Social factors which affect food choice

Social factors which affect food choice

• The influence of our upbringing and the family in which we live

• The area in which we live

• Changing lifestyles

• The influence of our friends and the social groups to which we belong, for example, school, church, clubs, sporting activities

• Peer group pressure, what everyone else is eating often influences our choice of food

• Religious beliefs and festivals

Task 1 – family background

What type of foods do you eat in your family? Do you all sit down and have an evening meal together, write up at least one large paragraph explaining how your family’s lifestyle affects the diet you eat and when and where you eat.

Task 2 – where you live

Where you live has a big affect on the provisions an availability of different foods, often people living in the country in winter have to stock up on essential foods. List as many different groups and types of shops that you can think of. Make a chart as below

|Groups of people or location |Types of shops |Advantage and disadvantage |

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Task 3 – changing lifestyle

In families where both parents work there is less time for preparing meals and fewer families sit down together to eat an evening meal. People spend more time travelling to and from work, or work shifts, so it may not be convenient for them to eat together in the evening. Family members may also be involved in clubs and sporting activities after school or work, which can make it difficult for them all to eat at the same time.

There are many different types of families, i.e. both parents work, you are requested to write up a menu for two using convenience foods. Create a PowerPoint and explain how you could use convenience foods in a healthy way.

Task 4 – influence of friends and social groups

Children like to eat what their friends are eating in order to fit in. Teenagers, in particular, will eat pizza and drink fizzy drinks with friends, even if they many not normally choose these foods. This is known as per pressure. Adults will often choose the same kind of food as their friends or they may recommend restaurants to other people in their social groups.

You are asked to come up with a homemade menu for teenagers (adolescence) for a group of friends make this a special celebration dinner. Follow the PowerPoint templates above.

Task 5 – religious beliefs and festivals

Complete the chart explaining the different major festivals associated with food and what foods are permitted.


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