Scheme of Work Planner: - Chilled Education

Scheme of Work Planner: Scheme by Scheme Lesson Description

|Year: 11 |Group: |Project title: Year 11 long term planning |No. of hours: |

| | |GCSE AQA scheme of work | |

|Week |Topic/Aim |Skills/Knowledge |NC POS links|Resources/Risks |Activities/Approach |Home |

| | | | | | |Work |

|1 to 15 |∙ G.C.S.E coursework |∙ |• |∙ |∙ | |

|15 weeks | | | | | | |

|45 lessons | | | | | | |

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|16 to 20 |∙ Design and make a healthy cold |∙ Developing a design brief |• 6C |∙ Design briefs |∙ Develop a design brief |∙ Research the |

|4 weeks |dessert which would be suitable for|∙ How to turn egg into meringue |• 6B |∙ Spare ingredients + recipes |∙ Brainstorm healthy ingredients and desserts |different types of |

|12 lessons |a child |• How to make a pavlova |• 6A |∙ Cheese samples |∙ Demonstration; how to make a Pavlova (how to |healthy cold-eating |

| |Demonstration: Raspberry and |∙ The properties of eggs |• 1A |∙ Taste testing worksheet |make it healthier), include piping and |desserts on the market|

| |passion fruit pavlova, strawberry, |∙ Children’s diets |• 1B |• Computer room + word package |decorating |for children. Produce|

| |kiwi and lemon cheesecake, |• The different types of cream, milk, |• 1F |• Cream, milk, yoghurt and cheese |∙ Practical: make a Pavlova and decorate it |a survey to show their|

| |chocolate mousse, mascarpone and |yoghurt and cheese and how it is made |• 1G |PowerPoint |∙ Theory lesson on cream, milk, yoghurt and |favourite ingredients.|

| |honey ice cream. |• Pasteurisation |• 2B |• Setting agents PowerPoint |cheese |Display the results in|

| | |• Research into healthy cold desserts |• 2C |• Evaluation worksheet |• Theory on pasteurisation |Excel (if have access |

| | |• Analysis of research |• 2D |• Ice cream making machine |∙ Research the different types of cold-eating |to a computer) |

| | |• How to make a cheesecake and finish |• 3A |• Freezer |desserts children prefer |• Produce 4 design |

| | |it |• 3C |∙ Sensory evaluation questionnaires |• Analyse the research undertaken |ideas for a |

| | |• Sensory evaluation and product |• 3D |∙ Graph paper |• Produce a product specification |cold-eating dessert in|

| | |analysis of existing cheeses |• 4A |∙ Pavlova, cheesecake , mousse and ice |• Demonstration; how to make a cheesecake (how |the form of sketches; |

| | |• Design ideas sheet |∙ 4B |cream recipes |to make it healthier), include decoration |label the ingredients,|

| | |• How to make a mousse dessert |∙ 4C |• Extension activities: |• Practical; make a cheesecake and discuss how |their function and the|

| | |• Setting agents and colloidal |∙ 4D |• HACCP flowchart worksheets |it sets |nutrients they |

| | |structures |∙ 4E |• Processed food, microbiological |• Theory lesson on how cheese is made and |provide. Say how your|

| | |• Evaluate design ideas sheet and |∙ 5Ai |activity in yoghurts and data logging of|sensory evaluation of existing cheeses |designs appeal to |

| | |choose 1 final design |∙ 5Aii |pH levels PowerPoint |∙ Design ideas sheet showing 4 drawings of ideas|children |

| | |∙ How to make home made ice cream |∙ 5Aiii |• DATA harvest ecolog |for healthy cold desserts |• Evaluate the 4 |

| | |using CAM equipment | |• Quality control and Quality assurance |∙ Demonstration on; how to make a mousse include|designs against the |

| | |∙ How to make sorbet | |PowerPoint |setting agents |specification produced|

| | |∙ Sensory evaluation of cold desserts | |▪ Risks: Ensure students have correct |∙ Practical; make a mousse dessert |to see which one |

