Learning at home - Year 4 Week beginning 6th July 2020

All work can be completed in your blue book. We hope to see examples of fantastic work on our class Facebook group!

Please remember it is not necessary to print off any work- write your answers to the tasks in your exercise book or on paper.


Detailed instructions of what to do each day are posted directly on to the year group home learning page.

Remember to check Wordy’s word of the week. Do you know what it means? Can you use it as part of your spoken or written vocabulary?


We will be revising the names of different types of angles. We will be looking at what angles have in common with each other and what makes them different. We will estimate angles and learn the properties of various types of angles. We will use angle makers to experiment with different amounts of degrees and investigate the angles around us.

For each lesson, complete the lesson on the link below and complete the activity in the following booklet:

| |First |Follow up with |

|Monday | a go at the independent task and end of lesson quiz at the end of |

| |-to-compare-and-order-angles |the National Academy lesson |

|Tuesday | a go at the independent task and end of lesson quiz at the end of |

| |-to-identify-right-angles |the National Academy lesson |

|Wednesday | a go at the independent task and end of lesson quiz at the end of |

| |-to-identify-acute-and-obtuse-angles |the National Academy lesson |

|Thursday | a go at the independent task and end of lesson quiz at the end of |

| |-to-investigate-angles-within-shapes |the National Academy lesson |

|Friday | a go at the independent task and end of lesson quiz at the end of |

| |-to-solve-problems-based-on-angles |the National Academy lesson |

| | |Then have a go at the ‘hot challenge’ from below |


For more ways to classify shapes (based on angles and side length) use the following link:

Remember to practise your times tables everyday by using your timetables rockstars account!

If you want to learn songs to help you to remember our new learning, you can use the number fun portal


|Look |Say |Write |Cover |Check |

|suppression | | | | |

|succession | | | | |

|progression | | | | |

|profession | | | | |

|mission | | | | |

|impression | | | | |

|expression | | | | |

|discussion | | | | |

|depression | | | | |

|aggression | | | | |

Practice these words and learn how to spell them (use look, cover, reveal).

Find out what the words mean and then write down their definitions.

Write a sentence for each word using it in context.


Ask an adult or a sibling to test you!


Our nearest airport in Manchester Airport- have you even travelled from here? They recently extended the Airport to increase the amount of flights and facilities for people to use when they are there.


Using the document ‘Fun facts about Manchester Airport’ and your own research, make a leaflet to persuade people to fly from/to the airport.


Why would making the airport bigger not be an advantage? Consider the following:

• Traffic

• Local Wildlife

• Emissions (flying)


Make a lava lamp-Before you start this experiment, get an adult or a sibling to explain to you what you need to do. Make a prediction about what you think will happen when you put the peanuts into the fizzy drink? Why do you think this will happen?

Gas bubbles grow on the peanuts, making them float upwards. When they reach the top, the bubbles burst and the peanuts fall back down again.

Was your prediction right? Write up your conclusion of what happened when you put the peanuts into the fizzy drink


The Sacrament of Reconciliation: contrition.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is also called Confession, Penance and Sacrament of Forgiveness. It has been given to us to confess or acknowledge our sins, seek forgiveness and be reconciled to God and one another. It is like a bridge. It helps Christians to live as followers of Jesus, knowing that forgiveness leads to joy and peace. In this sacrament, those receiving it may be sure of the love and mercy of God.

The most important thing that people preparing to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation need is to be sorry for their sins. There is a special word for this – ‘contrition’. When you have had a quarrel with someone, you can never make up unless you are really and truly sorry – that is, if you have contrition. It is about realising the consequences of what you have done, the hurt you have caused to others, as well as to yourself. When you have contrition, you will try very hard not to sin again and there will be peace in your heart.

Explain how God expects us to build bridges with our family and friends before we can take our place in church. Listen to what Jesus says in Matthew’s Gospel:

So if you are about to offer your gift to God at the altar and there you remember that another has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar, go at once and make peace with that person, and then come back and offer your gift to God. Matthew 5: 23-24 (GN)



Q What is the man in the picture is doing?

Q What makes you think he is sorry for something?

Q How does this picture make you feel?

Q How do you feel when you have done something wrong?

Q What is the next thing you might do?

Q How does sin affect others and yourself?

Q Why is contrition so important?

Q Why did Jesus say that it is no good putting gifts on the altar if you are not at peace with someone?


← Write out the different names for this sacrament and what they mean and give reasons why you think they are good names.

← Think of ways in which being sorry might be expressed in our daily lives and you might have contrition. Explain how people might feel if they did that.

← Compile a glossary of words associated with the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Create three columns; one for the word, the second for its meaning and a third one called ‘in daily life’ where examples of the meaning of the word can be recorded; e.g. Reconciliation – bringing together – you can build bridges with someone when you forgive them or they forgive you.

← Take time to pause and reflect. Write your own prayer of sorrow to God. It will be called an Act of Contrition.


Try and keep fit and active by exercising every day for at least 30 minutes.

kS2 – Exercise and Fitness

Joe Wicks - Active 8 minute workout 1.

Joe Wicks - Active 8 minute workout 2.

Joe Wicks - Active 8 minute workout 3.

Joe Wicks - Active 8 minute workout 4.

Joe Wicks - Active 8 minute workout 5.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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