study area, and any other necessary layers from the bbcgis workspace used in this class, “What are the names of all the roads on which I could drive and at some point exceed an elevation of 2120 feet?” (you may assume that the units of elevation in the dataset are in “feet”)

(25pts) 2. Using the dem30 (representing elevation at a 30 meter cellsize), basin30 (representing the watershed at a 30 meter cellsize), and stream30 (representing streams at a 30 meter cellsize) raster datasets from the bbcgis workspace used in this class; determine the MEAN elevation of all raster grid cells which represent the streams within the Big Beef Creek watershed, when that watershed is spatially described by the basin30 dataset.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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