| | |• Extension activities (no longer | |training on how to use ice cream |∙ Theory lesson on processed food (include a |matches the most. |

| | |required under exam board changes): | |machines in order to reduce freezer burn|recap on primary and secondary processed foods) |Evaluate against your |

| | |• HACCP flowchart of final design in | |and blenders etc… |∙ Practical; produce final dessert design |research are you |

| | |ICT | | |∙ Sensory evaluation of final design and |providing children |

| | |∙ Processed food, micro-biological | | |nutrients evaluation |with a product that |

| | |activity in yoghurt and data logging | | |• Extension activities: |they want? Produce |

| | |of yoghurt pH levels | | |∙ Computer room; use ICT to produce a HACCP |final design in an |

| | |∙ QC and QA | | |flowchart |inputs, process, |

| | |▪ Healthy Eating focus: Identify to | | |∙ Quality Assurance statement and Quality |output chart |

| | |students the different variety of | | |Control checklist |• Sensory evaluate the|

| | |milks on the market and how skimmed | | |∙ Differentiation: SEN Students: Students are |final dish and produce|

| | |milk is lower in fat. When | | |given set recipes to follow. Students are given|a sensory profile |

| | |demonstrating use low fat alternatives| | |templates for sensory testing and fill in the | |

| | |wherever possible. Explain how the | | |gap worksheets for written activities. G and T | |

| | |enzymes in natural yoghurt help to | | |students: Students are able to design food | |

| | |break down food. | | |products around a given structure; i.e.; foam or| |

| | |▪ Assessment for learning: Written | | |a gel. Students can correctly identify the | |

| | |feedback: students hand in a finished| | |structure within their design. | |

| | |project for a total grade mark. Peer | | |∙ Extension: To design a flavoured sorbet | |

| | |and self assessment: Students are | | |dessert. Explain what changes you could do to | |

| | |able to use their understanding of | | |the recipe o make it healthier. | |

| | |GCSE criteria in order to mark their | | |▪ Literacy: To learn the different types of | |

| | |own practical work. Oral assessment: | | |taste testing. To use tasting words to produce | |

| | |Teacher to feed back points orally for| | |a questionnaire. | |

| | |improvement throughout completion of | | |▪ Numeracy: To calculate the correct proportion | |

| | |their projects. | | |of setting agent in a recipe in order to make a | |

| | | | | |mixture set. To calculate ph levels in food. | |

| | | | | |▪ ICT: To produce sensory profiles in excel. | |

|21 to 22 |∙ Vegetarians |∙ Brainstorm vegetarianism |• 1B |∙ Vegetarians, religious ethics and |∙ Brainstorm vegetarians |∙ Design a dish using |

|2 weeks |Demonstration: Flat open ravioli |∙ The different types of vegetarians |• 2C |current trends PowerPoint (social, moral|∙ Theory lesson on vegetarians |a vegetarian |

|6 lessons |with mushrooms, vegan ice cream |∙ Cooking using Quorn |• 3C |and cultural needs triangle) |∙ Practical; product a dish using quorn |alternative for |

| |using tofu. |∙ The range of vegetables and |• 4A |∙ Recipes for Quorn dishes |∙ Theory lesson into the different types of |protein, draw the |

| | |alternative meat products available |• 4B |∙ Recipes for desserts using organic |vegetables and alternative meat products |input, process and |

| | |for vegetarians |• 4D |fruit |available for vegetarians, look at Fair Trade, |output |

| | |∙ Fair trade and organic |• 4E |∙ The types of vegetables and |red tractor and organic |• Explain the |

| | |∙ Protein – High Biological and Low |∙ 6A |alternative meat products |• Produce a manufacturing flowchart showing how |different methods you |

| | |Biological Value and the essential 22 |∙ 6B |∙ Fair Trade, red tractor and organic |the vegetarian recipe would be made in |would use to preserve |

