Commack Schools

Due Date: Thursday 1/16/20

Part I: Research

For your final grade you will write a 2 page research paper or 10 slide power point comparing two different psychological disorders.

On the following page is a categorical list psychological disorders that individuals suffer from. There nine categories and under each category is a list of different specific types of psychological disorder one can suffer from. Chose a category and compare and contrast to different types of disorders from that category. If you wish you may also compare and contrast different specific disorders from different categories.

Component of Paper or Power Point:

1. Causes of the disorder.

a. 3-4 causes and a discussion as to what may be the most significant cause.

b. A description as to how scientists determined these causes.

2. Symptoms of the disorder.

a. Listing all important symptoms that someone with the disorder would display.

b. A short discussion of how these illnesses poses challenges in terms of; getting a job, being in a relationship and contributing positively towards society.

3. Treatments of the disorder. 2-3 treatment approaches which could include describing specific therapy techniques and how medications work. You must discuss the pros and cons of different treatment options. (side effects of medications, surgeries, etc.)

4. Works Cited page with all sources used.

Please Note:

• For each of these (especially causes and treatments) there is not complete agreement between psychologists. Discuss as many competing theories and the positives and negatives of each. For example: psychologists do not agree on the causes or treatments of depression. There are many theories. You may discuss one along with their criticisms if any.

• You must create a works cited page and cite the websites or the books that you used to get your information.

• Remember: Put everything into your own words!!

Listed below are websites you may wish to visit while conducting your research:


55% of Americans will suffer from a mental disorder during their lifetime (according to a 2005 study reported on in the NY Times). What are these disorders? How are they caused? Treated? And what impact does this have on American society?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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