| | |amino acids | |PowerPoint |manufacturing and by what computer systems |your organic fruit |

| | |• The different types of religions and| |∙ Protein PowerPoint including HBV and |• Theory lesson on Protein. |dessert ready for |

| | |the vegetarian / vegan diets that they| |LBV and the essential 22 amino acids |• Practical; produce a dessert using organic |sale. What would be |

| | |follow | |∙ Sensory evaluation sheets using fresh |fruit |the shelf life of the |

| | |∙ Cooking using organic fruit | |fruit |• Demonstration on how to make dishes using |product? |

| | |∙ How to cook using tofu, soya milk, | |∙ Tofu, Soya milk, Soya spread recipes |tofu, soya milk, soya spread etc…. | |

| | |soya spread etc…. | |PowerPoint |∙ List the methods you would use to preserve | |

| | |∙ Preservation methods | |∙ Preservation methods PowerPoint |your organic fruit dessert | |

| | |• Extension activities (no longer | |• Extension activities: |• PowerPoint on the different types of religions| |

| | |needed under exam board changes): | |∙ CAM worksheets |and the vegetarian / vegan diets that they | |

| | |∙ Different computer equipment used in| |▪ Risks: Students have received correct |follow | |

| | |manufacturing; sensor, data logging | |training in how to use all equipment but|∙ Differentiation: SEN Students: Students are | |

| | |and control | |must now work safely when cooking |given sheets with pictures that correctly label | |

| | |▪ Healthy eating focus: Students must | |alternative meat products like quorn to |foods into LBV and HBV groups Fill in the gap | |

| | |understand how to replace the protein | |ensure that they are safe to eat |sheets are provided for any written work. | |

| | |in the diet that can be lost by | | |Students are given set recipes to follow. G and| |

| | |becoming a vegetarian. Students must | | |T students: Students are able to label the | |

| | |also be able to correctly identify | | |ingredient sin their recipes that are organic or| |

| | |forms of HBV protein and LBV in order | | |Fair Trade and write a brief description | |

| | |to eat their recommended daily amount.| | |explaining the difference. | |

| | | | | |∙ Extension: Design and make a product that | |

| | |▪ Assessment for learning: Oral | | |would be suitable for vegans. Explain their | |

| | |assessment: Feedback of grades from | | |special dietary requirements. | |

| | |the teacher for practical work | | |▪ Literacy: A list of alternative meat products | |

| | |produced. Written assessment: | | |for vegetarians. To learn the different types of| |

| | | | | |vegetarian and the foods they have to avoid. | |

| | | | | |▪ Numeracy: To be able to calculate the value of| |

| | | | | |HBV and LBV foods in order to achieve eating the| |

| | | | | |22 amino acids. | |

| | | | | |▪ ICT: Use a search engine to find information | |

| | | | | |on the different types of vegetarians and the | |

| | | | | |different types of alternative protein product | |

| | | | | |that they eat | |

|23 to 24 |∙ Design and make a cook-chill meal|∙ Developing a given design brief |• 1A |∙ Design briefs |∙ Brainstorm a design brief |∙ Complete the design |

|1 weeks |that would be used in an NHS |∙ Producing a brainstorm and design |• 1D |∙ Cooked chilled recipe for several |∙ Develop a specification in response to the |ideas sheet showing 1 |

|3 |hospital and is suitable for a |ideas sheet for recipe |• 1E |special diets |design brief |illustration of your |

|lessons |patient with heart disease, celiac |• Practical: cook-chill meal suitable |• 1G |• Nutrients package and computer room |∙ Produce a design ideas sheet with a labelled |chosen cook – chill |

| |disease or lactose intolerant |for a special diet |• 2A |• Cooked chilled PowerPoint |sketch of the design |meal, explain how it |

| | |• Quality Control and Quality |• 2B |• Extension activities: |∙ Practical; produce a cook–chill meal for a |is nutritionally |

| | |Assurance |• 2C |∙ Types of packaging PowerPoint |special diet |balanced and how it |

| | |• Use the nutrients package in ICT to |• 2D |presentations |∙ Theory lesson on cook–chill and temperature |caters for a special |

| | |analyse the nutritional content of the|• 3B |∙ What must be displayed on packaging by|control |diet |

| | |dish design |• 3D |law PowerPoint |• Differentiation: SEN Students: Students will | |

| | |• Extension activities (no longer |• 4A |∙ 3D model examples and nets |be given a set cook-chill recipe to follow | |

| | |needed under exam board changes): |• 4B |• Sainsbury’s case study worksheets |(lasagne) and experiment with freezing the dish | |

| | |• CAM; data logging, sensor and |• 4C |• British Nutrition Foundation CD Rom |after it has been made. G and T Students: | |

| | |control |∙ 5Ai |• British Nutrition Foundation case |Students will be able to produce a cook-chill | |

| | |• Specification |∙ 5Aii |study worksheets |meal that caters for a number of special dietary| |

| | |• The different types of packaging |∙ 5Aiii |• HACCP flowchart worksheets |requirements in one dish | |

| | |materials and shapes |∙ 6B |∙ CAM; data logging, sensor and control |• Literacy: A list of the different types of | |

| | |• What must be displayed on packaging |∙ 6C |PowerPoints |special diets in current society and the | |

| | |by law | |∙ Manufacturing specification flowcharts|guidelines to which those diets have to stick. | |

| | |• Make a 3D model for the packaging of| |∙ Quality Assurance and Quality Control |• Numeracy: To be able to calculate the | |

| | |your cook–chill meal | |PowerPoint |difference in temperatures needed according to | |

| | |• Use internet to complete Sainsbury’s| |• Risks: Students will learn how to use |cooking, chilling, freezing, blast chilling, and| |

| | |case study worksheet on cooked chilled| |the freezer and fridge to control micro |the different types of temperatures used on | |

| | |meals | |production. Students have received |different types of equipment | |

| | |• HACCP flowcharts | |correct training in how to use all |• ICT: Use a search engine to find a suitable | |

| | |∙ Manufacturing specification | |equipment but must now work safely when |cooked chilled food recipe | |

| | |∙ Use the British Nutrition Foundation| |cooking cooked chilled meals to ensure |• Extension activities: | |

| | |CD Rom to complete a case study on CAM| |that they are safe to eat |• Theory lesson on the different types of | |

| | |and cook–chill foods | | |packaging | |

| | |∙ Cook–chill process and temperature | | |• Theory lesson on what must be displayed on | |

| | |control | | |packaging by law | |

| | |• Healthy eating focus: Students will | | |• Design and make a 3D model for the packaging | |

| | |have a brief insight into the range of| | |of your dish design | |

| | |dietary requirements that are | | |• Log onto the Sainsbury’s website and answer | |

| | |currently evident in today’s society. | | |the questions on cook – chill meals | |

| | |Students will learn how to make their | | |• Produce a HACCP flowchart for your design | |

| | |own healthy cooked chilled meal that | | |• Type up a label for your dish design using the| |

| | |is free from colourings, preservatives| | |nutrients package in ICT | |

| | |and additives. | | |• Theory lesson on CAM and data logging, sensor | |

| | |• Assessment for learning: Oral | | |and control | |

| | |assessment – from the teacher when | | |∙ Produce a manufacturing specification for your| |

| | |marking the cooked chilled meal | | |design | |

| | |designed written assessment on marking| | |• Use the BNF CD Rom to complete the case study | |

| | |the design drawn. | | |of a virtual tour of a factory producing cook – | |

| | | | | |chill meals | |

| | | | | |∙ Differentiation: | |

| | | | | |∙ Extension: | |

|24 to 32 |∙ Exam revision using the |∙ |• |∙ |∙ |∙ |

|9 weeks |preparation sheet and exam leave | | | | | |

|27 lessons | | | | | | |


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